In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3953: 36 Extra-Dimensional Super God (8)

19. Omedi Otto Super God: The holographic god, his alias is also called the holographic super almighty or "the God of the unity of heaven and man", he is the nineteenth disciple of the great master of heaven and the master of the holographic ultimate extra dimension. It is the core of the hologram of the universe or the holographic source core of the primordial Hongmeng, and is sometimes referred to as the "Master of the Hologram of the Universe". He is an innate Hongmeng creature with a holographic super-primitive godhead who is in charge of holography. He represents the embodiment of the holographic sum of the entire universe. He is the master of all holograms. Source, creator and manipulator.

The universe is holographic. The universe is a unified whole with holographic connections between its parts. In the universe as a whole, there is a holographic correspondence between each subsystem and the system, and between the system and the universe. Compared with the non-corresponding parts, the parts that correspond to each other have a greater degree of similarity in cosmic elements such as matter, structure, energy, information, spirit and function. In terms of latent information, the subsystem contains all the information of the system, and the system contains all the information of the universe. In terms of explicit information, the subsystem is the microcosm of the system, and the system is the microcosm of the universe.

Omedi Otto is a superhero with billions of cosmic holographic incarnations, spread across infinite multiverses. All things have the holographic nature of time and space; between parts of the same individual and the whole, between things at the same level, between things at different levels and systems, the beginning and result of things, the big and small processes of the development of things, There is a mutual holographic correspondence between time and space; each part contains other parts, and at the same time it is contained in other parts; matter generally has memory, and things always try to follow the pattern that exists in their own memory to replicate new things. All the holograms in the infinite multiverse are under the control of Omedioto, because he is the master of the hologram of the universe and the source of the hologram of the universe.

Omedi Otto's superhuman personified image is a gray-haired, gray-skinned, gray-specialized super-giant man with two heads. He is over 12,000 meters tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. It is the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Breathing Technique.

20. Chronos Super God: God of Time, alias Time Super Almighty, Chronos, Ancestor of Time, Ancestor of Tianyu, Father of Time, 20 disciples of the Master of Heaven, the ultimate extra-dimensional control of time By. Possessing the super-primitive godhead of time, the innate Hongmeng being in charge of time represents the embodiment of the sum of time in the entire universe, is the master of all time, originated from the abstract gods born in the primordial Hongmeng, the source of all dreams and Creators and Manipulators.

The original was the super **** Chronos, who created chaos and order, and created and destroyed countless universes in just one thought. He is the being that transcends all, the supreme and only God, the existence is incomprehensible, his power is the only, higher than all things, exists before the beginning, and creates all things. (everything, all, all, concept, absolute, truth, origin, super, over, nothing, most, logic, definition, destiny, determinate, title, philosophy, denial, law, meaning, distinction, origin, thinking, etc. ), and the sun, the moon, the stars, the universe, the law, the world, civilization, chaos, infinity, heaven, earth, ocean... all that exists and does not exist, does not know and does not know, visible and invisible.

The super-god of Chronos is the transcendent **** of time. He is above all possible experiences and cannot be described by various forms of existence and attributes. His great will transcends all kinds of matter, time and space, causality, laws and categories of other various concepts. His thoughts are like rippling ripples on the ocean of concepts, spreading in endless directions, but he has no image, his body cannot be understood and explained by the conscious body under him, and even his name is just an illusion pseudonym. His infinite time thinking governs the operation of the infinite universe view. Within the scope of his jurisdiction, countless possibilities are staged in countless fields, and various imaginable and unimaginable universes are presented there. Arranged and combined in an infinite number of ways, they form a magnificent picture that stretches infinitely to the far frontier.

The super-god of Chronos is the supreme and supreme super-primitive existence. He transcends and covers everything, and has nothing to do with everything. He is not bound by cause and effect, and he is the cause and effect of all things. He is Brahman, the will of life, and the Absolutely infinite, it is the Tao, it is theology, it is the ultimate truth, it is everything... it is the origin and collection of everything in the infinitely connected and repeating cosmology. He is the only and infinite reflex argument, how transcendent, how indescribable... Even the ultimate meaning above what is truly all means nothing to him, he is above and beyond the highest level of omnipotence, and Omnipotence at the lowest level is also absolutely omniscient and omnipotent and has absolutely no access, and the omnipotence above can only be handled as absolute transcendence, because it is impossible to refer to or construct it. The sum of all other divine omnipotences is so insignificant before Chronos' supreme omnipotence, and his omnipotence is so great that it can inadvertently obliterate all reality. His most insignificant qualities are far beyond all paradoxes and philosophies, and the proposition that he is higher, greater, and omnipotent than him is in itself absolutely false and nihilistic.

The super-god of Chronos has neither a beginning nor an end, and contains all the eternal existence of all creation. Beyond existence and all encompassing, all concepts and meanings are useless before it, and growth and ascension are meaningless to it. He can tear apart infinite abstract concepts and infinite time and space, and compress the infinite force that contains all imaginable into the singularity, engulfing all existence, and thereby transmuting all form itself, creating all reality, in every creation. Dimension arises, perceptions, structures, rules and constants... appear in it. All transcendence, all encompassing, all meaning, all Brahman, all indescribable, all super-logical and inconsistent things are in essence the expressive approximation and imitation of the super-god of Chronos.

The personified image of the super-god of Chronos is a golden-haired super-giant old man with golden eyes and shining light all over his body. He is over 12,000 kilometers tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Art and Big Time Art.

21. Supreme God: Eternal God, alias Eternal Super Almighty, Universe Eternal, Universe Almighty, Universe Creator, Twenty-One Disciple of the Master of Heaven, the Eternal Ultimate Extra-Dimensional Controller, possessing the eternal super-primitive godhead, The innate Hongmeng being in charge of eternity represents the eternal embodiment of the entire universe, is the eternal master of everything, originates from the abstract gods born in the primordial Hongmeng, and is the source, creator and manipulator of all eternity in the infinite multiverse.

The Supreme God is the supreme, creator of all things. He is his own being, he is his own being, does not depend on anything else, but as his own being, he must be self-sufficient, and therefore fully sufficient, the inexhaustible source of all existence and blessing. He is eternal and unchanging, the same as it was, today, and forever; He is the source of all existence and perfection, by whom all things exist, and in him live, move, exist, eternal, and it is everything The true source of eternal power.

The Supreme God is also an eternal and unchanging super-dimensional shuttle. He walks between the dimensions of the infinite multiverse without being bound by any dimension. He originated from an unknown dimensional disorder in the primordial Hongmeng. He has the ability to travel freely between different space and time dimensions. His body can adapt to the dimension he is in and change the structure. The Supreme God can not only adjust his own dimensional structure, but also allow his body to switch freely between material entities (including infinite levels of space) and the super-void, which symbolizes true even with the spatial dimension and The time dimension merges into one, or destroys and creates an infinite multiverse in the space-time dimension that he can reach. Every time the Supreme God moves from one dimension to a higher dimension, the amount of information received by his "brain" expands infinitely. He can constantly break through his own limitations, reaching higher dimensions and transcending higher dimensions endlessly.

The Supreme God is a God that transcends all time, all strength, all high and low, all evaluations, all laws, all numbers, all worldviews, all systems, all levels, all spirits, all spaces, all written descriptions, all indefinables, all concepts, All thinking and understanding, all boundaries, all origins, all phenomena, all logics, all dreams, all creations, all ideas are extra-dimensional super gods. He is neither destiny nor concept. He is the different possibilities of all, and in one of these possibilities all the absolute truths of the universe created the infinite universe view that belongs to him. Every moment the infinite possibility loops and perishes under him, and then there will be no final consciousness, free consciousness, no more impossible, undefinable, unthinkable, unwritten, incomparable, no more. In any metaphysical as well as any metaphysical. The Supreme God transcends logic, time and space, dimensions, causality, and laws. He is omnipresent in all things, and can incarnate and replace all things. He has the super power to tear apart all reality, time dimension and space dimension. Impossible and omnipresent ultimate extra-dimensional super-god.

The personified image of the Supreme God is a blond, blue-eyed, white super-giant handsome man with thirty-six white wings. He is over 11,000 kilometers tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Art and the Great Eternal Art.