In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3406: Heaven's Way Void Profound Righteousness

"Boom!" There was a loud bang that destroyed the starry sky in the universe!

The enchantment was annihilated, the three alien supreme beings were all annihilated, but the God King Bianchen disappeared out of thin air!

After Ji Haotian received his merits, the Bianchen God King suddenly appeared out of thin air again, and he shouted angrily at Ji Haotian: "Ji Haotian, you bastard, you are really insidious and cunning, you want to play two birds with one stone, and suppress me as well, you Beautiful to think about!"

Ji Haotian said with a smile, "It's a pity, I didn't suppress you as well, and let you escape! It seems that you are much smarter than the other two **** kings, and you should be the one who resisted my profound righteousness. The almighty treasure, right? The power is not bad, but your cultivation base is limited, and the power you exert is limited."

The Bianchen God King snorted coldly: "I have been on guard against you for a long time, how could I let you succeed!"

Ji Haotian said, "Will you give me back the origin of the Heavenly Dao Void Profound Righteous Art? Okay? Okay."

The Bianchen God King gave him a fierce look, and said angrily: "What a bastard, get away from me!"

After the God King Bianchen finished speaking, he suddenly sang the song "Sad Pacific".

Is it really cruel to leave?

Or gentleness is shameful

Or lonely people don't care

Day and night unconditionally

Is it really dangerous ahead?

Or betrayal is considerate

Or it's easier to escape

gossip, wind blows sand

One step ahead is dusk

Taking a step back is life

turbulent wind

heart is not stable

An island locks a person

The ship I'm waiting for hasn't come yet

The people I'm waiting for don't understand

Loneliness silently sinks into the sea

The future is not here, I am still here

If the tide goes away, go too

If the tide comes, you still don't come

Ups and downs, the past comes up

Recall that you are no longer there

The wave has not subsided

Another wave of invasion

The vast sea of ​​people is violent and stormy

A wave is too late

A wave has long passed

A lifetime of waking up like a dream

Deep in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, deeply sad

Is it really cruel to leave?

Or gentleness is shameful

Or lonely people don't care

Day and night unconditionally

One step ahead is dusk

Taking a step back is life

turbulent wind

heart is not stable

An island locks a person

The ship I'm waiting for hasn't come yet

The people I'm waiting for don't understand

Loneliness silently sinks into the sea

Recall that you are no longer there

The wave has not subsided

Another wave of invasion

The vast sea of ​​people is violent and stormy

A wave is too late

A wave has long passed

A lifetime of waking up like a dream

Deep in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, deeply sad

The wave has not subsided

Another wave of invasion

A wave is too late

A wave has long passed

Deep in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, deeply sad

Deep in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, deeply sad


After the Bianchen Divine King finished singing, his whole body suddenly jolted and woke up, he shouted angrily at Ji Haotian: "Ji Haotian, you despicable and shameless bastard, how dare you control my spiritual consciousness, let me sing to you, you step on Horse... eh?"

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly saw Ji Haotian, who was so proud of himself, vanish out of thin air and walked away!

The astonished God King Bianchen suddenly found in anger that the source of his Heavenly Dao Void Profound Righteous Art was gone, he raised his head to the sky angrily and roared: "Ji Haotian, bastard, how dare you steal my Heavenly Dao Void Profound Righteous Art. , I'm not finished with you, just wait and see!"...

Heavenly Dao Void Profound Righteousness: It has the origin of the Heavenly Dao Void Profound Righteousness and the Heavenly Dao Void Profound Righteousness Congenital Spirit, which contains the power of the Heavenly Dao Void Profound Meaning. Before heaven and earth, there is chaos, and its shape is indescribable. It is an infinite void that transcends all finite existence. , which is called the chaotic void, which is the meaning of the void of heaven.

Heavenly Dao Void Mystery Gong is the infinite chaotic void, and infinity is its power that never disappears, showing all the levels of generation and all the infinite, including the things that precede the essence, the essence, and the things that stretch to the end. The material It is the original and highest level of innate super-all-powerful energy, which secretly contains all things, obtains its own perfection through the intelligible and related infinite chaotic void, and at the same time contains every one in one way. The cause of being, establishes its apex in the first intelligible, independent of all things.

The Heavenly Dao Void Profound Power is the absolute control force of all chaotic voids, the greatest freedom is not restricted by any objects and conditions, and presents a source of chaotic voids in which subject and object are destroyed (all things that transcend cause and effect, logic, and definition have nothing to do with it. meaningless), is truly omnipotent. It can easily manipulate all chaos, voids, phenomena, atoms, logic, concepts, causality, and causality in the whole dimension, and can turn all quarks into an endless, infinite world, and there are countless ultimate consciousnesses beyond logic in each quark. (This is the so-called one universe per quark, or countless universes per one quark).

The Heavenly Dao Void Profound Truth Represents the Concretization of the Sum of the Heavenly Dao Void Profound Truth in the entire universe. It is the master of all the Heavenly Dao Void Profound Truths. It exists in the abstract innate super-almighty divine arts that were born when infinite almighty universes were created. Source, creator and manipulator.

You can arbitrarily manipulate the infinite universe (infinite dimensions) of the Heavenly Dao Void Mystery Line and create new branches on the Heavenly Dao Void Mystery Line. Any insignificant point in its infinite avatars of heaven and void is equivalent to restarting and destroying infinite times in absolutely infinite dimensions.

The Heavenly Dao Void Profound Truth is a power that transcends the almighty universe, super-universal universe level, with an extremely huge, indescribable and immeasurable power of the Heavenly Dao Void Profound Truth. One thought creates and destroys countless almighty universes, and absolutely restarts countless almighty universes (Restart the universe > Creation Universe > Destroy the Universe).