In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4507: 99 Ultimate Ancestor Beast King (2)

Forty, Zuming Snake King

It is roughly like a giant snake, but it has four wings, and its body is thousands of miles long. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Forty-one, the Queen of Ancestral Hook Snake

It is more than a thousand miles long and has a forked tail. When preying, it uses its tail to hook animals on the shore to eat it. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Forty-two, Ancestor Tianma King

Its shape is like a huge white dog with a black head, its body is as huge as a mountain, and it is extremely fast. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Forty-three, Ancestor Zhu Yanwang

The body image is a super giant ape, with white head and red feet. As soon as this super beast appears, there will be a big war in the universe. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Forty-four, the ancestors of the kings of Huai

The first kings of Huai, whose appearance is like a super giant bull, with four horns, human eyes, and ears, and whose sound is like a geese, can devour all things in the world. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Forty-five, King Zusi

Like a super-giant bison, it is cyan, with huge green eyes, a body as huge as a mountain, and infinite strength. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Forty-six, King Zu Feilian

With a bird body and a deer head, golden eyes, and an incomparably huge body, it flies to the ground and is extremely fast. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Forty-seven, the ancestor of the three-legged black king

Golden three-legged, covered in flames, his body is as huge as a super flaming giant bird. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Forty-eighth, Zu Chongming Bird King

Its shape is like a huge rooster, and the sound is like a phoenix. This bird has two eyeballs in both eyes, so it is called Shizhongming bird, also called Shizhongming bird. It has great strength, can fight all kinds of ferocious beasts, and can ward off disasters such as foreign beasts and monsters. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Forty-nine, Ancestral Disaster Fighting King

Shaped like a super giant dog, with giant red eyes, strong limbs and a long tail, it can breathe fire and eat fire, and fire will occur wherever it passes. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Fifty, the ancestors of the kings

It has a human face, a leopard body, one cow's ears and one eye, a long tail, and can make loud noises. Its body is as huge as a mountain. It walks with its tail on its head and when it rests with its tail crossed. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Fifty-one, the ancestral king

It looks like a super giant cow with a white head, giant white eyes, and a snake tail in one eye. It has strong limbs and a huge body. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Fifty-two, the ancestral unicorn king

There is a single-horned beast in the middle of the top of the head, with huge golden eyes and a body as huge as a mountain. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

53. The Zufu Kings

It looks like a huge white deer with four horns, huge purple eyes, strong limbs, and a huge body. It is a sign of flooding. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Fifty-four, the ancestor of the chisel-toothed king

He has long tusks like chisels, which penetrated through his chin, and has strong limbs and a huge body. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Fifty-five, Zu Jiuying King

The nine-headed monster, a super terrifying beast, with a body length of hundreds of miles, can spray both water and fire. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Fifty-six, Zucheng Huang Queen

It looks like a super giant fox, with horns on its back, a body as huge as a mountain, and a long tail. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Fifty-seven, the king of ancestors

Its shape is like a super giant bull, and its naked body, human face, and horse feet, its body is as huge as a mountain, and its voice is like a baby. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Fifty-eight, Zuba Snake King

Shiba Snake King is a super giant python, thousands of miles long, devouring all things in the world, extremely dangerous and terrifying. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Fifty-nine, Zuling Fish King

A fish with a human face, big blue eyes, hands and feet, a body as huge as a mountain, and a cry like a child. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

60. Zulei God King

Zulei God King is a half-human, half-beast, super divine beast with a dragon body and a human head. It is thousands of miles long and lives in the Lei Ze. It plays games in the Lei Ze, and often beats its stomach. Rumbling thunder. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

61. King Zu Pingpeng

It gave birth to two heads, each at one end, with their wills facing each other. One head wants to go that way, and the other wants to go this way. It is a super beast with a height of 1000 meters. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Sixty-two, Ancestral Fire Beast King

It is as big as a super giant rat, with hair ten inches long, red or white, a body as huge as a mountain, and a long tail. This beast can illuminate thousands of miles and looks like a fire. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

63. The Queen of the Ancestral Fish

Half withered, half in human form, half in fish body, the body is as huge as a mountain. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Sixty-four, Queen Zu Jiufeng

Nine heads, human face and bird body, golden eyes, huge body like a mountain, and huge colorful wings. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Sixty-five, the ancestor of the snake king

A jackal with a human face, wings on its back, walking like a snake, twisting and squirming. Initiation of the snake king rarely speaks, and once it is pronounced, it will attract a monstrous flood. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Sixty-six, Ancestor Xiang Liu Wang

Nine-headed snake body, golden eyes, blue body, thousands of miles long, and extremely powerful. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Sixty-seven, Ancestral Roe Deer Owl King

Its shape is like a sheep's body with a human face, its eyes are under the armpits, its teeth are tiger's teeth and its human claws, its body is enormous, and its voice is like that of a baby. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Sixty-eight, Ancestral Rhino King

It looks like a super giant cow, with black fur and a cry like a baby. It feeds on people and is extremely vicious. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Sixty-nine, the anointed king of Zushan

It looks like a super giant pig, with big blue eyes and a huge body like a mountain. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Seventy, Zu Ran's Leftover Fish King

It has a fish body, a snake head and six legs, its eyes are like horse ears, it has six strong limbs, and a huge body. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Seventy-one, Zuer Mouse King

Its shape is like a super giant mouse, with a giant rabbit head and red giant eyes. It is extremely huge and can fly with its tail. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Seventy-two, Zu He Luo Fish King

One body and ten bodies, with huge blue eyes, its voice like a barking dog, and a huge body. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Seventy-three, King Zu

It is like a horse with scales, golden eyes, a body a hundred miles long, fire-breathing from its mouth, unusually fierce, and eats dragon's brain. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Seventy-four, Zu Changyou King

It looks like a super giant ape with four ears, a height of 1000 zhang, and its strength is infinite. It is now an omen of a flood. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Seventy-five, Ancestor Yiyang King

Shaped like a super giant sheep, but with a horse's tail, it is as huge as a mountain. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Seventy-six, the king of the ancestral Poma

The ox has a tail and a white body, one horn, a huge body like a mountain, and a long tail that sounds like a call. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Seventy-seven, the king of Zudukou

It looks like a giant tiger, with a white body, a dog head, a horse tail and a mane. It has strong limbs and a long tail. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Seventy-eighth, the ancestral leader, King Hu

Its shape is like a giant ox and its tail, its neck is like a sentence, and it has a huge body. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Seventy-nine, Ancestral Elephant Snake King

It has a body like a boa constrictor, giant blue eyes, strong limbs, and a body that is thousands of miles long. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Eighty, Zu acid and the king

Its shape is like a giant python, with four wings, six eyes, six legs, and a body that is thousands of miles long. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Eighty-one, Zupeng Snake King

Red headed and white body, golden eyes, his voice is like an ox, and his body is thousands of miles long. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Eighty-two, ancestral bighead king

Its shape is like a pear cow, with strong limbs, a huge body, and its sound is like a screeching sound. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Eighty-three, Ancestral Pearl Turtle King

It is shaped like a mouth and has eyes, six feet with beads, a long tail, and a body as huge as a mountain. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Eighty-four, Ancestor Zhu Jiwang

It is shaped like a giant fox with fish wings, has strong limbs, a huge body, and a long tail. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Eighty-five, the nephew of Zu Li

Its shape is like a giant fox, and its nine tails, nine heads, and tiger claws sound like a baby. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Eighty-six, the king of ancestors

It looks like a giant cow with a ponytail, big blue eyes, strong limbs, and a huge body. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Eighty-seven, the king of the spy

It looks like a giant wolf, with red-headed mouse eyes, strong limbs, and a long tail. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Eighty-eighth, Ancestor Jin Yuwang

Its shape is like a huge rooster with a white head, mouse feet and tiger claws, and its body is as huge as a mountain. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Eighty-nine, Ancestral Fish King

Its shape is like a giant catfish, with one body and ten bodies, its body is as huge as a mountain, and its body stinks. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Ninety, Zubo Fish King

It looks like a huge bonito with one eye, has a huge body, and its sound is like a European. UU reading There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

Ninety-one, the king of Zuhegui

Its shape is like a giant yellow pig with a human face, a yellow body and a red tail, a huge body, and its voice is like that of a baby. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Ninety-two, the ancestor of the king of fenugreek

Its shape is like a golden giant pig with horns, its body is as huge as a mountain, and its long golden tail is like a horn. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Ninety-three, Ancestor Stealing Fat King

It looks like a giant owl with a naked body and white head. It has strong limbs and a huge body. It can resist the fires of the universe. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Ninety-four, Zu Yong and the king

Its shape is like a giant cockroach, with red eyes, red beak, yellow body, huge body, and slender tail. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Ninety-five, Ancestral Baby Spoon King

Its shape is like a giant magpie, with red eyes, red beak, and white body, its tail is like a spoon, and its body is as huge as a mountain. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Ninety-six, Zu Qing Geng King

It looks like a super giant magpie, with a blue body and white beak, white eyes and white tail, and a body as huge as a mountain. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Ninety-seven, King Zuhuang

It looks like a giant dog, with tiger claws and armor, strong limbs, a huge body, and a long gray tail. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Ninety-eight, ancestors are like kings

It is shaped like a giant rat, with white ears and white bill, a body as huge as a mountain, and a slender black tail. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.

Ninety-nine, King Zu Wenzhuang

It looks like a super giant pig, with a yellow body, white head, and white tail. It has a huge body like a mountain and a long white tail. There is a silver halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head.