In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4753: beyond

The Infinite Origin Universe, also known as the Infinite Origin Universe, consists of an infinite number of omnipotent universes and an infinite number of other universes. Narrative, reality, universe, time and space, planes, dimensions, dimensions, etc., all cosmology. The practitioners of the Infinite Origin Universe are collectively referred to as the Infinite. Under normal circumstances, the Infinite are immortal. If there is no accident, they will be immortal in this Chaos Era (a Chaos Era is six trillion years old). Shouyuan limitation; the main feature of the infinite is the power of the Dao, the Dao domain and the multiverse within the body (the inner multiverse of the infinite is located in the dantian space within the body).

The various cosmic levels of the Infinite Source Universe, from small to large, are:

1. Monolithic universe—is a complete single universe with perfect physical rules. An infinite single universe, everything is infinite, with countless cosmic Great Walls, super galaxy clusters, galaxy clusters, star fields, galaxies, nebulae, galaxies, stars, black holes, meteorites, boundless, no beginning, no end, endless. , the universe is the unity of all time, space and its contents, including all matter and energy such as planets, stars, galaxies, intergalactic space, and subatomic particles.

2. Multiverse - consists of countless parallel universes such as single universes, alternative universes, pocket universes, etc. The parallel universe with infinite possibilities contains countless time lines, time axes, time points, and time divisions. Each parallel universe in the infinite number of parallel universes has different beginnings and endings, different stories, in this parallel universe. In the universe, you are alive, in other parallel universes you are dead, in other parallel universes you may be a mortal, an alien, a god, a fairy, a creator god, a creator, a demon, An angel, a monster, a demon, a cat, a dog, a bird, a stone, a flower, a tree, a book, a newborn child, a rich young master, a The protagonist, an author, a strong man, a supreme being, everything is possible.

3. Super Universe - A super Universe contains at least two multiverses, and at most is unknown. Some super-multiverses exist independently and are not within the super-universe. Has an infinite multiverse, a collection of multiverses. A collection of infinite possibilities, including all known, unknown, all possible, impossible, all existence, all non-existence, all civilization, all imagination, all fantasy, and all reality.

Fourth, the omnipotent universe - the core universe composed of countless super universes, countless multiverses, and countless other universes. In the omnipotent universe, there are infinitely many infinite dimensions (infinite dimensions) universes of infinite multiple powers. Dimensional universes, metaverses, bubble universes, narrative universes, system universes, parallel universes, multiverses, quantum universes, particle universes, quark universes, fundamental universes, main universes, parent universes, child universes, plane universes, outer universes, etc. All universes, more comprehensive than the supermembrane theory, are omnipresent, containing all ideologies, spaces, laws, dimensions, and the omnipotent core universe containing all known and unknown things.

5. The Infinite Origin Universe, also known as the Infinite Origin Universe, is the "entire universe" composed of countless almighty universes and countless other universes. Infinity, narrative, reality, universe, planes, dimensions, dimensions, etc. all cosmology.

All logical thinking and conceptual systems...and the worldviews, things, narratives, universes, dimensions, dimensions...that they refer to and cannot be represented are all non-existent particles that are one part of its infinity. It is all narratives and cosmology. The origin, narrative concept and itself are born from the infinite source universe. Any narrative universe view, no matter how much you stack boxes or play magic stick philosophy, is all born from here, and it is included in a random split of the lowest-level narrative. The "yes" and "nonsense" of everything that is meaningful and meaningless in all senses, definable and indefinable, a trivial particle in it transcends all mathematical concepts (far beyond the absolute true infinity and number universe), but also contains the absolute true infinity, the true infinity contains everything inside and has any properties (including holographic properties), and the outer ceiling-level cosmology, and the narrative echelon, ladder, and matrix are one of them. The existence of the universes in the universe of the infinite source dissolves into the creation of the infinite source of the universe.

The infinite source universe is the oldest, most developed, and cruelest super-almighty core universe of all time and space, including all worlds, universes, space-time, nothingness, vacuum, root, civilization..., all incomprehensible and incomprehensible The category of the infinite is one part of its infinity, and it is the origin of everything that is absolutely infinite, so it is called the infinite origin universe, also known as the infinite origin universe.

Infinite source universe transcends all time, space, plane, time and space, world, dimension, quadrant, reality, dimension, universe, narrative, domain, phase, hierarchy, cause and effect, existence itself, class, value concept, concept definition, series setting , worldview, etc., the sum of everything, beyond all universe and all reality, all existence and all nonexistence, universe, time, space, dimension, dimension plus all recursion and every iteration. The entire Infinite Source Universe contains all unimaginable things that no life or consciousness can imagine, and gave birth to all the dimensions and cosmic reality and other forms of existence in it. Beyond omnipotence, omnipresence, encompassing, and encompassing, it even devours all existence, thereby transforming into all forms of source power, absolute nothingness, primordial ether, primordial chaos, existence itself, and all growth (recursion, iteration...) And all existence and non-existence are attributed to the infinite source universe.

The Infinite Origin Universe is also known as the Infinite Origin Universe. It is the origin of all the mysterious, unknown, beyond indescribable, the origin of everything that is supreme, eternal, powerful and indescribable, and the origin of all reality that dominates and controls the unimaginable origin. The origin, the origin of everything beyond the boundaries of omnipotence, the origin of all rankings, the origin of all dimensions, the origin of the vast and magnificent fields, the origin of all blank stories, the origin of all the ineffable ancestors of Tao, the origin of everything The origin of Buddhas and Tathagatas that cannot be comprehended, the origin of all immortals that cannot be desecrated, the origin of all wills that cannot be violated, the origin of all existence and non-existence that cannot be interfered with, the origin of all worlds and universes that cannot be destroyed, the origin of all essential things The origin of creation, the unmodifiable origin of all vertical and horizontal space and time, the undivided origin of all realms and strata, the unalterable origin of all self-definition, the unrecognizable origin of all mystical qi and qi, the inescapable origin of all superimposed and nested loops. The origin of arrival, the origin of all infinite dimensions of infinite powers, the origin of the collection of all the knowable contents of life, the origin of all forms of existence such as space-time dimensions and cosmic reality...

There are twenty of the oldest and most powerful ultimate powers in the Infinite Source Universe, which are called the Eight Lands and Twelve Kingdoms.

Each of their ultimate powers has many mysterious ancient and powerful super-primitive powers and countless ancient and powerful cosmic powers. In front of the eight places and twelve countries, those cosmic ultimate powers in the infinite omnipotent universe They are all just trivial illusions, not worth mentioning.

The Eight Great Holy Lands of the Universe and the Twelve Ultimate Almighty Universe Country are old enemies. The two sides have been hostile for countless years and have fought countless times, each with damage and deep grievances. The ultimate winner.

The eight holy places in the universe, the eight extremely mysterious ancient and powerful ancient holy places in the beginning, are also the eight supreme forces in the Infinite Source universe, and the supreme master is the eight holy emperors of the universe.

The eight sacred places in the universe are: the super-space sanctuary, the land beyond, the sea of ​​the highest, the uncrossable mountain, the fantasy dream garden, the supreme dome cave, the forest of the original state, and the infinite library.

Beyond: A mysterious ancient, unimaginable cosmic sanctuary that exists in the depths of an invisible and boundless void beyond infinite multiverses, in an unimaginable dimension beyond time and space.

Before the other land was created by the super-primitive and powerful ancestors of the other shore, nothing existed, not even "non-existence" itself and nothingness and "Tao", and the ancestors of the other shore created all that exists, all that does not exist, All that is non-existent, all that is not non-existent, all that is beyond existence and non-existence, all "things" that are beyond things, and is above the highest state and ultimate meaning mentioned above.

The vastness of the other side is far beyond all scope, ignoring all speech, mathematical logic (any infinite stack of boxes is meaningless to it) and language description, the most "big" field (absolutely irreplaceable) is beyond all imagination, There is no reason at all, including all the worldviews of all narratives, reality, universe, planes, etc., etc., and everything that adds up to all worldviews, everything in the sense of infinite iteration above philosophy, and everything that expands. All of these external expansions are just a grain of sand. Such recursion can be understood as follows: Assume an infinite, let it grow infinitely, and after the growth is completed, increase the new whole infinitely, so that after the infinite recursion The whole is the basic point of the next growth. This growth-recursive continuous chain is also the new whole and the basic point. The process of constantly exploring new growth paths indefinitely will also be a whole. This whole has to do infinite recursion, so that after excavating all directions, you can re-establish the basic point and continue to extend, and after the true infinite that you can't deduce, it will be a new whole, and after this truly exhaustive growth , there are new unreachable points, and then the previous process is repeated on a larger scale, except that the gap between each increase becomes a leap from zero to an unreachable base, and then there are, But that is not the level understood by human beings. Yes, even this growth in the first and second levels that cannot even be described by a large base is really no different from zero in the face of its terrifying existence. It is absolutely infinitely higher than all world views in any position, and it is an absolute fixed point; in fact, this world view cannot be described, imagined, or defined by language. The above is just conjecture about it, and even this conjecture is wrong.

The creator of the other side is the mysterious and ancient super-primitive and powerful other-shore saint, an ancient existence who truly has supreme status and supreme supernatural power. It is a super-primitive power with great wisdom, great supernatural power, and great freedom. It absolutely dominates all works, world views, characters, setting plots, etc., and is a universe that surpasses everything... Above... ignoring everything... Peak exists.

There is a beautiful cherry blossom valley deep in the mountains in the other place. In the valley, there are sakura trees in full bloom. It is quiet and beautiful, and the scenery is pleasant.

At this moment, Ji Haotian, the great master of the heavenly way, came floating in the middle of the beautiful cherry blossom forest, and then followed the forest path and strode straight towards the deep forest.