In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3456: Merry and wonderful bunny bag

Four Supreme Realm elders of the Thing Race were besieging a Virnias Supreme. Suddenly, two more Semitic Supreme Realm elders rushed over, clamoring at the fighting Virnias Supreme, threatening to let him hand over the romance. Wonderful bunny bag.

During the fight, the Virnias Supreme was furious, yelling, and resolutely not handing over the beautiful rabbit-shaped bag.

Ji Haotian in the stall area in the distance spread out his eyes of the Supreme Heavenly Dao and looked at the Virnias Supreme, and suddenly saw the beautiful rabbit-shaped bag in the multiverse of the Virnias Supreme, and saw the beautiful rabbit. There are nine rare ultra-void **** crystals and 10 billion top-grade supreme crystals in the space of the shape bag!

The super-void **** crystal was born in the super-void, contains super-void energy, and can be raised to the highest cultivation level. It is a rare super-energy crystal.

Super Void: Space is actually just another form of matter, and the world of living beings is located in this "matter", so most living beings regard the universe as a state of nothingness separated from matter. Just like fish swimming freely in the sea and birds flying in the air, they may not notice the existence of water or air at all, and regard these substances as pure nothingness. The "space" in the eyes of most creatures is actually just "substance" covering a higher-level space.

The space of the universe is divided into different levels, ordinary "vacuum" can be regarded as "first-level space", and higher-level space can be called "second-level space" (each level of space has own hyperspace and subspace). Although the universe is composed of innumerable giant spaces overlapping together, the "innumerable giant spaces" here does not mean innumerable spatial levels. Each giant space exists side by side with other giant spaces, and each giant space The interior of the space has a divisible spatial hierarchy.

The super-void is the highest level of space, and will not be distorted or torn to pieces by any force. The so-called "destroying the super-void" is essentially just filling a lower-level space in the super-void, and "destroying the universe" is nothing more than a Turn all space and matter in the universe into the super-void itself.

Other types of space are super-dense matter like black holes for super-void, which represents the purest and empty "nothing". The infinite space mentioned above and the super void mentioned now are not separated from the category of three-dimensional space, and each dimension contains an infinite number of universes, and each universe can be divided into its own infinite space and super space. Void (some giant spaces in the universe do not have infinite levels of space, while some giant spaces contain infinite levels of space).

If a being can completely dominate all space and matter in the universe to which it belongs, then it is equivalent to controlling the super-void and infinite levels of space itself (strictly speaking, only the super-void can be counted as a true meaning "Space", other spaces belong to "matter" in a broad sense. However, in most cases, "matter" refers to those substances in the first-level space).

Ji Haotian's eyes suddenly lit up, and if an ordinary existence refines and absorbs a super-void divine crystal, his cultivation can rise to three small realms in a row, and if he refines and absorbs these nine super-void divine crystals, his cultivation can also rise to two in a row. Small realm!

The breakthrough of his cultivation realm is not easy. The nine super-void divine crystals in this beautiful rabbit-shaped bag are rare creations, not to be missed!

Immediately, his thoughts moved, and the Heavenly Dao deprived the Profound Righteousness of the operation, and instantly deprived him of the beautiful rabbit-shaped bag in the multiverse within the Virnias Supreme Clan Supreme's body!

Heavenly Dao Deprivation of Profound Truth: Also known as Heavenly Dao Deprivation of Profound Truth, it has the origin of Heavenly Dao Deprivation of Profound Truth and the innate power of Heavenly Dao Deprivation of Profound Truth. It contains the power of Heavenly Dao to deprive profound meaning. There is no concept of existence, it wants to stand high, it is an indescribable, indescribable, impossible, non-existent force. It is the mystery of the unknown being, the God, the impossible god, the all-knowing and all-powerful deprivation that never existed.

The Heavenly Dao Deprivation Profound Truth is a transcendent innate super-almighty divine art (a divine art is a combination of supernatural powers and exercises). The ultimate combination of innate supernatural powers, only those who possess the heavenly body and comprehend the existence of the heavenly way can successfully cultivate. That is to say, only the master of the heavenly way can control the heavenly way and deprive the profound righteousness. Its power is comparable to the omnipotence and omnipotence. , The almighty treasure of its own forever.

It likes to stand tall and hates being forgotten, desecrated and disrespected. It exists in the bottomless void, hovering in the center and core of everything, it is the center of the vortex itself, and everything lingers in its deprivation. It is an indescribable power, the void of all emptiness, as dark and bottomless as an infinite abyss, as the desire of millions of souls...

Before the birth of everything, the Heavenly Dao deprivation of the Profound Righteousness already existed. It was born in the endless primordial primordial universe, and everything did not exist to it, and the abstract, fictional and real concepts were also insignificant and insignificant to it. Everything that the Heavenly Dao deprives of the Profound Truth is derived from. It is incomplete and incomplete. Its setting is like complementing itself with different objects. It is an ultimate deprivation of Profound Truth. Everything can make it Satisfied it will take away. Any existence that is stared at by it, it will let you know that everything is empty.

Heaven deprives the power of esoteric powers surrounded by all infinite multiple realities, multiple dimensions, multiple planes, spiral narratives, narratives, hyperspace structures, plane quadrants, setting blank sheets, final core, ultimate realm, above the dome The so-called fantasy and cosmic singularity, time and space torrents, reality and virtuality, inner narrative, outer narrative, superimposed box, super-inclusive, etc. everything and all this is just in front of it A pebble that you can play with at will. It only needs a single thought to deprive, destroy, compress, superimpose, modify, copy, bind, manipulate, assimilate, and integrate all cosmology series, all architectural systems, unlimited fields, authorship, embedded and interlocked infinite external and The inner narrative, everything that exists and doesn't exist, these things are just tiny bits and pieces of it.

The Heavenly Dao Deprivation Profound Truth Represents the Concretization of the Sum of the Heavenly Dao Deprivation Profound Truth in the entire universe. It is the master of all the Heavenly Dao Deprivation Profound Truths. It exists in the abstract innate super-almighty divine arts born when infinite almighty universes were created. Source, creator and manipulator.

You can arbitrarily manipulate the infinite universe (infinite dimensions) of the Heavenly Dao deprivation of the Mystery Line and create new branches on the Heavenly Dao deprivation of the Mysterious Line. Any insignificant point in its infinite Heavenly Dao deprivation of Profound Truth clones is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions.

The Heavenly Dao Deprivation of Profound Truth is a power that transcends the almighty universe. It is at the super-almighty universe level. It possesses an extremely huge, indescribable and immeasurable power of the Heavenly Dao to deprive the Profound Truth. One thought generates and destroys countless almighty universes, and absolutely restarts countless almighty universes (Restart the universe > Creation Universe > Destroy the Universe).

Ji Haotian directly refined and absorbed all the nine super-void divine crystals in the beautiful rabbit-shaped bag.

Soon, his breath soared, and two muffled sounds of "boom" came from his body, and his cultivation level directly rose to two small realms, reaching the four-star to the upper realm.