In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 396: 5 Emperor's Promise

After Ji Haotian and the others stayed in Heaven for a while, they returned to the Perfect Cosmos Academy in the Central Continent again to continue their life in the academy.

Time flies, time flies like a shuttle.

Ten years later.

Perfect Cosmos Academy, deserted courtyard.

Tianchi Peak, in the pavilion among the white jade bamboo forests.

The five emperors of the universe sat together, sipping tea and chatting.

The Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian looked at the other four emperors present and said, "There are five oceans in the perfect world, and each of the five continents of our universe is located in one of these oceans. It can be said that the well water does not violate the river water. There is no conflict of interest, you should agree with that, right?"

The other four emperors nodded in agreement.

Demon Emperor Francis said: "Zhongyu Ocean, Great Eastern Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Antarctic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, the five oceans of this perfect world are all rich and vast, and there are countless islands, countless secrets, treasures, Relics, resources, the five continents of the five countries in our universe are located in one of the oceans, each doing its own way and seeking development, and there is indeed no conflict of interest for the time being."

Wudi Emperor Jingyu smiled and said, "Haotian, why are you mentioning this? Do you want to divide the territory?"

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "That's what I mean, I propose that the five oceans, each of the five countries in our universe occupy one of them, the Zhongyu Ocean belongs to the Heavenly Kingdom, the Great Eastern Ocean belongs to the Devil Kingdom, the Atlantic Ocean belongs to the Witch Kingdom, and the Antarctic Ocean belongs to the Demon Kingdom. The Arctic Ocean belongs to the Dragon Kingdom, and our five countries each seek development in the ocean they occupy, without aggression against each other, so that conflicts of interest are avoided, what do you think?"

The other four emperors nodded in agreement, and the five reached an agreement to finalize the decision on the territory and mutual non-aggression.

Demon Emperor Francis looked at Ji Haotian and said with a light smile: "Ji Haotian, your Heavenly Kingdom occupies Zhongyuyang, which has the most resources. I heard that your Heavenly Kingdom has been very busy over the years. Thousands of middle-grade Shenjing mines, as well as many different gold mines and exotic soil mines, are being mined in full swing, which can be said to be very fruitful. You are dividing the territory with us at this time and making a non-aggression agreement because you are afraid that we will cooperate with each other. Are you fighting, robbing you?"

Ji Haotian smiled indifferently and said, "Didn't your four countries also discover many treasure mines of resources in the oceans they occupied? It has not been long since the five countries in the universe came to this perfect world, and their strengths are very fragile. Seeking development and enhancing national strength is the most important thing!"

Wudi Emperor Jingyu nodded and said, "Haotian is right, I agree."

Long Di Laki Plessis curled his lips and said, "Di Jingyu, you are really a good friend of Ji Haotian. You agree with everything he says. He farts, you say it's fragrant, it's really boring!"

Wudi Emperor Jingyu glared at Rakipresis and scolded: "Fuck off Nima Gobi, where did you come from so much nonsense, I am flattering Ji Haotian, I am willing, do you need to worry about it? Where are you still? Stay where it's cool, shit!"

Ji Haotian opened his mouth and said, "I hope you can abide by the agreement between us. I came to you, and there is one more thing, that is, I want to warn you."

Demon Emperor Bjemunds raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you want to warn us about?"

Ji Haotian said: "I will be leaving the perfect world in a few days, and I am afraid I will not be able to come back in a few decades. I hereby warn you, don't take advantage of my absence to bully people in our heaven, or wait for me to come back. , I will find you one by one to settle accounts!"

The Dragon Emperor Lachipius disdainfully said: "I said, why do you want to divide the territory with us and make an agreement, it turns out that you have to leave the perfect world, and you won't be able to come back for decades! It turns out that you are Worrying about your absence, we took the opportunity to suppress your heaven, really thoughtful enough! I'd rather you never come back, it's better to die in the outside world!"

Ji Haotian rolled his eyes at and didn't care about him.

Wudi Emperor Jingyu asked curiously, "Haotian, where are you going? Other star fields? What are you doing with such a low cultivation base and running so far?"

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "I'm full, I want to go out for a walk and digest it."

"What kind of **** are you talking about?" The Demon Emperor Bjemunds yelled with his eyes wide open.

"Cut, forget it if you don't want to say it, what's so great!" Wudi Emperor Jingyu pouted.

The five emperors chatted together for a while, and then walked out of the pavilion together.

Ji Haotian set up a large iron pot on the green grass outside the pavilion, simmered a large pot of mutton, and took out the nectar and jade liquor.

The five emperors sat around the big iron pot, and began to eat meat in large mouths, drink in big bowls, push the cups and change the cups, and the seas and mountains began to drink.

The five emperors drank and talked all night together, and only left at dawn the next day.

Ji Haotian visited the elder Atticus, the vice president of Chattas, and the chief director of Pantous successively, and told them that he would leave the perfect world and would return in a few decades. Please take care of them in the academy. The people who live in the kingdom of heaven.

A few days later, the Mize Villa in the Great Beauty City.

Under the watch of the second concubine and the heroes of the kingdom of heaven, Ji Haotian and the ten archangels entered the jade plate of good fortune that turned into a cosmic flying saucer. Go away, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Except for everyone in Heaven and a few people in the academy, no one else knew where Ji Haotian took the ten great archangels to.

Xinghan is splendid, in the vast and boundless universe, the huge cosmic flying saucer made of jade saucer is flying like a colorful meteor, disappearing into the vast universe in the blink of an eye.