In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3287: Then the Dharma Venerable

The Holy Land of Divinity is a mysterious super heavenly blessed land, which contains endless innate divine aura. The supreme beings can absorb the congenital divine energy through refining to ignite or enhance their divinity.

The supreme beings in the supreme universe are also called gods. The essence of the gods is composed of five basic elements, namely: divine power, divine fire, divine nature, divine personality, and clergy.

The five elements of the Most High (Gods) are:

1. Divine Power: As the name implies, it is the original force of God, the specific existence and manifestation of the power of God.

2. Divinity: Divinity is, to a certain extent, a unique characteristic of God. For God, divinity is related to the mysterious energy of a deity’s character, beliefs, rules of action, and camp bias. Mortals can gain lifespan-increasing abilities by absorbing divinity. But this is also dangerous, because divinity contains the character and beliefs of the gods, and the immortals are the primordial spirit. The gods after the fall are likely to occupy the nests and reanimate the gods through the divinity absorbed by the mortals. Of course, of course More often, the collectors obliterate the original information of the gods in the divine nature and then absorb it by themselves, becoming the key to ignite the fire of their own.

3. Shenhuo: The source of self-generated divine power, and a tool to convert the power of belief into divine power. In a sense, the fire of the gods is lit to qualify for the self-proclaimed gods. If divine power is electricity, then divine fire is a power plant.

Shenhuo is the foundation of divine sacrifice. It is much simpler for a strong person who possesses divine fire but does not possess divine personality to become a god. After possessing divine fire, as long as you acquire enough power of belief and have relevant guidance and knowledge, it will be a matter of course to condense into a godhead. But it is very difficult to have a godhead but not have a divine fire to become a god. Because lighting the magic fire is quite dangerous, cumbersome and has a low success rate.

4. Godhead: The measure of the total amount of God's power is also the measure of God's evolutionary level. Level 1 of Godhead is weak, level 2 to 5 is weak, level 6 to 14 is medium, level 15 to 19 is powerful, and level 20 and above... is a god, that is, a super god. The primordial power, the super primordial power is the super primordial godhead.

5. Priesthood: The specific embodiment of the scope of God's power, and also the source of God's absorption of power, which is related to the power attributes of the gods and the attributes of believers. Priesthood is often closely related to the Godhead and is a derivative of the Godhead. The same priesthood with weaker or higher powers tends to merge spontaneously or consciously, and there may often only be one weaker or higher godpower in the same priesthood. Even if coexistence is possible for a short period of time, a war will inevitably occur in the end, and the victor will completely possess this priesthood, while the loser will lose it.

In the divine sacred realm like a secret realm outside the world, the strange mountains stand, the mountains are continuous, the green and steep, the clouds cover the fog, and the endless golden innate divine aura pervades them, like a magical world of pale gold.

There is a secluded valley deep in the mountains of the Holy Land of Divinity. There are golden bamboo forests in the valley. The innate divine energy is relatively strong, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is also very rich. It is a treasure land among treasure places.

There is an open green grass among the golden bamboo forests in the Golden Bamboo Valley, and there is a beautiful golden lotus platform on the green grass. Practice with eyes closed.

The Ten Great Dharma Venerables of the Universe: also known as the Supreme Ten Great Laws of the Universe and the Ten Great Immortal Venerables of the Universe. They are from the mysterious and ancient immortals. They are ten young geniuses of the immortal race with creation-level Taoist souls and creation-level supernatural powers. They are mysterious and unpredictable. , The supernatural powers are vast and extraordinary. They are the reincarnations of super-primitive powers who have spent seventy-five chaotic ages, but they all have seventy-eight chaotic ages. This is their secret, and no one knows the reason. They have omniscient, omnipotent, and eternal Tai Brahma souls. Their Tai Brahma souls are sealed with seventy-eight chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases. Their cultivation is just to get back their own power.

The Ten Great Dharma Venerables of the universe are all super-powerful people with great wisdom and supernatural powers. They have a pair of magical and powerful golden fairy wings on their backs. They are tall and handsome, with extraordinary powers and supernatural powers. They have a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind their heads. , Ten people have ten almighty treasures, the ten laws of the universe, the divine whip, and the combined power of the ten whips is comparable to the creation of the treasure. In addition, they also possess ten treasures of infinite power, known as the Ten Great Laws of the Universe.

Immortals: also known as the cosmos immortals, an ancient and mysterious ultimate ancient clan in the universe, there are very few records of them in the ancient books of the universe. Legend has it that at the beginning of the division of heaven and earth, when Hongmeng first opened, they were born together with the wind of Hongmeng. Immortals live in the mysterious fairyland or fairy universe, and possess extremely mysterious and powerful fairy power.

The physique of the immortal race is very similar to that of the human yellow race, but compared to humans, their bodies are more slender, thinner and lighter. They have proud immortal wings, facing the icy wind, they can soar straight to the sky, travel beyond dimensions, jump in space, and freely travel through infinite multiverses at will.

The men of the immortal race are very The women are quite beautiful, immortal, and extraordinary. It is a fighting race with vast magical powers and boundless mana, so its appearance is vigorous and flawless. Immortals, both male and female, are brave and good at fighting, especially good at immortal arts, immortal methods and immortal arts.

The immortals are arrogant, because they are the favored favors of the gods. Compared with other races, they can control the powerful force of the cosmic elements. The universe is made up of the movement and changes of twelve elements, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, light, darkness, wind, thunder, air, ice, and fog. This is the origin of the nature of the universe. Insults affect the operation of the universe and the fate of all things, and at the same time make the universe cycle endlessly. Immortals master natural power and elemental power, and can instantly turn enemies into flying ashes. As the spirits of all things in the universe and the favor of the heavens, before the legendary fairy-magic universe war, they once appeared in infinite multiverses as kings over the world, and dominated and dominated infinite multiverses as absolute universe overlords. Other biological races, for unknown reasons, the immortal race retreated to the mysterious immortal world or immortal universe, becoming the ultimate hermit race that is mysterious, ancient and transcendent, rarely appearing in the infinite multiverse.

The Ten Great Dharma Venerables in the universe are: The Dharma Venerable First Righteous Empty Dharma Venerable, The Dharma Venerable Dharma Venerable Who Knows All, The Dharma Venerable Dharma Venerable Only in Spiritual Light, The Dharma Venerable Dharma Venerable Removing the Roots and Dust, The Dharma Venerable Dharma Venerable Before It Appeared, The Dharma Venerable Being Changed In A Moment, The Dharma Venerable Ignorance Through Kalpas Venerable, then across the sky, the Dharma Venerable, Zhan Ran Changji Dharma Venerable, and the Dharma Venerable Abiding Quiet Light.

Dharma Venerable Bian Gesiao Rang: The God of Bian Gesiao Rang, possessing the divine personality of Bian Ging Lei Rang Law, and the head of Bian G E G Rang Law, the image is a beautiful man of the immortal race with the immortal body of Bian Ging Rang, wearing a white gold crown and wearing a white dharma Robe, with a pair of golden radiant fairy wings on the back, golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind the head, with the creation-level supernatural power of the law of the sky, the almighty treasure in the palm - the magic whip of the law of the sky, the treasure of Hongmeng ——Then there is a legal net across the sky.