In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4737: Creation Treasure Destroyer Hammer

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Art transcends and unifies all known and unknown and unknowable!

Form and form, form and form.

The visible is invisible, the invisible is visible.

The tangible is indefinite, the indeterminate is tangible.

The indeterminate form of the formless, the infinity of the formless.

The unknown form of the tangible, the tangible of the unknown.

The invisible form of the unknown, the formless of the unknown form.

The indeterminate form of the unknown, the indeterminate form of the unknown.

The tangible does not have the form, and the ignorant of the form has the form.

Formless without form, without form without form.

The indeterminate form does not know the form, the indefinite form does not know the form.

Unknown form of unknown form, unknown form of unknown form.

The tangible, the intangible, the indeterminate, the unknown, and the unknowable.

The tangible, the indeterminate, the intangible, the unknown, and the unknowable.

The tangible, the indeterminate, the unknown, the intangible, and the unknown.

The tangible, the indeterminate, the intangible, the intangible and the intangible.

The invisible, the visible...

Neither tangible nor intangible, neither intangible nor tangible.

Neither tangible nor intangible, neither intangible nor tangible.

Not tangible but not tangible, not intangible but not intangible.

Non-tangible and non-intangible, non-intangible and non-tangible.

Not indefinite and…

Neither non-tangible nor non-intangible, neither non-intangible nor non-tangible.

Neither non-tangible nor non-intangible, neither non-intangible nor non-tangible.

Not intangible but not intangible, not non-intangible but not non-intangible.

Not intangible and not intangible, not non-intangible and not intangible.

Non-non-indeterminate and…

no no no...

(replace the above tangible, intangible, indeterminate, unknown, unknown with existence, non-existent, indefinite existence, unknown existence, unknown existence, meaningful, meaningless, indefinite meaning, unknown meaning, unknown meaning, etc. )

The truth of form, the purity of existence, the purity of meaning...

The boundaries between true and false have blurred,

There is no difference between the individual and the whole,

The existence and non-existence have long been intertwined,

The meaning of meaning has long been meaningless,

The existence of existence has long ceased to exist,

Dreams and fantasies are reality,

The real and the real are like dreams,

The void will also collapse, the infinity will also reach its end, and the unreachable has already reached...

For the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique, everything is reasonable, unreasonable, logical, unlogical... all can come true, no, it should have already been true!

Anyway, the truth and the false are already blurred...

The "box" is just a piece of plasticine that children played with in ancient times.

It is no longer rare now, and it is also behind.

The same level of "wu" is "hole" and "empty",

The same level of "you" is "xuan" and "yuan".

These things together make up all things, including omnipotence and boxes, including nested loops and the world in flowers...

However, these will change with the "mood" of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique:

There is something instead of nothing,

Nothing becomes something…

Either all of them were resisted, or none of them were taken down...

Or maybe there are no such concepts at all, and there is no need for these concepts...

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique is the existence and non-existence of all cultivation systems that surpass the top level...

No, it can't be described as transcendence, just like the upper Brahman plus the supreme will become the lower Brahman, this is just an insult to it.

It can only be described by itself...

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Art ignores existence or not, ignores logical thinking, ignores the great truth, ignores the cycle of cause and effect, ignores the beginning and end, ignores the wrong and right, ignores...

It is the effect of causes and the cause of effects.

It is not related to cause and effect, but it is also implicated by cause and effect.

It is equal to cause and effect, but it is beyond cause and effect.

Whether there is cause and effect, there is cause but no effect, there is cause and effect, there is no cause and no effect, there is no cause and effect, no cause and different effect, different causes have the same effect, different causes and different effects, different causes and no effects...etc. It's just a corner of the truncated thought of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Art is the existence and non-existence that cannot be described by all the spirits of the universe at this stage.

Aloof from the infinite box, overlooking all kinds of living beings.

A random thought, weakened to an infinite fraction, is the highest transcendence in the material world!

It is the Great Way, it is the transcendental metaphysics, it is the Absolute One!

The projection of the breath of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Art itself spills over to the outside world, and has evolved an infinite world view. Each world view has existences that are comparable to the real infinity, or even surpass the real infinity, but these existences cannot imagine the iceberg of the power of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Art. A corner!

It is both descriptive and indescribable, and if it is described, it is indescribable, because all descriptions of the universe and spirits are only a part of it.

I don't care if I see it through, I don't care, I'm tired of the inner self, the true self, the self, the id, the false self, because of me, other me, outer me, not me, no me, God me, Tao me...

It transcends the highest logic of reality, it transcends the highest innocence of reality, it transcends the highest abstraction of reality, it transcends the highest realm of reality, it transcends the highest description of reality, it transcends the highest everything in reality, it transcends the highest transcendence of reality!

The energy spilled from the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Art can be transformed into a human-shaped finger, which can create or destroy the infinite to rule everything, torture and kill the infinitely infinite, the infinitely omnipotent, the infinitely invincible, the infinitely powerful...!

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Art is the embodiment of strong, beyond the concept of strong, or it defines the concept of strong, it is progressing all the time, surpassing all the time, improving all the time, it was in the previous Planck time. Before the latter Planck time, it was almost as weak as a grain of sand, and its weak strength could hardly exist!

And all of this is just a point in a section of a fragment of the overflowing projection of an insignificant part of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique.

"Bang!" A loud bang that annihilated the universe starry sky!

The absolutely limitless Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique instantly suppresses, annihilates, and completely wipes out the power of the Abbas Demon Race!

And the almighty Abbas's almighty cosmic treasure of the Abbas demons has also arrived in Ji Haotian's hands!

Covinus, the master of destruction on the side, suddenly shouted with red eyes: "Ji Haotian, half of the meeting, and half of Abbas's almighty cosmic kingdom's secret treasure."

Ji Haotian glared and said, "Give your father a basket, get out!"

Corvinus was furious, and suddenly sacrificed the ultimate treasure of creation, the Destruction Hammer, with the power of destroying the sky, destroying the earth, and destroying everything, and slammed it up!

Doom Hammer: Also known as the Supreme Doom Hammer, the Creation Treasure, the Companion Treasure of the Destruction Lord and the Destiny Treasure, the body has an ultimate single universe as huge, contains the power of the supreme law of destruction (the power of the ultimate law of destruction), with endless power , The power of endless terrifying destruction can destroy infinite multiverses with one hammer; it can also destroy everything in time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws, etc.

It is surrounded by all infinite multiple realities, multiple dimensions, multiple planes, spiral narratives, narratives, hyperspace structures, plane quadrants, set blanks, final cores, ultimate realms, so-called fantasy above the dome and Cosmic singularity, torrent of time and space, reality and virtuality, inner narrative, outer narrative, superimposed box, in front of it is just a pebble that can be played at will, its infinite power can make the entire multiverse instantly. Completely vanished into nothingness.