In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3194: Grilled Chimera Kebabs

The Chimera man scolded angrily: "Fart, I'm not a Chimera, I'm a Chimera!"

Ji Haotian said impatiently, "Almost, you can get out of here if you're fine."

The Chimera man said: "Almost? It's a lot worse, can beauty and ugliness be the same? I am a Chimera, not a Chichora!"

Ji Haotian asked, "Are you beautiful?"

The Chimera man said proudly: "Of course I am beautiful, otherwise why would I be called Chimera?"

The golden **** of the universe, Xiyue Xinli, said disdainfully, "You look so ugly and disgusting, you should be called the Qi Chou La clan!"

The Chimera man looked at Xikey Xinli and said in surprise, "Huh? Why is there still someone here?"

WestKey Xinli: …

The Chimera man suddenly said fiercely to Xikey Xinli: "Boy, how dare you speak rudely to me, are you courting death? Kneel down immediately, kowtow to confess your guilt, and accept my death trial!"

He then shouted fiercely to Ji Haotian: "And you, this cub, lie on the ground immediately, I want to drink your blood and eat your flesh."

Ji Haotian ignored him and said to Xiyao Xinli, "Why do I feel that the meat of this Chimera tribe looks delicious, have you ever eaten Chimera meat?"

Xi Yao Xinli nodded and said, "I've eaten grilled chimera meat. It's very fragrant and delicious. It's more chewy than dragon meat, and it's delicious!"

Ji Haotian is a foodie. Hearing that, his eyes lit up, and he was drooling over the chimera meat, and said, "Roast chimera meat and drink peerless wine, it should be very good!"

West Key Xinli said excitedly: "It's very good, it's a very good enjoyment! Haotian, what are you waiting for, hurry up? Kill this Chimera, let's grill the Chimera meat together and drink the best wine! I have quite a few rare and unparalleled wines, I invite you to drink!"

Ji Haotian said happily, "Okay, let's do it, kill this Chimera!"

West Key Xinli said, "You're welcome, can you do it?"

Ji Haotian said, "You are stronger than me, can you do it?"

Xi Yue Xinli said, "I'm injured, so it's not appropriate to make a big move, or you should do it?"

Ji Haotian said: "You don't have to fight, you are so powerful, you can stab this Chimera to death with one finger, so you should do it?"

The Chimera man was furious, and suddenly violently smashed Xiang Ji Haotian and Xikey Xinli.

Ji Haotian and West Key Xinli joined forces, one activated the super-all-powerful power and the other activated the all-powerful power to suppress the might of the ancients with the might of thunder, and it was a violent and indiscriminate bombardment against the Chimera men. !

Not long after, the two joined forces to beat the Chimera man to death, and the Chimera after his death also showed a terrifying prototype.

Ji Haotian and West Key Xinli cleaned up the Chimera people at the same time, dressed them into various meat skewers, set up a large grill, and started grilling Chimera skewers.

Grilled Chimera Kebabs, Grilled Chimera Ribs, Grilled Chimera Hearts, Grilled Chimera Skins, Grilled Chimera Hearts, Grilled Chimera Heart Tubes, Grilled Chimera Skeletons, Grilled Chimera Ribs, and more.

The two sat next to the big grill and started grilling all kinds of chimera skewers. Xikey Xinli brought out a lot of exquisite wine, including white wine, beer and red wine.

Not long after, the grilled chimera skewers were cooked, and the two of them sat beside the big grill and began to drink heartily in large bowls, eating meat, chatting while eating, and enjoying themselves.

The two were eating and drinking to their heart's content, and the aroma of wine and meat soon attracted a Minotaur, a Razor Beast, and a Giant Elephant Demon.

Minotaur: The shape is like a huge minotaur, it is a huge and ferocious carnivorous monster. These ferocious muscles are raised high, and the developed muscles are all over the body. Every inch of thick skin with barbs is like a The giant sword-like horns can smash a mountain into shreds with just a single pick, and a planet can be shattered like tofu by waving the giant arm full of muscles at will. When ordinary magical weapons touch their tough skin It bounces off feebly. UU Reading

These monsters are so powerful that their roar can be used as a weapon. When a Minotaur roars loudly, its power is enough to shatter the eardrums and even the internal organs of all creatures in a world.

Razor Beast: If you want to kill yourself quickly, go find a Razor Beast! Among the countless ugly monsters in the heavens and the world, none can be as frightening and abhorrent as the Razor Beasts. The body of this huge monster is often as large as five brown bears combined, or even more exaggerated. They're like giant wild boars, porcupines, and the worst of human beings combined to produce monsters, exuding a primitive sense of violent violence. Contrary to their rugged appearance, the Razorcs have their own social system and class status, and when they come together, they form an unstoppable storm of bloodthirsty.

Giant Elephant Demon Race: When the whole woodland became silent, the giant trees that were like city walls were pushed down one after another, and a thunderous roar sounded, all of which foreshadowed that a giant elephant Demon Race was moving nearby. Of all the monsters that move in the woodlands, few can compare to the monstrous and twisted creations of the Giant Elephant Demon, with a huge twisted elephant skull and a giant barbed tusk bigger than a spire. The long, twisted body resembles a moving mountain of ash, and its mouth is full of fangs and fangs, swallowing everything that comes close. When the Giant Elephant Demons eat more, their distorted and depraved bodies will swell even more. As a synonym for gluttony, the Giant Elephant Demons will devour all creatures they encounter, whether plants or animals, dead or alive. , Crazy Saihai is the only thing that the giant elephant demons consider, and the appetite of those giant elephant demons that have mutated extremely huge is especially bottomless.