In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 414: Euripides

At this moment, the jade-faced, slightly drunk Queen Onomia took a sip of wine. She looked at Ji Haotian, who was sitting opposite, and smiled sweetly: "Haotian, I want to discuss something with you."

Ji Haotian ate the meat and said, "Tell me, what are we discussing?"

Queen Onomia said affectionately: "Haotian, since you don't want to marry our three sisters, why don't our three sisters marry you? Concubine Tian, ​​we are one husband and wife, we manage the kingdom of heaven together, and create a better future together, do you think so?"

"Uh..." The ten archangels were speechless.

Ji Haotian smiled and said: "I already have three beloved wives, they are the first and second concubines of the kingdom of heaven, I love them very much, they are all pregnant with my children now. For them, I will not provoke other women, With the three of them, I'm already very satisfied."

Queen Dike reluctantly said: "Our three sisters are all powerful, intelligent, and beautiful female geniuses who created the world. Do the first and second concubines have our genius? Are we smart? Are we beautiful?"

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "They are also all female geniuses who created the world, and they are all peerless beauties who conquered the country and the city. If they were of the same level, the three sisters would not be able to beat them!"

Queen Erinie said in surprise: "They are really so good? If we have the same level, we can't beat them? Is it possible that they all have almighty treasures?"

On the side, the Archangel of Truth Brachis smiled and said, "The first and second concubines have a more powerful treasure that is above the almighty treasure!"

The Three Queens of Time heard the words and exclaimed at the same time, "They all have the legendary treasures of creation?"

The ten archangels smiled and nodded.

The Third Queen of Time was shocked and speechless.

At this moment, Ji Haotian's ears moved slightly, showing a look of surprise, and then he smiled.

The Archangel of Wisdom Xavier smiled and asked, "Your Majesty, is there any happy event?"

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "It's really a happy event, just now my sister Ji Muxue told me through the cosmic sound transmission stone, saying that my elder brother Ji Haoyu and second brother Ji Haozhou obtained great fortune at the same time. One of them got the ultimate treasure of Hongmeng Mountain, the other Obtained the eternal sea, the supreme treasure of Hongmeng. The infinite mountain of Hongmeng contains the innate and infinite source of energy, which made my eldest brother's physique evolve into an emperor-level infinite Tao body; The emperor-level eternal Taoist body. My eldest brother and second brother were originally general-level geniuses, but now they have become emperor-level geniuses in one step, and their strength has doubled."

The Archangel of Truth Brachis smiled and said, "This is really a great deed, congratulations!"

The ten archangels congratulated one after another, and everyone raised their wine bowls and drank it all in one go.

At this moment, everyone suddenly sensed that the flying jade plate of good fortune suddenly stopped.

"Huh? Why did the jade plate of good fortune stop?" Archangel Diamond said in surprise.

A voice suddenly came from the Jade Plate Spirit: "Master, I found that a great vision of heaven and earth appeared in a nearby high-level life planet. This vision of heaven and earth broke through the sky, reached the universe, and illuminated the starry sky. It should be the birth of a heavy treasure or a treasure. Born!"

When everyone in the Fortune Jade Plate Fortune World heard the words, their eyes lit up, and they all shouted to have a look.

Ji Haotian nodded and shouted, "The Jade Plate of Fortune, show us."

The Good Fortune Jade Dish Spirit responded to the order, turned into a colorful meteor, and shot directly at the high-level life planet in the starry sky.

At the same time, the powerhouses in some life planets near the advanced life planet also sensed it, and many spaceships or cosmic flying saucers flew to this advanced life planet where a grand vision of heaven and earth occurred.

The life planet where the grand vision of heaven and earth occurred is called Euripides, and it is a high-level life planet with many powerful gods.

Under normal circumstances, the strongest person in the high-level life planet is the **** king, the strongest person on the king-level life planet is the **** king, and the strongest person on the emperor-level life planet is the **** emperor.

There are seven levels of magic, magic, and magic. From low to high, they are: low, intermediate, high, king, emperor, creation, and transcendence.

There are seven levels of life planet, from low to high: low level, intermediate level, high level, king level, emperor level, supreme level, super supreme level.

The three thousand gods in the universe are from low to high: the real gods, the earth gods, the gods, the real gods, the main gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the ancestors, and the ten gods. Each big realm is divided into ten small realms from one to ten stars.

There are seven grades of artifact, from low to high: low-grade artifact, middle-grade artifact, high-grade artifact, king-grade artifact, emperor-grade artifact, creation artifact, and quasi-sacred artifact.

Ji Haotian and the others just flew into Euripides on the jade plate of good fortune, and found that the grand vision of heaven and earth suddenly subsided and disappeared.

At the same time, they found that there are many people, many spaceships or flying saucers in the world or outside the world flocking to a continent at the center of the world, to be precise, to a large desert in the western part of the continent.

The jade plate of good fortune also flew to the mainland, and flew into the large desert in the western part of the continent.