In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3281: Infinite Almighty Universe

"Boom!" A loud bang that shook the heavens and the world!

"Ah!" A shrill scream cut through the sky!

Under the shocked and frightened gaze of the alchemist general Wang Yanjin Zhendong, the mysterious and unknown Gate of Cause in the core of Ji Haotian's soul source instantly radiated endless white light, instantly suppressing the remnant soul of the powerful ancient thunder demon ancestor!

Immediately afterwards, Ji Haotian's Chaos Ancestral Thunder's Origin Thunder Seed quickly forcibly swallowed and refined the remnant soul of the ancient Thunder Demon Ancestor!

After devouring and refining the remnant soul of the ancient thunder demon ancestor, the source thunder seed of the Chaos Ancestral Thunder of Heavenly Dao quickly broke through and upgraded to level one hundred and three...

Time is like an arrow, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles.

One hundred years later.

The supreme total universe, also known as the supreme core universe, is the "total universe" composed of countless almighty universes and countless other universes. , reality, universe, plane, dimension, dimension, etc. all cosmology.

All logical thinking and conceptual systems...and the worldviews, things, narratives, universes, dimensions, and dimensions that they refer to and cannot be referred to... are all infinitely one-part nonexistent particles. It is all narratives. And the origin of the cosmology, the narrative concept and itself were born from the supreme total universe, any narrative cosmology, no matter how much you stack boxes or play with the philosophy of magic sticks, is all born from here. Contains all the "yes" and "nonsense" of everything meaningful and meaningless, definable and indefinable in all senses, and a trivial particle in it transcends all mathematical concepts (far beyond absolute truth). Infinite and Number Universe), but also contains the absolute true infinity, the true infinity contains everything inside, and has any properties (including holographic properties), and the outer ceiling-level cosmology, and narrative echelon, ladder, matrix is ​​one of them , created by the dissolution of the existence of the universes in the supreme total universe into countless cosmic sources.

The supreme total universe is the oldest, most developed, and cruelest super-almighty core universe of all time and space, including all worlds, universes, space-time, nothingness, vacuum, origin, civilization..., all intelligible and incomprehensible The category of the universe is one infinite fraction of it, so it is called the supreme total universe, also known as the supreme core universe.

The supreme total universe transcends all time, space, plane, time and space, world, dimension, quadrant, reality, dimension, universe, narrative, domain, aspect, hierarchy, cause and effect, existence itself, class, value, concept definition, series setting , world view, etc., the sum of everything, beyond all universe and all reality, all existence and all nonexistence, universe, time, space, dimension, dimension plus all recursion and every iteration. The entire supreme total universe contains all unimaginable things that no life and consciousness can imagine, and gave birth to all dimensions and forms of existence such as cosmic reality. Beyond omnipotence, omnipresence, encompassing, and encompassing, it even devours all existence, thereby transforming into all forms of source power, absolute nothingness, primordial ether, chaotic primordial, existence itself, and all growth (recursion, iteration... ) and all existence and non-existence belong to the Supreme Total Universe.

Infinite Almighty Universe Country, one of the five ultimate almighty cosmic kingdoms, the ultimate kingdom of all races in the universe dominated by the energy clan, ruling the infinite almighty universe, the center of national governance is located in the ultimate life planet of the Neng clan, Neng Zuxing Infinite Universe Mountain, 3,000 Almighty Universe Country ranked fifth.

Nengzu Star, the ultimate life planet of all races in the universe dominated by the Neng family, is the seat of the national ruling center of the infinite and omnipotent cosmic kingdom.

The life planets of the supreme universe are divided into nine levels, from low to high:

Low-level life planet, primary life planet, intermediate life planet, high-level life planet, top-level life planet, super life planet, super life planet, ultimate life planet, and ultimate life planet (exist only in legends).

The power of the supreme universe is divided into nine levels, from low to high:

Low-level forces, primary forces, middle-level forces, high-level forces, top-level forces, super-level forces, super-powers, ultimate powers, and ultimate powers (only in legends).

The Neng family: also known as the energy gods, one of the ten major races in the universe. The image is similar to the human purple race. The pure Neng family has four heads and eight arms, and a few impure Neng people have three heads and six arms.

The height of the Neng people, both men and women, is generally more than two meters. Their faces are slightly long and thin. Most of the Neng people have slightly pointed chins, mostly melon-shaped and oval faces. Neng people have long and slender eyebrows, tall and long noses, but smaller nose tips and slightly narrower nose wings; most Neng people have thin lips and small mouths; long and large ears are close to the head. The Neng people will keep their hair long and well-groomed, and their hair will not be messy. Their purple eyes are bright and sharp, their vision and hearing are far superior to other races, and they can see everything billions of miles away.

The skin of the Neng tribe is lavender, and the hair is mostly purple. Most of their pupils are purple pupils, and a few impure Neng tribes have black pupils.

The number of energy clans is extremely large, and they are spread over infinite almighty universes. They are born to be closely integrated with various energies of the universe, and rely on absorbing various energies in the universe to enhance themselves. They can create, destroy, devour, manipulate, dominate, ignore, change, and ingest. , twist, differentiate, gather, absorb, and refine all kinds of energy in the universe.