In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4242: 4 ultimate secret places

Origin Universe Tree: An infinite and mysterious ancient ultimate cosmic tree, which exists in the depths of the invisible and boundless void beyond the infinite multiverse, in the unimaginable dimension of the void beyond time and space.

The Origin Universe Tree is the sum of all dimensions and realities, metaphysical and metaphysical, the origin of all things and worldviews, the infinity beyond meaning contains everything, and all worldviews cannot contain the Origin Universe Tree.

The origin universe tree is like the almighty universe in the narrative domain of the gods and the super-time flow in the narrative domain of all spirits, so that all other world views and narratives are projected and included here. And all world views cannot contain the origin universe tree. All creation and old gods were born here, and the center is the source of all origins.

At the bottom of the origin universe tree, there are aspects that are far beyond the infinite number. Some aspects are so grand that all other aspects (worldviews) are also exhausted by possibilities and “replicated” and contained within, and these worldviews that contain all worldviews must be It also contains a far more infinite number of similar worldviews, and these same worldviews will continue to include downwards, and so on and so forth, so that all worldviews are repeated in infinite layers of infinite chains of all iterative directions... It has been repeated infinite times, and the whole is only one aspect of the origin universe tree after the absolute infinite recursion is performed. The infinite quantum universe is one of these countless aspects, or a trivial part.

Absolutely transcendental secret place: a mysterious ancient, incredible extra-dimensional super-secret place, existing in the depths of the invisible extra-dimensional void beyond the infinite multiverse, in the unimaginable ultra-terrestrial beyond time and space. in the void.

The highest divine existence—the dwelling place of the extra-dimensional almighty beings, they transcend and cover everything, and have nothing to do with everything, they are not bound by cause and effect, and they are the cause and effect of all things, they are Brahman, the will of life, It is absolutely infinite, it is Tao, it is theology, it is beyond meaningless, it is beyond covering, it is everything... it is the origin and collection of everything in the infinitely connected and repeated worldview.

They are the only and infinite reflex argument, how transcendent, how indescribable... Even the ultimate meaning that lies above what is truly everything does not make sense to them, they are above and beyond the highest level of omnipotence, and Omnipotence at the lowest level is also absolutely omniscient and omnipotent and has absolutely no access, and the omnipotence above can only be handled as absolute transcendence, because it is impossible to refer to or construct it. The sum of all other divine omnipotences is so small before their supreme omnipotence, and their omnipotence is so great that they can inadvertently obliterate the tree of knowledge. Their most insignificant qualities are far beyond all paradoxes and philosophies, and the proposition that they are higher, greater, and omnipotent than them is itself absolutely false and nothingness. They stand in the shadow of heaven, transcending all things, high above and overlooking everything.

Primordial Aether Vortex: An infinite and unimaginable ultimate chaotic vortex, which has neither beginning nor end, and contains all the existence of all creation. Beyond existence and all encompassing, all concepts and meanings are useless before it, and growth and ascension are meaningless to it.

In its inexhaustible interplay, in its union and re-fusion of all its colors, noises and negative spaces, the primordial spirals are created, tearing apart infinite abstractions and heaven, and compressing the infinite force that encompasses everything imaginable Entering the singularity, devouring all existence, thereby transmuting into all form itself, creating all reality, creating dimension in every creation, perception, structure, rules and constants... appearing in it.

All transcendence, all covering all meanings, all Brahman, all indescribable, all super-logical and inconsistent things are essentially the expressive approximation and simulation of the primordial etheric vortex.

The properties of the primordial ether vortex can be intuitively explained in words: the primordial ether vortex cannot even be described by any concept, and the indescribable concept is only its approximation. Any concept is powerless to it, whether it is self-consistent or not, it is just a projection and a mapping of it, and the above description cannot be the truth of the original ether vortex, and it can never be reached.

The Universe of Absolute Separation: Also known as the outer universe, it is a metaphysical realm composed of many logical thoughts and concepts. It is a place that does not exist... and does not have any logical laws; it is the encompassing place of every realm and all reality.

Where every random idea, every immeasurable growth of all that has to do with the worldview intersects, where imagination and dream collide, no creation can bear the glory and terror of this realm; no mind of being can touch it, it is The highest order and final infinite predicate.

Every universe, every infinitely connected logic, every moment and infinitely growing world and realm in eternity, is nothing but a reflection of the creation expressed by the infinite logic and concept of an absolutely divided universe, and all views of it are True, all views of it are also wrong, both descriptive and indescribable, it derives everything, and is everything at the same time, but absolutely disconnected and unrelated to everything.

The above cognition is also wrong, and the so-called indescribable is extremely pale in front of it. The supreme heaven casts a projection here. Every being in the universe of absolute division is an indescribable existence, and even the infinite-dimensional beings cannot understand what kind of ideology and way of existence are used by the beings in the universe of absolute division.