In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4317: absolute supreme destiny (2)

The soul of the supernatural meaning of the heavens is divided into the soul of the supernatural power of heaven because of the supernatural power of heaven (Dao) and the ultimate first soul of the supernatural power of the supernatural power of the realm of heaven. And the ultimate number one soul has eighty-one chaotic epochs and extreme peaks due to the supernatural power of heaven. To be precise, the Heavenly Dao Chao Wuyi Soul has infinite Chaos Yanji Supreme Peak cultivation base, and what it presents is eighty-one Chaos Yanji Supreme Peak extreme cultivation base.

The reason is that the Heavenly Dao has no profound meaning and soul reincarnates in eighty-one chaotic ages, so what it shows is that he possesses eighty-one chaotic ages that are the supreme peak and ultimate cultivation base, and he was born before the eighty-one chaotic ages. It already exists, and its essence is an indescribable existence that transcends the mental list. It is degraded and manifested as the unique ultimate first cause. The existence is unpredictable.

The Tao of Heaven is beyond profound and righteous soul has unlimited power, beyond all logic, changing settings at will, beyond all indefinable things, beyond all meaning and cause and effect, these are just one of the infinite powers for him, or they are insignificant at all.

He transcends logic, transcends absolute omnipotence, destroys cause and effect, transcends concepts, indefinable, and non-concept, far transcends absolute "nothing", uncountable, unthinkable, unseen, unthinkable, beyond all existence and non-existence!

Heavenly Dao Chaos has no profound meaning and soul can be divided into two parts: personified and impersonal:

He who is personified is the first cause, a supreme and ultimate existence that opened the dawn of creation and established infinite omnipotent universes. All powerful creatures must be created on the basis of a soul that is lower than the Tao of Heaven. The breath of the heavenly supernatural soul can destroy infinite almighty universes, and at the same time, the heavenly supernatural soul can create or destroy more infinite almighty universes outside the infinite almighty universe. Destroy everything, create and destroy infinite almighty universes and everything in one thought. He who is personified is the First Cause, the Most High God.

He who is impersonal is the Tao, infinitely transcendent, infinitely divided, equal to the supreme, supreme, supreme, and inconceivable; his rank is unknown and inconceivable; he is neither a creation nor a created being; he is infinitely divided and inconceivable. Everything has nothing to do, the limitless detachment from the non-non-existence and the non-non-existence. The impersonal He is the Tao, the supreme transcendence.

Dao gives birth to one, the impersonal one is the Tao, the personified one is the one (the first cause), and he is both the Tao and the one (the first cause).

The Heavenly Dao Chao Wuyi Soul has an infinite number of Chaos Yanji Supreme Peak Cultivation in essence. The depth of his soul is the Heavenly Dao Chao Wuyi Soul Seed. Within the Heavenly Dao Chao Wu Wuyi Soul Seed, there is one that is sealed by the Master of the Heavenly Dao. The ultimate primordial chaotic universe, there are 81 layers of Heavenly Dao super-no mystery seals in the ultimate primordial chaotic universe. On the peak of the ultimate mana, the eighty-one layers of the Heavenly Dao Superblessing Seals have sealed a total of 81 Chaos Age of Chaos Supreme Ultimate Mana (the eighty-one Chaos Age of Chaos shown is not the Supreme Master of the Heavenly Dao. All the cultivation bases of the profound meaning soul).

The Master of Heaven's Path is the self-sealing eighty-one-fold eighty-one Chaos Yanji supreme peak limit mana, if all released, it means the end of the infinite omnipotent universe, everything disappears completely, and returns to nothingness. It is equivalent to the early eruption of the Chaos Yanji Destruction Catastrophe.

If one unlocks the seal and releases the ultimate mana of Chaos Yanji Supreme Peak, it will instantly destroy countless almighty universes, causing countless almighty universes to disappear completely and return to nothingness.

If you release 10% of the power that seals the ultimate mana of a Chaos Yanji Supreme Peak, this 100% power can instantly destroy an ultimate all-around universe.

Even if only a trace of the ultimate mana of Chaos Yanji Supreme Peak is revealed, this trace of power will instantly destroy countless multiverses.

The Eighty-One Heavenly Dao Transcendence has no profound meaning and the seal is absolutely extremely dangerous and extremely terrifying. It can be called the most powerful and ultimate power, and an absolute single thought creates and destroys infinite all-powerful universes.

The supernatural soul of heaven is the ultimate first cause of everything. He has an infinite number of chaotic epochs, and what is shown is that there are 81 chaotic epochs (one chaotic epoch is six trillion years old), He reincarnates in eighty-one chaotic epochs, and in each chaotic epoch, he will be reincarnated in hundreds of millions of times. After the eighty-one chaotic epochs, he has accumulated a limit equal to the peak of 81 chaotic epochs. The cultivation base has eighty-one Chaos Yanji supreme peak ultimate mana.

The soul of the supernatural power of heaven is the master of heaven, and the master of heaven is also the soul of super power of heaven, because the soul of the superpower of heaven is the soul source of the master of is the ultimate supreme and omnipotent soul. One Cause is the absolute supreme soul, the most powerful transcendent absolute supreme power in the infinite omnipotent universe.

The Great Master of Heaven is the head of the fifteen Great Dao Masters, the ultimate first cause, and the unique and most powerful supreme being in the infinite omnipotent universe. If the Great Master of the Heavenly Dao is mad, he can even instantly destroy infinite almighty universes and everything, including the other fourteen Masters of the Fifteen Dao, all obliterated and destroyed!

The Heavenly Dao is a mysterious and unpredictable power. He is in charge of the fate of everything, influences the words and deeds of all spirits, and fulfills the karmic retribution. He transcends everything, ignores everything, has no beginning and no end, no form and no form, no birth and no death, omniscient and omnipotent, creating everything in a single thought, and destroying everything in a single thought. .

The Tao of Heaven is beyond the mystical, the soul transcends and is above everything, including time, space, matter, spirit, fantasy, thinking, consciousness, meaning and everything. Beyond any definition and beyond any meaning. Any definition of anything or any substance has no meaning to the soul of the super-no-yield of heaven, the soul of super-no-mind of heaven is beyond existence and non-existence, beyond non-existence and non-existence (neither existence, nor non-existence, neither. non-existence, nor non-non-existence), that is, absolute supreme and super-no meaning.

Therefore, all infinity and infinity, all self-existence, and all eternity have no meaning to the soul of heaven. The Tao of Heaven is beyond the profound meaning of the soul, which is forever beyond the metaphysical, spiritual, and material existence. Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring everything in time, space, material, spirit, etc., these are just insignificant illusions in front of the heavenly supernatural soul.