In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4842: The Supreme Creator of the Universe (1)

The beautiful and noble holy queen Ariana looked at Ji Haotian, a man of peerless beauty, and smiled, "Haotian, you have been in a coma for three years and finally woke up."

Ji Haotian got up and said with a smile, "Ariana, thank you for saving me."

Ariana smiled and said, "It's nothing to worry about. Are you alright now? I'm very curious about who else in the Infinite Origin Universe can hurt you!"

The two sat down together.

Ji Haotian said: "I'm fine, I have a decisive battle with the master of time and space, Rakipresis. It was the eight holy emperors of the universe who suddenly joined forces to attack me."

Ariana smiled tenderly and said, "I know you are a vengeful guy. You are very vengeful. It seems that the eight great emperors of the universe will not end well in the future!"

The two sat together and drank tea while chatting in a relaxed and pleasant way.

An hour later, Ariana left, Ji Haotian disappeared out of thin air, and directly entered the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm, and the Tiandao Pagoda automatically turned into a speck of dust and fell to a corner...

Time flies by.

Three years later.

In a room in Pollux Castle, Ji Haotian appeared out of thin air again, and the Tiandao Pagoda automatically formed a purple light, which disappeared between Ji Haotian's eyebrows.

In the past three years from the outside world, Ji Haotian has been practicing in the Tiandao Pagoda and Tiandao world for more than a thousand years, and finally he has mastered the absolute super all-round combat skill - the supreme creator fist of the universe!

The Supreme Creator Fist of the Universe: Also known as the Heavenly Dao Master Fist, the absolute first cause boxing, the transcendent absolute super-all-round combat technique, the source and ancestor of all the combat techniques in the universe, originating from the absolute supreme soul - the heavenly supernatural soul, the absolute The first due to the specific phenomenon of the power and the sum of all powers, it is the absolute strongest and ultimate combat technique in the universe, known as the ancestor of combat techniques, the first combat technique in the universe, and the first punch in the universe.

The image of the Supreme Creator Fist of the Universe is an infinite purple light and a mighty purple-golden sky-covering giant fist, which contains absolute superpower-the power of the Supreme Creator of the Universe (the power is comparable to the creation of the treasure).

Once the supreme creator fist of the universe appears, it will instantly cause infinite reality to be torn apart one after another, countless suns will explode one after another, and infinite parallel dimensions will collapse one after another. All logical thinking and conceptual systems...and the universes, time and space, things, narratives that they refer to and cannot be referred to...are just non-existent particles with infinite power from the supreme Creator of the universe.

The supreme creator fist of the universe is an absolute super-all-powerful power, with a power comparable to the treasure of creation. In most cases, its shape is an infinite purple-gold giant fist that emits purple-gold light all over its body. When it releases its power, countless purple-gold rays of light will spew out of its fist like an explosion, and the huge force will engulf everything around it, perhaps annihilating everything, or creating new life. It can essentially completely dominate all the structures of the entire infinite omnipotent universe, and all the time and space and the infinite dimensions they have are running and dying under the eternal power of the supreme creator of the universe.

The image it presents in the infinite almighty universe is nothing but a projection created by its body. If the real body comes, the entire infinite almighty universe will collapse in an instant. Even projection has a huge power beyond the understanding of hundreds of millions of creatures. It needs to suppress the power to ensure that it will not damage the structure of the infinite almighty universe and destroy the stability and balance of reality. It exists in the time law of its own time and space, and the past, present, future, causality and probability in the lower world space and time are meaningless to it, and the endless time segments are all in its infinite power. Photos that exist at the same time can be completely flipped through or rearranged in a single thought.

The fist of the supreme creator of the universe can instantly create and destroy the absolutely infinite almighty universe. Whenever there is a new idea, it will create and destroy a brand new absolutely infinite almighty universe and everything. Under the infinite power of the supreme creator of the universe, An absolute single thought creates and destroys countless almighty universes, absolutely creates the world, obliterates everything, ignores cause and effect, ignores the Dao, ignores modification settings, ignores all realms, ignores super-metaphysical and super-physical, and ignores all existence and non-existence.

With the first punch, a limited number of almighty universes will be born and destroyed a limited number of times!

With the second punch, countless almighty universes will be born and destroyed countless times!

With the third punch, uncountable and infinite almighty universes will be born and die uncountably and infinitely!

With the fourth punch, the infinite universes and infinite dimensions that existed in one dimension all disappeared!

With the fifth punch, the upper dimension condensed from infinite dimensions vanished into ashes!

With the sixth punch, the super-high-level dimension filled with thousands of high-level dimensions fell apart in an instant!

With the seventh punch, the infinite past, present, and future have all been completely erased, and even nothingness, chaos, cause and effect, and concepts do not exist.

The power of the one-in-a-millionth of the supreme creator of the universe collapses all the universe, the infinite past, present, and future time and space are broken, all dimensions fall, the real reality is torn apart, the system is cleared, the world view is changed, and all are shaken. Hierarchy, leading to the collapse of the ladder, the subversion of truth, the chaos of cause and effect, the birth and death of the universe, the inversion of time and space, the shattering of dimensions, the collapse of planes, the tearing of blanks, everything ceases to exist, and everything turns into absolute nothingness!