In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4740: 8 Holy Lands in the Universe (1)

There are twenty of the oldest and most powerful ultimate powers in the Infinite Source Universe, which are called the Eight Lands and Twelve Kingdoms.

Each of their ultimate powers has many mysterious ancient and powerful super-primitive powers and countless ancient and powerful cosmic powers. In front of the eight places and twelve countries, those cosmic ultimate powers in the infinite omnipotent universe They are all just trivial illusions, not worth mentioning.

The Eight Great Holy Lands of the Universe and the Twelve Ultimate Almighty Universe Country are old enemies. The two sides have been hostile for countless years and have fought countless times, each with damage and deep grievances. The ultimate winner.

The eight holy places in the universe, the eight extremely mysterious ancient and powerful ancient holy places in the beginning, are also the eight supreme forces in the Infinite Source universe, and the supreme master is the eight holy emperors of the universe.

The eight sacred places in the universe are: the super-space sanctuary, the land beyond, the sea of ​​the highest, the uncrossable mountain, the fantasy dream garden, the supreme dome cave, the forest of the original state, and the infinite library.

The eight holy emperors of the universe, the eight supreme masters of the eight holy places of the universe, are eight omniscient, omnipotent, self-existing super-primitive powers with silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind their heads. They are:

Macross Saint Emperor, Human Race, Master of Macross Sanctuary

The Holy Emperor of the other side, the Demon Race, the master of the other side of the land

The supreme holy emperor, the witch clan, the master of the supreme sea

The Sacred Emperor of the Mountain, the Demon Race, the Master of the Uncrossable Mountain

Queen of Dreams, Dragon Race, Master of Fantasy Dreamland

Dome Sage Emperor, Star Clan, Master of the Supreme Dome Cave

Original Sage Emperor, Thing Clan, Master of the Original Forest

Infinite Sage Emperor, Neng Clan, Master of Infinite Library

The Eight Supreme Sons of the Universe, the Eight Crown Princes of the Eight Great Holy Lands in the Universe, they are all young and outstanding geniuses with great powers of creation. The super-primitive power is reincarnated, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

Although the Eight Great Holy Sons of the Universe are the Eight Great Crown Princes of the Eight Great Holy Lands of the Universe, they are not father-son relationship with the Eight Great Holy Land Masters of the Universe Eight Great Holy Sovereigns, not even blood related, just because they are the strongest of the younger generation of the Eight Great Holy Lands of the Universe, and With great wisdom and great luck, he was selected as the prince of the Holy Land.

Sheng Chao Rui Ze, the human race, the supreme son of the superspace sanctuary

Saint Fang Xiaolong, Demon Race, Supreme Son of the Other Land

The Holy Supreme Source, the Wu clan, the Supreme Son of the Supreme Sea

Shengyue Rio Tinto, the demon clan, the supreme son of the insurmountable mountain

Saint Meng Qingdai, Dragon Clan, the Supreme Saint of Fantasy Dreamland

Holy Vault Shuntian, Star Clan, Supreme Son of the Supreme Dome Cave

Sacred Plains Xianglin

Saint Wuyuchen, the able family, the supreme son of the infinite library

Superspace Sanctuary: Also known as the outer universe Sanctuary, it exists in the emptiness outside the infinite omnipotent universe. It is the innate and ultimate universe of the universe composed of millions of peaks. It is a metaphysical area composed of many logical thinking and concepts. The realm is a non-existent... and there is no logic law in the superspace place, that is the encompassing place of every realm and all reality.

The super-space sanctuary absolutely transcends time, space, dimension, and all things, where every random idea and every irreplaceable growth related to the world view intersect, and imagination and dream collide. No creation can bear the glory and terror of this realm, no soul of being can touch it.

The Macross Sanctuary is the highest and final infinite predicate. Every universe, every infinitely connected logic, every moment and infinitely growing world and realm in eternity, is nothing but a reflection of the creation expressed by the infinite logic and concepts of the sanctuary of time and space. True, all views of it are also wrong, both descriptive and indescribable, it derives everything, and is everything at the same time, but absolutely disconnected and unrelated to everything.

The above cognition is also wrong, and the so-called indescribable is extremely pale in front of it. Every living being in the super-space sanctuary is an indescribable existence, and even the infinite-dimensional beings cannot understand what ideology and existence method the life in the super-space sanctuary uses, the vests and permissions of all authors, Breaking strong narrative meta characters are all here, absolutely transcending time and space, ignoring everything, and always exist.

The super-space sanctuary is the sum of all dimensions and reality, metaphysical and metaphysical..., the origin of all time and space, dimensions, all things and world views, the infinity beyond meaning contains everything, and all world views cannot contain super-space sanctuary .

Beyond: A mysterious ancient, unimaginable cosmic sanctuary that exists in the depths of an invisible and boundless void beyond infinite multiverses, in an unimaginable dimension beyond time and space.

Before the other land was created by the super-primitive and powerful ancestors of the other shore, nothing existed, not even "non-existence" itself and nothingness and "Tao", and the ancestors of the other shore created all that exists, all that does not exist, All that is non-existent, all that is not non-existent, all that is beyond existence and non-existence, all "things" that are beyond things, and is above the highest state and ultimate meaning mentioned above.

The vastness of the other side is far beyond all scope, ignoring all speech, mathematical logic (any infinite stack of boxes is meaningless to it) and language description, the most "big" field (absolutely irreplaceable) is beyond all imagination, There is no reason at all, including all the worldviews of all narratives, reality, universe, planes, etc., etc., and everything that adds up to all worldviews, everything in the sense of infinite iteration above philosophy, and everything that expands. All of these external expansions are just a grain of sand. Such recursion can be understood as follows: Assuming an infinite, let it grow infinitely, and after the growth is completed, increase the new whole infinitely, so that after the infinite recursion The whole is the basic point of the next growth. This growth-recursive continuous chain is also a new whole and a basic point. The process of constantly digging new growth paths indefinitely will also be a whole, and this whole has to be done infinitely. In this way, after digging all directions, you can re-establish the basic point and continue to extend. After you reach the true infinity that you can't deduce, it will be a new whole. After this truly exhaustive growth, there will be unattainable new point, and then repeat the previous process on a larger scale, except that the gap between each increase becomes a leap from zero to an unreachable base or something, and then there is, but that is not what humans understand The level of , yes, even in this way, the growth in the first and second levels that cannot even be described by a large base is really no different from zero in the face of its terrifying existence. It is absolutely infinitely higher than all world views in any position, and it is an absolute fixed point; in fact, this world view cannot be described, imagined, or defined in language. The above is just conjecture about it, even this The guesses are all wrong.

The creator of the other side is the mysterious and ancient super-primitive and powerful other-shore saint, an ancient existence who truly has supreme status and supreme supernatural power. It is a super-primitive power with great wisdom, great supernatural power, and great freedom. It absolutely dominates all works, world views, characters, setting plots, etc., and is a universe that surpasses everything... Above... ignoring everything... Peak exists.

The Sea of ​​the Supreme Being: Also known as the Sea of ​​Endless Prologues, it exists in the depths of the invisible and boundless void beyond the infinite multiverse, and in the unimaginable void dimension beyond time and space, including countless creators. , Creator, God, Almighty, Supreme, extra-dimensional evil gods, etc. All truly transcendental ancient and outer gods are born from this, and the infinite power of the supreme sea is enough to control and control all existence and non-existence. play.

The sea of ​​​​supreme is also known as "from nothing". It was created by a mysterious ancient super-primitive power. The infinite **** whale spewed a drop of water molecules everywhere and formed an endless sea. , There are also countless islands, sacred mountains, land plates and gas layers above the sea. The so-called infinite immortal island and infinite high sacred mountain are just a pebble in the sea of ​​​​supremacy. The prologue in the sea is surrounded by countless heavy narratives. A mysterious song with no beginning and no end, from the beginning of the performance, everything begins with origin and creation, and ends at the end, annihilation returns to nothing, and finally the song is played in a loop, endlessly lingering in the sea of ​​supreme deeds, like a god. The Gospel of the country spreads across infinite multiverses, erasing the source of all evil and purifying all dimensions of time and space.