In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3152: 9 body testimony

Dharma King Buranshi looked at Ji Haotian, and suddenly he smiled and said: "Ji Haotian, isn't there still you? The Goddess of Lifeless Beginning is your imperial grandmother, and you are the person whom Goddess of Lifeless Beginning values ​​most, as long as you speak for us Beg for mercy, and the Mother Goddess of Lifeless Beginning will surely forgive us."

Ji Haotian shook his head and said, "You think too much, I won't intercede for you. You have offended my grandmother, and you deserve it."

Dharma King Buranshi smiled and said, "We are not friends yet. It is normal for you to think so. After we become friends, I think you will change our minds."

Ji Haotian said, "I didn't plan to be friends with you."

The King of Dharma said: "It doesn't matter, we just plan to be friends with you."

He said that his body suddenly shone with colored light, and nine dazzling colored lights struck Ji Haotian like nine lightning bolts!

The foresighted Ji Haotian quickly demonstrated the transcendent super-all-round exercise method—the method of cultivating the Dao of Heaven and the Nine Bodies. The Qi of the Innate Nine Ancestors turned into nine paths of endless colored light that destroyed everything, like nine colored thunderbolts, which slammed violently and violently. go up!

The Way of Heaven's Nine Bodies Verification Method: The super-almost all-powerful method, only the souls who have the body of Heaven's Way and understand the Way of Heaven can practice, that is, the Way of Heaven, the Way of Heaven, the Way of Heaven, the Way of Heaven, the Way of Heaven itself, the True Body of Heavenly Way, and the traces of Heavenly Way The body, the body of the heaven, the avatar of the heaven, the incarnation of the heaven, and the nine bodies can become the master of the heaven. The strength and power of the body are comparable to the treasure of creation, and it can become a super starry sky giant as huge as a super galaxy, opening up the world. , Destroying Hongmeng, stepping on the heavens and the world, crushing hundreds of millions of stars, absolutely transcending everything, ignoring everything, omniscient and omnipotent, immortal and immortal.

The nine bodies of the Heavenly Dao are transformed by the Qi of the Nine Innate Ancestors, and possess nine supreme supernatural powers, which are:

The Tao of Heaven and the Body of Heaven - the ancestral spirit of the ancestors, the body that opened the sky and created the world

The body of the Dao of Heaven - the ancestral spirit of the innate Dao, the body of the infinite Dao

Dharma Body of the Way of Heaven - Innate ancestral spirit, all dharmas return to one body

The Dao of Heaven itself - the innate ancestral spirit, the origin of the Dao

The true body of the Tao of Heaven - the innate true ancestral spirit, the body of the ultimate truth

Heaven's Path Trace Body - Innate trace ancestral spirit, no trace of the body

The way of heaven should respond to the body - the innate responds to the ancestral spirit, and the body is too sensitive

Heavenly Dao Clone - Innate division of ancestral energy, clones of billions of bodies

Incarnation of the Way of Heaven - Innate ancestral energy, ever-changing body

The Nine Body of Heaven is beyond and above everything, including time, space, matter, spirit, fantasy, thinking, consciousness, meaning and everything, beyond any definition and above any meaning, any definition, any thing , Any substance has no meaning to the eight bodies of the heavenly way. The heavenly way and the eight bodies transcend complete existence and complete non-existence, and reach the realm of neither non-existence nor non-existence, neither existence nor non-existence, neither non-existence nor non-existence. non-existent.

Therefore, all infinity and infinity, all self-existence, and all eternity have no meaning to the eight bodies of heaven. It is forever beyond the metaphysical, spiritual, and material existence, opening the sky, creating the world, creating things, governing everything, Modifying everything, obliterating everything, ignoring everything in time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws, etc., these are just insignificant illusions in front of the eight bodies of heaven.

The Nine Bodies of Heaven transcend all time, all strength, all high and low, all evaluation, all laws, all numbers, all worldviews, all systems, all levels, all spirits, all levels, all religions, all literature, all non-existence, all existence , all languages, all cultures, all inviolable, all rankings, all spaces, all written descriptions, all indefinables, all concepts, all thinking understandings, all boundaries, all origins, all phenomena, all logics, all dreams and all creations , all concepts.

The Nine Body of Heaven is neither destiny nor concept, it is all different possibilities, in one of these possibilities, all the absolute truths of the billions of beings in the universe create their own view of the universe; infinite possibilities in every moment Repeated cycle of destruction under the nine bodies of heaven, and then there will be no final consciousness, free consciousness, no more impossible, indefinable, inconceivable, indescribable, incomparable, in any metaphysical and any form.

In a word, there are seven kinds of abilities of the Nine Bodies of the Heavenly Dao to prove the Dao Dharma:

1. Make practitioners possess nine supreme supernatural powers.

2. Having nine immortal bodies is equivalent to having nine lives.

3. Dao's physical ability becomes a super star giant with unlimited power.

Fourth, the strength and power of the Tao body can finally reach a level comparable to the treasure of creation.

5. It is absolutely impossible to be analyzed, deduced, divination, predicted, tracked, detected, sensed, cursed, interfered, recognized, dominated or controlled by any form of analysis, deduction, divination, prediction, tracking, detection, induction, curse, interference.

Sixth, it can instantly turn every atom in all universes into countless universes, and can instantly destroy countless universes.

7. Be able to narrate all text, character setting, character strength, story background, all definable and undefinable, plot development, unappeared, existing concepts and logic, characters, and any author in the work as you like. Everything that may be written can be manipulated, dominated, modified, abolished, ignored, rewritten at will.