In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3940: The song of the cosmic protoss

Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain, Baiyun Peak.

Under the shade of the Dragon and Phoenix Sacred Tree, Ji Haotian and his wife, the four of them, sat together with the third deputy of the Kingdom of Heaven, sipping tea and chatting happily.

Suddenly, five beautiful women of the Cosmic Sound God Race in different clothes floated up and landed in front of everyone under the Dragon Phoenix Tree.

The Cosmic Sound Gods, also known as the cosmic musicians, are similar in size to humans. They all have yellow hair and yellow eyes. They are technologically advanced, kind-hearted, and gifted with great music.

The five Cosmic Sound God Clan women looked at everyone present, and in the end their eyes were fixed on Ji Haotian, a peerless and beautiful man, showing a look of astonishment.

Among them, the white-clothed Cosmic Sound God Clan woman exclaimed: "This man is so good-looking, he is truly a rare and unparalleled beauty!"

Another Tsing Yi Cosmic Sound God Clan woman also exclaimed: "This man is only found in the sky, how many times will we meet in the world!"

The red-clothed Cosmic Sound God Clan woman next to her stared at Ji Haotian and said with admiration, "This beautiful man is so beautiful, not only do women like it very much when they see it, but even men have to be moved by it when they see it. The ultimate beauty of the universe!"

The Tianhou Pan Tianchan, who was sitting in the shade of the tree, said indifferently to the five Cosmic Sound God Clan women, "Is there anything you have to do?"

The five Cosmic Sound God clan women ignored Pan Tianchan, still full of praise for Ji Haotian, drooling and showing infatuation.

When the first and second concubines saw that these five Cosmic Sound God clan women coveted Ji Haotian and tried to go wrong, they were not happy.

Pan Tianchan suddenly said, "You are all girls from the Cosmic Sound God Clan, a family of cosmic musicians. You must sing very nicely. Since we met here, let's sing for fun!"

After she finished speaking, her mind moved, and the infinite thinking magical power was activated, which instantly controlled the thinking of the five Cosmic Sound Protoss women and ordered them to sing.

As a result, the five Cosmic Sound Protoss women whose minds were controlled by Pan Tianchan's boundless thinking began to sing to the crowd with emotion and sang the song "Hope for a Long Life".

When will the moon ask the sky for wine?

I don't know what year it is today in the palace of heaven

I want to ride the wind and go home for fear of Qionglou Yuyu

The heights are so cold that I dance to find out how shadows seem to be in the world

Turning to Zhuge, the low-lying family has no sleep

There shouldn't be anything to hate, it's time to leave

People have joys and sorrows, the moon has cloudy and sunny days

This matter is ancient

Nung, moon and new moon

I want to ride the wind and go home for fear of Qionglou Yuyu

The heights are so cold that I dance to find out how shadows seem to be in the world

Turning to Zhuge, the low-lying family has no sleep

There should be no hatred what to do, and when to leave, when to leave

People have joys and sorrows, the moon has cloudy and sunny days

This matter is ancient

Nung, moon and new moon


After the five Cosmic Sound God Clan women finished singing, everyone applauded, and they all sang very nicely.

Unfinished, Pan Tianchan ordered them to sing another song with infinite thinking.

So, the five Cosmic Sound Protoss women then sang the song "Sweet Honey".

Sweet you smile sweetly

Like flowers blooming in the spring breeze

open in the spring breeze

Where have I seen you

Your smile is so familiar

I can't remember

Ah~~ in a dream

I saw you in my dream

How sweet is the sweet smile

It's you~ it's you~ the dream is you

Where have I seen you

Your smile is so familiar

I can't remember

Ah~~ in a dream

Where have I seen you

Your smile is so familiar

I can't remember

Ah~~ in a dream

I saw you in my dream

How sweet is the sweet smile

It's you~ it's you~ the dream is you

Where have I seen you

Your smile is so familiar

I can't remember

Ah~~ in a dream


Everyone was listening to the while sipping tea and chatting. Suddenly, a nasty Nuukstukas supreme **** and an Etvaros supreme **** came, disturbing their elegance.

Nuukstukas: also known as the Land Clan, a mysterious and ancient race of alien creatures in the universe, similar in shape to a huge spindle-shaped super yellow vat, exuding a faint yellow brilliance throughout. There are starfish-shaped appendages at the bottom of the body, and the top of the five-pointed star has five giant yellow eyes, five siphons, and a set of cilia for sensing the outside world in a dark environment; the bottom of the five-pointed star appendages are similar to shellfish. Axe feet, used for walking and other forms of movement.

In addition, they have five pairs of leather-like wings and five sets of yellow tentacles sprouting from the body. They are as huge as mountains, and the ground shakes when they move. Once they are powerful, they can instantly cause extremely destructive and terrifying earthquakes. The number of Nukstukas is extremely large, spread over infinite almighty universes, and possess the innate avenues of supernatural powers and great earth techniques.

Etvaros: also known as the luck family, a mysterious ancient race of alien creatures in the universe, the image is an ethereal, white mysterious individual with tentacles, with a soft and weird head, eyes separated from the body and huge white Angel wings, their countless beautiful white tentacles are extremely slender, and when they are stretched, they can instantly bind a super life planet. Their speed is extremely fast, and endless mysterious white mist will roll up wherever they pass.

The Etvaros are extremely large in number, spread over infinite almighty universes, and possess the innate avenues of supernatural powers—great luck.