In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4046: Duel the God of the Universe

Yaochen, the central **** of the universe, said coldly, "This is my last chance, my only chance to survive. Only by swallowing and refining you can I continue to exist!"

The Supreme God Pope Pope God Sui suddenly said, "This is my Supreme God Cult. I don't allow the two of you to fight here. If you want to fight, go to the outer space to fight!"

Ji Haotian confronts the earth **** of the universe, and the battle is about to break out!

Central Yaochen stood up, he was about to speak.

Ji Haotian's thoughts suddenly moved, and he instantly activated one of the six ultimate trump cards, the six supreme superpowers, the Great Master of Heaven's Way!

The inexhaustible power of the Great Master of the Dao of Heaven erupted in an instant, suppressing the heavens and the world, and annihilating hundreds of millions of stars!

Heaven's Dao Master Gong: Also known as the ultimate first cause divine power, the transcendent supreme super all-round power method, the ultimate first power in the universe, the ancestor of all methods, the ancestor of all realms, with transcendence, ignoring everything, absolute supreme, absolute Invincible, absolutely super-almighty, the power of the origin of the Heavenly Dao Master, it is the general outline of the three thousand avenues, the origin of the universe, the ultimate truth, and the first cause of everything. , absolutely creates everything, absolutely destroys everything, absolutely dominates everything, and produces and destroys countless almighty universes in one thought.

Only the beings who possess the body of Heavenly Dao, comprehend the Dao of Heaven, and possess the nominative character of the Dao of Heaven can cultivate the Master of the Dao of Heaven.

The Tao of Heaven ranks first among the three thousand avenues. It is the general outline of the three thousand avenues. If you dominate the Tao of heaven, you can control the three thousand avenues. Therefore, the Tao of heaven is also called the Tao. The power of the origin of the great master of the heavens contains the three thousand avenues, so it is also called the power of the master of the three thousand avenues.

The Great Master of Heaven is in charge of the Way of Heaven, transcending everything, ignoring everything, immortal, omnipotent, omnipotent, creating everything with a single thought, destroying everything with a single thought, and ruling everything with a single thought. Super all-round function.

There are eighty-one chaotic epochs in existence of the Heavenly Dao Master Gong. It is the unique accompanying exercise of the Heavenly Dao Master. It was born in the absolute nothingness at the same time as the Heavenly Dao Master. Its shape is a nine-colored light shining. Colored Origin Seeds, known as the Great Master of the Heavenly Dao, have produced the Spirit of Exercise, referred to as the Spirit of Gong, which is an immortal and indestructible super-almighty, super-space-time, super-invincible, super-intelligent, and super-supernatural powerhouse. The spirit of the ultimate exercise.

The Great Ruler of Heavenly Dao Gong is a transcendent, absolute and supreme existence and non-existence. It is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. A single thought creates everything, and a single thought can erase everything.

The Great Master of Heaven is essentially everything, and knows everything, transcends, and is above everything. This also refers to everything, including all concepts, definitions, time and space, cause and effect, logic, laws, eternity, origin, Boundaries, imaginary numbers, meaning, relative and absolute, concrete and abstract, matter and consciousness, existence and non-existence, etc.

The Great Ruler of Heaven transcends all time, all strength, all high and low, all evaluation, all laws, all numbers, all worldviews, all systems, all levels, all spirits, all levels, all religions, all literature, all non-existence, all Existence, all languages, all cultures, all inviolability, all rankings, all spaces, all literal descriptions, all indefinables, all concepts, all thinking understandings, all boundaries, all origins, all phenomena, all logics, all dreams and all creations. world, all ideas.

It is neither destiny nor concept, it is all the different possibilities in which all the absolute truths of the universe and all beings create its own cosmology.

Every moment the infinite possibility loops and perishes beneath it, and then there will be no final consciousness, free consciousness, no more impossible, undefinable, unthinkable, unwritten, incomparable, no more. In any metaphysical as well as any metaphysical.

It is an absolute level. As an absolute level, it has no opposition between subject and object. It is neither inner wisdom, nor outer wisdom, nor inner and outer wisdom, nor pure wisdom, nor non-intelligence; neither cause nor effect, unthinkable, unwritten, and unintelligible. , uncountable, unparalleled, undefinable, unintelligible, undocumented, immeasurable, shapeless, invisible, unspeakable, unobtainable, unseen, inconceivable, unnamed, self-real, annihilation of drama, silence , comfortable, unique.

It has an infinite ability, transcending all logic, changing settings at will, transcending all indefinable things, transcending all meanings and causality, these are just one of the infinite abilities or simply insignificant for it.

The entire multiverse is just like a drop of water in the vast ocean to the Great Master of Heaven. It can be as strong as it wants, it is super almighty! The entire multi-element and strongest existence is like a microorganism in front of the Heavenly Dao Master Gonggong. What it says, everything in the universe is. Its power is tens of millions of times stronger than all the powerhouses in the multiverse combined.

The Great Master of Heavenly Dao Gong represents the ultimate thinking, ultimate power, and ultimate master of the supreme first cause of the Great Master of Heavenly Dao.

The Heavenly Dao Master Gong is - if you can master it, you are everything!