In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4477: Judgment of the Great God and Search of

19. Cyclic Monarch: The image is a huge super colorful worm like a mountain. There is a colorful giant at each end, and the endless vortex rotates back and forth. The personified image is a tall and handsome man of colorful race, wearing a golden crown and a colorful robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and big cycle technique.

20. The Great Lady of Creation: It is a super colorful giant tree as huge as a mountain. It has colorful tentacles instead of branches and roots and leaves, and there are nine colorful giant eyes on the crown of the tree. The personified image is a tall and beautiful woman of color, wearing a golden crown and a colorful palace dress, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and great creation technique.

21. Rotating Great Heavenly Monarch: Hermaphrodite, its shape is a mass of indeterminate matter that rotates constantly, and will constantly decompose and change its shape, among which there are a pair of black and white super-giant eyes. The personified image is a tall and handsome gray man, wearing a gray-gold crown, wearing a gray robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent avenues of supernatural powers, large-dimension technique and big rotation technique.

22. Burning Datianjun: Its image is a huge colorful flame, and there are three burning petal patterns in the center of its body. It will appear as a huge colorful fireball, and then gradually become larger, becoming a super huge colorful fireball with a pattern of burning petals. The personified image is a tall and handsome man of colorful race, wearing a golden crown and a colorful robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and big burning technique.

23. Insight into the Great Heavenly Monarch: It looks like an invisible green void, with a thousand green eyes like spheres. With excellent insight, its thousand eyes can see all time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, and destiny. The personified image is a tall and handsome green man, wearing a green and gold crown, wearing a green robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and great insight technique.

24. Void Lord: It wanders in the vast universe and looks like a white void surrounded by white clouds. When he descends on a certain planet, a pair of giant white eyes will appear. The personified image is a tall and handsome Caucasian handsome man, wearing a platinum crown, wearing a white robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and great void technique.

25. Hybrid Datianjun: A bizarre super-giant colorful hybrid with characteristics of toads, squids, insects, and constant shrill and eerie sounds. The personified image is a tall and handsome gray man, wearing a gray-gold crown, wearing a gray robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Twin talent Dao supernatural power large-dimensional technique and big mixing technique.

Twenty-six. Vision Datianjun: The image is a beautiful and ethereal sea of ​​​​empty, which has a pair of colorful giant eyes and various heaven and earth visions such as the sky, the earth, the ocean, the distant mountains, the sun, the moon, and the stars. The personified image is. The personified image is a tall and handsome man of colorful race, wearing a golden crown and a colorful robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao Supernatural Powers Great Dimension Technique and Great Vision Technique.

Twenty-seven. Fluid Datianjun: The image is a huge red lava fluid with life and feeling. There are countless red eyes, and the red light is shining and shining. The personified image is a tall and handsome man of red race, wearing a red-gold crown, wearing a red robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and big fluid technique.

28. The Lady of Change: It looks like a mass of amorphous colored mist, constantly changing various forms, and people who see it will have an inexplicable sense of fear. The personified image is a tall and beautiful woman of colorful people, wearing a colorful gold crown and a colorful palace dress, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large dimension technique and big change technique.

Twenty-nine, Illusory Great Heavenly Monarch: The form will be continuously formed and decomposed, so there is no so-called real form at all. Among them, there is a pair of illusory mysterious giant eyes, the whole body is white, illusory, mysterious and unpredictable. The personified image is a tall and handsome Caucasian handsome man, wearing a platinum crown, wearing a white robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional art and grand illusion art.

30. Judgment Datianjun: Its image is a black light shining indeterminate object, with many black tentacles and cold and ruthless black eyes on it, the body surface is constantly bubbling and bursting and violently ejecting magma-like substances. The personified image is a tall and handsome black man, wearing a black and gold crown, wearing a black robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Twins are gifted with the Great Dimension Technique and the Great Judgment Technique.

Thirty-one. Searching for Datianjun: It was a huge cyan cone, about a kilometer high and a kilometer in diameter at the bottom. The whole body was covered with some kind of uneven semi-elastic scales. At the top of the cone, there are four retractable cylindrical organs, which appear to be made of the same material as the cone; these organs can sometimes shrink to the point of almost disappearing, sometimes they can stretch for thousands of miles. The personified image is a tall and handsome young man, wearing a blue-gold crown and a blue robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and big search technique.

Thirty-two, Eradication of the Great Heavenly Monarch: A creature resembling a gigantic humanoid, with a height of 1,000 meters, messy fluffy, incomparably rough black hair covering the whole body, huge ears on the head and extremely discordant, pitch-black long arms. The most striking thing is that it has eight sturdy giant limbs and a pair of black giant horns on the top of its head. The personified image is a tall and handsome black man, wearing a black and gold crown, wearing a black robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and great eradication technique.

33. Collecting Datianjun: The shape is similar to a huge spindle-shaped super barrel, about one thousand meters high. There are starfish-shaped appendages at the bottom of the body, and the head of the five-pointed star at the top has five giant golden eyes, five siphons and a set of ciliated tissue for sensing the outside world in a dark environment; the bottom of the five-pointed star appendages resemble shellfish. Axe feet, used for walking and other forms of movement. In addition, it has five pairs of leather-like wings and five sets of golden tentacles sprouting from the body. The personified image is a tall and handsome yellow man, wearing a golden crown, wearing a yellow robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large dimension technique and big collection technique.

34. Analyzing Da Tianjun: In its natural state it is a green energy vortex, and the naked eye cannot capture their image at all. Only on fairly rare occasions does it create a tangible, visible body for itself. These bodies are huge and bizarre, a bit like giant green reptiles, with huge green heads and long tails; but upon closer inspection, they are nothing like any reptile that has ever existed in the universe. The personified image is a tall and handsome green man, wearing a green and gold crown, wearing a green robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and big analysis technique.

Thirty-five, explore Datianjun: It is a super-large purple super alien creature with a body as huge as a mountain, with two forearms with sharp claws on each arm, feet like birds or dinosaurs, and the whole body is covered with purple of fur. It has a pair of protruding purple eyes scattered on the sides of its head, emitting a purple light. The personified image is a tall and handsome man of purple race, wearing a purple-gold crown and purple robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and great exploration technique.

36. Observing the Great Heavenly Monarch: Its body is a huge brown mass with eight shining brown eyes on it, and countless brown whip-like tentacles grow on the mass. There was also a huge mouth open around the mass, from which brown mucus was dripping continuously, and under the body were strong brown limbs with brown-gold claws. The personified image is a tall and handsome brown man, wearing a brown and gold crown, wearing a brown robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers large-dimensional technique and big observation technique.

The Judgment Great Heavenly Sovereign and the Search Great Heavenly Sovereign both appeared in personified images, and they all saluted Ji Haotian to see His Majesty the great and noble Heavenly Emperor.