In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3555: Picaigou, Fanyu Village

At the foot of a mountain in Picaigou in Fanyu Village, after Ji Haotian appeared, he began to inspect the vast and deep valley of Picaigou.

At this moment, a green light suddenly shot out from a dense forest in Picaigou, and in front of Ji Haotian, she turned into a beautiful woman of the Ran ethnic group, whose cultivation was in the supreme realm.

Ran: also known as the gods of nature, they are representatives of beauty and kindness, and usually live in mountains, forests, and secret realms. The image of the Ran ethnic group is more similar to that of the human youth, with a slender body than human beings, and both men and women have a rare beauty. The only difference between the Ran and the human is the pointy ears that grow on both sides of the head.

The natural family is bright and dazzling, very beautiful, and perfect in every aspect. They are usually mild-mannered, cheerful and enthusiastic, able to communicate with trees, flowers, fish and birds, and are very close to nature.

The characteristics of the natural people can be summarized into the following points: immortal, noble and elegant, smart and beautiful, and almost integrated with nature. Form relatively loose kingdoms or ethnic groups, which are equal and friendly to each other, live and work in peace and contentment, and are free. Ran are usually chaotic and kind, they are hostile to evil races, but they can get along with good races. The Ran is an extremely powerful race. They are born close to nature, can control the power of nature, and can control all elements of nature.

Ji Haotian was surprised to see that this beautiful woman of the Ran ethnic group was actually a rare person with infinite luck.

Ordinary atmospheric transporters are more common, but infinite atmospheric transporters are rare, and it is unlikely that one of the billions of creatures in a super-life planet will appear.

Those with great luck are blessed by heaven, with deep blessings, continuous luck, continuous good fortune, and unlimited prospects. As long as there is no accident in the middle, they will definitely rise strongly, soar into the sky, climb to the top of the universe, and overlook all races in the universe.

Atmospheric luck is far stronger than air luck, and it is extremely rare and rare. There is not one such existence in the billions of beings, and there may only be a few in a multiverse. But as long as it appears, it will have a great fortune that other creatures can't have, and even cultivation will not have bottlenecks and shackles, and it will go smoothly all the way.

In the end, most of such astronauts will reach the pinnacle in the universe, plane or realm where they are located.

Some people with big luck will become the masters of the universe where they are located, and some people with big luck will become the giants of a big power. Moreover, every time such a big luck person appears, it will bring about the rise of a race or a big power.

If such a big luck person appears in the big power or big family that was originally a giant, then it will undoubtedly enhance the strength of this big power or big family again, go to a larger universe, and climb to a higher peak . Even those who only know him will be favored and benefited a lot, the difference is only more and less. Therefore, when the people with great luck appear, they will be treated by the stars holding the moon. However, there are good things and there must be bad things. Originally, the big luck people are extremely rare and rare, and not all the big luck people can go to the end.

What I have mentioned above are just ordinary air luckers. The real super powerful air luckers are absolutely unstoppable. They are the real absolute transcendence, ignoring everything, omniscient, omnipotent, immortal and immortal.

Air transporters are divided into ten grades, from high to low, they are:

1. The Heavenly Dao Great Fortuner - The Heavenly Dao Master (Supreme and Super Almighty) who possesses the Heavenly Dao super-infinite soul.

2. The super-Brahma grand transporter - the four super-Brahma masters (super-almighty ones) possessing the four super-Brahma souls.

3. God's Great Fortuner - the ten great masters of creation (giant almighty) with ten gods' souls.

4. A person who has no great luck—a super-primitive almighty person (the all-powerful one) who has too little soul.

5. The Great Vatican of the Tai Brahma—the super-primitive almighty (medium almighty) with the soul of the Tai Brahma.

6. The One Great Fortune One—the super-primitive almighty (little almighty) possessing the One Soul.

Seventh, the Great Brahma Great Fortuner - the Primitive Almighty (quasi-almighty) with the Great Brahma Soul.

8. The Supreme Brahma Grand Mighty One - The Primordial Mighty One (Sub-Almighty) with the Supreme Brahma Soul.

9. The Eternal Great Fortune One - The Almighty One (Semi-Almighty) with the Eternal Soul.

10. The Infinite Great Luck - the Almighty (pseudo-Almighty) with an infinite soul.

The classification of the great fortunes is not absolute. Some great fortunes are not powerful ones, but they have omnipotent souls (all-knowing and omnipotent souls) or super-space souls, and their great fortunes are not inferior to those of the powerful ones, such as without There are many young super geniuses in the upper five countries. They are not powerful people, but their great luck is not inferior to that of powerful people, even higher than that of some powerful people; there are also some extremely rare and rare anomalies, Their super-space-time soul or almighty soul is not equal to the atmospheric fortune, and the atmospheric fortune may be higher or lower.