In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3311: Heavenly Doomsday Profound Righteousness

Under the shocked and terrified gazes of the powerful Jitne tribe, Ji Haotian used the infinitely powerful method of cultivating the nine bodies of the heavenly way, and instantly suppressed the ignorant Dharma Venerable who was caught off guard to the ground!

Then Ji Haotian used the infinite power beyond the Supreme Treasure Heavenly Dao Pagoda to instantly forcibly deprive and collect the profound meaning of the heavenly calamity in the depths of the soul source of the ignorant Dharma Venerable, and take it for himself!

The supreme super-all-powerful power of the Tiandao Pagoda is too powerful, and the ignorant Dharma Venerable has no power to resist. The Tiandao Pagoda can control all the heavens, nothingness, Hongmeng, chaos, time and space, destiny, cause and effect, time in the entire infinite dimension. , space, matter, energy, laws, reality, mind, power, and soul; it can create, destroy, distort, or reorder any space-time and cause and effect; it can drop the entire universe and even the entire multiverse into an infinite time loop; it can bring the entire infinite dimensional universe to a complete stop, staying only in the eternal present; it can create, destroy, steal, manipulate or modify any soul, including undead and all spirits.

All infinity and infinity, all self-existence and all eternity have no meaning to the Pagoda of Heaven. The Tiandao Pagoda is an existence that transcends metaphysical, spiritual and material things forever. Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring everything in time, space, material, spirit, laws, etc., these are just trivial illusions in front of the Tiandao Tower.

Tiandao Pagoda can ignore cause and effect, ignore paradox, it is the truth itself, what it says is what it says, as long as it can be similar, from fixed number to variable, from the universe to all things, from time to space, from nothing to existence, from energy to Matter, as long as it exists or has existed, it only needs a thought to make it disappear or recreate.

It is supreme and all-powerful! In its eyes, the entire multiple and strongest existence is like a microorganism. What it says, what the world is. It is millions of times more powerful than all the powerhouses in the infinite multiverse combined.

In a word, what it says is what it says, it cannot be denied, it cannot be reversed, no matter how powerful an individual is, they are as small as dust in front of the Tiandao Tower.

Amid the stunned stunned voices of the powerful Jitne clan and the incomparably angry roar of the ignorant Dharma Venerable, Ji Haotian disappeared out of thin air, and traveled through time and space...

Time flies by.

Years later.

In the depths of a cloud-shrouded primitive mountain range, Ji Haotian appeared out of thin air.

Tiandao Pagoda has been in seclusion for thousands of years in the world of Tiandao, and he truly possesses and practiced the transcendent-level innate super-almighty divine art - the profound and righteous art of the calamity of heaven!

The Profound Righteousness of Heavenly Doomsday: It possesses the origin of the Profound Righteousness of the Heavenly Doomsday, and the innate skill spirit of the Profound Truth of the Heavenly Doomsday, which contains the power of the Profound Truth of the Heavenly Doomsday. Doom, referring to a very long time, also refers to bad luck, disaster, and limit. After billions of years, the universe will be destroyed once, and then start again. The death of this life is called "a catastrophe". There are many kinds of calamities, including the four calamities of "formation, dwelling, destruction, and emptiness". During bad calamities, there will be floods, wind disasters and fires, and even lead to the destruction of the world.

Birth and death, restoration, cause and effect, and reincarnation are the basic laws of all things in the universe, and the laws of their operation are called the Tao of Heaven. Whether the heaven and earth are not benevolent, or whether the heart is merciful, is a matter of the mentality of each creature, but the supreme way of heaven, one thing is for sure, it is fair to all things, all living beings, and even all gods, saints, demons, ghosts and monsters. Therefore, in the heaven and the earth, all living beings are evolving, they are struggling for survival, and their fates are intertwined to form various cause and effect. , which is called calamity.

The Heavenly Dooms Mystery Gong controls all dooms, and is the source, creator and manipulator of all dooms in the infinite multiverse. It is the root force that represents doom in the real is the innate super-all-powerful energy that is omniscient, omnipotent, and infinitely powerful. In its profound meaning of the calamity of heaven, it contains all the seas of Hua Zang world, the majestic sea, such as the great lotus flower. Outside the fundamental world of Jambudi, there are countless Hua Zang worlds; outside each Hua Zang world, there are three thousand lights of light. world; outside each immeasurable world, there are three thousand great thousand worlds, and outside each great thousand worlds there are immeasurable five non-circular heavens, immeasurable four heavens of sky, immeasurable four dhyanas and three days, and immeasurable outsiders and no thoughts. It is a great world of immeasurable amount of sand, time and space; outside of every small thousand worlds, there are three thousand worlds of dust particles and three days of meditation; outside of every three thousand worlds of dust, there are three thousand extremely fine worlds, In addition to each of the three thousand extremely fine worlds, there are immeasurable and one true Dharma realms... The immeasurable worlds are like lotus petals, endless. In its profound meaning, there are countless seas of light that are completely outside all logic, and in its power is infinite chaos created by the repeated reincarnation of all different gods.

The Profound Truth of the Heavenly Dao Tribulation represents the concretization of the sum of the Profound Truth of the Heavenly Dao Tribulation in the entire universe. It is the master of all the Profound Truths of the Heavenly Dao Tribulation. It exists in the abstract innate super-almighty divine arts born when the infinite almighty universe was created. Source, creator and manipulator.

You can arbitrarily manipulate the Upanishads of the Heavenly Dao Doomsday in infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions) and create new branches on the Upanishads of the Heavenly Doomsday. Any trivial point in the infinite number of heavenly dooms and profound meanings clones is equivalent to restarting and destroying infinite times in absolutely infinite dimensions.

The Profound Truth of Heaven's Doom and Doom is a power that surpasses the almighty universe. It is of super-almighty universe level. It possesses an extremely huge, indescribable and incalculable power of the Profound Truth of Heaven's Doom and Doom. With a single thought, countless almighty universes are born and destroyed, and countless almighty universes are absolutely restarted (Restart the universe > Creation Universe > Destroy the Universe).