In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3744: Realm and Power

The supreme total universe: also known as the supreme core universe, the "total universe" composed of infinite almighty universes and infinite other universes. , reality, universe, time and space, planes, dimensions, dimensions, etc. all cosmology. The practitioners of the supreme universe are collectively referred to as the supreme beings. The supreme beings are normally immortal. If there is no accident, they will be immortal in this chaotic evolutionary period (a chaotic evolutionary period is six trillion years), and there is no lifespan. Yuan limitation; the main features of the Supreme are the power of the Dao, the Dao domain, and the multiverse in the body (the multiverse in the body of the Supreme is located in the dantian space in the body).

The laws between different levels of universes are divided into strengths and weaknesses. A cosmic powerhouse may be able to create and destroy countless universes in a single thought in a low-level omnipotent universe, but in a high-level omnipotent universe, perhaps even a planet cannot be shaken. This is the difference. The strength of the law between the hierarchical universes. The law of the universe is the way of the universe. There are infinite universes of heaven. The stronger the universe is, the stronger the universe. The bigger the universe, the stronger the law.

The cultivation base of the highest is divided into ten major realms, each major realm is divided into ten small realms from one to ten stars, from low to high, they are:

1. The Realm of Oneness: Possessing the power of the oneness of the universe, one thought creates and destroys countless planets.

2. To the Dharma Realm: Possess the power of the universe to the Dharma, and can create and destroy countless galaxies with a single thought.

3. The Void Realm: Possessing the power of the universe Void, one thought produces and destroys countless star fields.

4. The Greatest Realm: Possessing the greatest power of the universe, a single universe can be born and destroyed with a single thought.

5. The Supreme Realm: Possessing the supreme power of the universe, a single thought produces and destroys countless single universes.

6. Supreme Realm: Possessing the power of the supreme universe, the multiverse is born and destroyed in a single thought.

7. The Holy Land: Possessing the power of the holiest of the universe, one single thought produces and destroys countless multiverses.

Eighth, Supreme God Realm: Possessing the power of the supreme God of the universe, one can create and destroy the super universe.

Nine, Supreme God Realm: With the power of the Supreme God, countless super universes can be born and destroyed in one thought.

10. The Realm of the Supreme God: Possessing the power of the Supreme God, the almighty universe can be born and destroyed with a single thought.

Cosmic Power: Also known as the Almighty, the Almighty, and the Self-existing One, the almighty soul they possess is collectively called the Almighty Soul, omniscient, omnipotent, self-existing, and the supreme existence above all living beings in the universe.

Cosmic powers that have spent more than a chaotic era are called super-primitive powers, and are true almighty ones, while ordinary cosmic powers belong to sub-almighty ones. The great power of the universe is further divided into innate power and acquired power.

The great powers of the universe are all super intelligent, super supernatural, and super free. They do not rely on any external factors to exist on their own. They have no beginning and end. They are the root of all spiritual and material things, beyond attributes, beyond cause and effect, Beyond time and space, they do not need any reason for their existence, they are omniscient and omnipotent, and they exist forever.

The Universal Powers are also known as the Almighty. The magical powers they control are collectively referred to as the all-powerful magical powers. They are divided into nine levels. From low to high, they are: Pseudo-Almighty, Semi-Almighty, Sub-Almighty, Quasi-Almighty, Small Almighty, and Great Almighty. level, super omnipotent level, absolute super omnipotent level, supreme super omnipotent level.

The power of the universe is divided into ten levels, from high to low, they are:

1. The super-primitive power of the Dao of Heaven—has the soul of the super-infinite meaning of the Dao of Heaven (the ultimate first cause—the Great Master of the Dao of Heaven), the supreme and super-almighty person, who controls the supreme and super-almighty supernatural powers.

2. Super Brahma, Super Primitive Power - Possess Super Brahma Soul (Four Super Brahma Masters), the Supreme Super Almighty, who controls the Supreme Super Almighty Divine Ability.

3. God's super-primitive power-has the soul of God (the ten masters of creation), is absolutely super-almighty, and controls absolute super-almighty supernatural powers.

4. Taiwu super primordial power - possessing Tai Wu soul, super almighty, and controlling super almighty supernatural powers.

5. Tai Brahma is super-primitive power-has the soul of Tai Brahma, the all-powerful one, who controls the all-powerful supernatural power.

Sixth, Taiyi is super-primitive and powerful-has the soul of Taiyi, the little almighty, and controls the little almighty supernatural power.

7. The Primordial Power of the Great Brahma (The Great Power of the Ancient Ming Dynasty) - Possessing the soul of the Great Brahma, the quasi-almighty one, controls the quasi-almighty supernatural powers.

Eighth, the primordial power of the Supreme Brahma (the ancient power) - has the soul of the Brahma, the sub-almighty person, and controls the sub-almighty supernatural power.

9. Eternal Power (Ancient Power, Primordial Power) - Possess an eternal soul, a semi-almighty person, who controls semi-almighty supernatural powers.

10. Infinite power (power, ancient power) - Possess infinite soul, pseudo-almighty, control pseudo-almighty supernatural power.

The power level of the Universal Powerhouse is divided into fourteen levels, from strong to weak, they are:

Level 1 Almighty: Non-existent, non-non-level, beyond imagination, inconceivable, unable to give an explanation (five transcendence masters).

Second-level Almighty: Absolutely nothingness, including all existence and non-existence (ten masters of creation).

Level 3 Almighty: Existence level, including all existences (36 extra-dimensional super gods and 72 chaos original gods, etc.).

Fourth-level Almighty One: The material level, including all matter and antimatter.

Level 5 Almighty: Life level, including all life and death.

Sixth-level powers: Infinite dimension level, exists in infinite dimensions, the laws of physics are invalid for them, and the laws of physics can be Seventh-level powers: ten-dimensional biological level, able to freely travel through time and space, There is the power to erase the existence of things.

The eighth-level powerful person: infinite universe level, able to freely travel through different universes, and has the power to destroy multiple universes.

Level 9 Almighty: Multiverse level, capable of destroying multiple universes with its own power.

Level 10 Almighty: Parallel universe level, can change the laws of physics.

Level 11 Almighty: A single cosmic level, the laws of physics are invalid for it, and it has the power to erase the existence of things.

Twelfth-level powerful person: Star field level, able to destroy multiple star fields with his own power.

Thirteenth-level Almighty: Galaxy level, able to freely travel through different galaxies.

Level 14 Almighty: Planetary level, capable of destroying one or more planets with its own power.

Epoch, Yuan, Meeting, Fortune, World, Year, Month, Day, Chen, Hour, Minute, and Second are the time units of the universe, and their relationship is as follows:

one minute sixty seconds

1:60, 360 seconds

One o'clock two o'clock, one hundred and twenty minutes

Twelve o'clock, twenty-four o'clock a day

January 30, 360 Chen

December one year, three hundred and sixty days

Thirty years of the first world, three hundred and sixty months

The Twelfth World of One Fortune, Three Hundred and Sixty Years

One session and thirty fortunes, three hundred and sixty generations, and eighteen hundred years

One yuan (one era) twelve meetings, three hundred and sixty fortunes, four thousand three hundred twenty generations, one hundred and nineteen thousand six hundred years

The Antiquity is 10 million years ago

The Ancient Era is 600 million years ago

The Archaean period was 10 billion years ago

The ancient era is six trillion years ago

Hades is one hundred trillion years ago

The Chaos Era is six trillion years (equivalent to the birth and death of the universe)