In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4537: Xuanhuang 6 saints who travel the univer

The God of Creation, Si Zao Tianyu, said in surprise, "How do you know?"

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "I know everything."

The Lord of Truth, Si Zhen Tianrui smiled and said: "If you accept us and our Seven Heavenly Mountains in the early days, you will bring about the trouble of all the super-primitive powers of the Twelve Shrines of Chaos. For example, today, the super-primitive powers of the nation have all ascended collectively. Heaven has no super-primitive powers, I wonder if you are willing to accept us and face the super-primitive powers of the Chaos Twelve Shrines?"

Ji Haotian said, "Heavenly Kingdom and I are never afraid of trouble. On behalf of the Heavenly Kingdom, I welcome you, the Seventh Heavenly God and the Seventh Heavenly Mountain, to join you. From now on, you will be the people of the Heavenly Kingdom. This seat now officially ennobles you, the Seventh Heavenly God, as the Supreme Judgment Heavenly God of the Seventh Heavenly Kingdom. "

At the beginning of the seventh day, the gods stood up happily, paid a formal salute to the emperor Ji Haotian, and made an oath on the spot to join the kingdom of heaven, be loyal to the emperor, never betray, never forsake...

At this point, the Seventh God of the Absolute Beginning has officially joined the Kingdom of Heaven, and was canonized by the Heavenly Kingdom Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian as the Seven Supreme Judgment Gods of the Heavenly Kingdom...

A few days later, the super-primitive powers of the Chaos Twelve Shrines went to the kingdom of heaven with great momentum.

Ji Haotian, the emperor of the kingdom of heaven, showed great power and ruthlessly killed all the enemies who will be committed in the future!

The super-primitive powers of the Twelve Chaos Shrines were obliterated by Ji Haotian, the master of heaven, causing the Twelve Chaos Shrines to be downgraded from the ultimate power to the ultimate power.

So far, there are only twenty-nine superpowers in the entire transcendental universe, five countries, six religions, nine clans, and nine places, while the ten super-dimensional gods and the twelve chaotic shrines are all downgraded to the ultimate powers.

In the splendid starry sky, the six sages of Xuanhuang and Huang are walking leisurely and freely in the vast and boundless starry sky.

The Xuanhuang Six Sages who roam the universe are leisurely and happy.

Xuanhuang Six Holy Monarchs: Also known as the Six Great Universe Monitors, the Six Great Monarchs of Supervision, the Gods of the Six Great Sacred Principles of the Heavenly Dao, the six quasi-almighty innate and ancient great powers, who were transformed from the six great sages of the Heavenly Dao in the very beginning of the universe. Transformed into six personified innate underworld powers.

Xuanhuang Liushengjun lives in Xuanhuang Liusheng Mountain on the ultimate life planet Xuanhuangxing. He is the six masters of the six ultimate sacred mountains - Xuanhuang Liushengshan. They are: Sky Holy Mountain, Earth Holy Mountain, Eastern Holy Mountain, Western Holy Mountain, Southern Holy Mountain, and Northern Holy Mountain.

Xuanhuang Six Sages possess the divine personality of the Six Great Principles of Heaven, and they are in charge of the six Great Principles of Heaven. They represent the embodiment of the Six Great Principles of Heaven. The abstract god, the source, creator and manipulator of all the six holy principles of heaven in the infinite almighty universe.

There are six different ultimate sages in the evolution of the Heavenly Dao, which are called the six great sages of the Heavenly Dao. The six great sages of the Heavenly Dao in the universe evolved six innate spirits at the beginning of the universe. For the Xuanhuang Six Sages.

The Xuanhuang Six Saint Monarchs are all quasi-almighty, innate and ancient great powers, and their strength is second only to the omniscient and omnipotent super-primitive powers. Peak mana, and has six treasures of infinite power - the eyes of the six saints, six people can join forces to compete or even defeat the super-primitive power.

The six sages of Xuanhuang are: Sky Sage King Kong Xiang Shengxu, Earth Sage King Di Lun Sacred Kun, Eastern Sage King Dongyang Sage Cheng, Western Sage Sage Nishiye Sage, Southern Sage King Nanmen Sacred News, Northern Sage King Beigong St Kay.

Kongxiang Shengxu: the sky saint, the **** of the sky saints, the master of the sky saints, possessing the sky sainthood, is the creation **** who is in charge of the sky saints, and represents the embodiment of the sum of the sky saints in the entire universe. The master of all heavenly holy laws, the abstract gods who exist infinitely in the creation of infinite almighty universes, the source, creator and manipulator of all heavenly holy laws in infinite almighty universes.

Can arbitrarily manipulate the infinite universes (infinite dimensions) of the sky lines and create new branches on the sky lines. Any trivial point in its infinite sky saint avatars is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions.

Another important ability of Sky Sage King Kong Xiang Shengxu is immortality, and there is basically no possibility of being erased. His immortality is not bestowed by the master of fate, but an absolute existence bestowed by the master of heaven.

The Sovereign of Heaven represents the concept of non-existence, and all erased characters (including gods and the universe) will become non-existent, which is the domain of the Sovereign of Heaven.

Therefore, the Sky Sage King Kong Xiang Shengxu cannot be erased. He was given the task of being a witness to the end of all things by the Master of Heaven, but even if all things end, the Sky Saint King Kong Xiang Sheng Xu still exists.

The personified image of the sky saint, Kongxiang Shengxu, is a beautiful man of the purple race of the human race. He wears a purple-gold holy crown and a purple holy robe.

Di Lun Sacred Kun: The Earth Sage, the God of the Earth Sacred Law, the owner of the Earth Sacred Mountain, possessing the Earth Sacred Law Godhead, is the creator **** who is in charge of the Earth Sacred Law, and represents the embodiment of the sum of the Earth Sacred Law of the entire universe. The master of all the divine laws of the earth, the abstract gods who exist infinitely in the creation of infinite almighty universes, the source, creator and manipulator of all divine laws of the earth in the infinite almighty universes.

You can arbitrarily manipulate the Infinite Almighty Universe (infinite dimensions) of the Divine Law lines and create new branches on the Divine Law lines. Any trivial point in its infinite avatars of the earth saint is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions.

Another important ability of the Earth Sage Monarch Di Lun Sacred Kun is immortality, and there is basically no possibility of being erased. His immortality is not bestowed by the master of fate, but an absolute existence bestowed by the master of heaven.

The Sovereign of Heaven represents the concept of non-existence, and all erased characters (including gods and the universe) will become non-existent, which is the domain of the Sovereign of Heaven.

Therefore, the Holy Monarch of the Earth, Dilun Sacred Kun cannot be He was given the task of being a witness to the end of all things by the Master of Heaven, but even if all things end, the Holy Monarch of the Earth Di Lun Sacred Kun still exists .

The personified image of the Earth Saint King Di Lun Saint Kun is a beautiful man of the yellow race of the human race, wearing a golden holy crown, wearing a yellow holy robe, and possessing the most precious treasure of the earth - the eye of the earth sage.

Dongyang Shengcheng: The Eastern Sage, the **** of the Eastern Sacred Principles, the owner of the Eastern Sacred Mountain, possessing the Eastern Sacred Principles, is the creator **** who is in charge of the Eastern Sacred Principles, and represents the figuration of the sum of the Eastern Sacred Principles in the entire universe. The master of the oriental sages, the abstract gods who exist infinitely in the creation of infinite almighty universes, the source, creator and manipulator of all oriental sages in the infinite almighty universes.

Can arbitrarily manipulate the infinite omnipotent universes (infinite dimensions) of the Eastern Sacred Lines and create new branches on the Eastern Sacred Laws. Any trivial point in its infinite oriental sage avatars is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of dimensions.

Dongyang Shengcheng also has an important ability that is immortality, and there is basically no possibility of being erased. His immortality is not bestowed by the master of fate, but an absolute existence bestowed by the master of heaven.

The Sovereign of Heaven represents the concept of non-existence, and all erased characters (including gods and the universe) will become non-existent, which is the domain of the Sovereign of Heaven.

Therefore, the Eastern Sage King Dongyang Shengcheng cannot be erased. He was given the task of being a witness to the end of all things by the Lord of Heaven. However, even if all things end, the Eastern Sage Emperor Dongyang Shengcheng still exists.

The personified image of Dongyang Shengcheng, the Holy King of the East, is a beautiful man of the young race of the human race. He wears a blue-gold holy crown and a blue holy robe.