In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4870: The Legend of Creation Human Race (3)

The five ancestors of the human race: also known as the five great creation gods of the human race, the five super-primitive saints of the human race, and the five great creators of the human race. They are the five super-primitive creators of the human race who have spent seventy-five chaotic epochs (one chaotic epoch of six trillion years). Great power, they are the five most important ancestors and five ancient and powerful super-primitive saints of the human race in the early stage of the development of the human race. It is they who took the primitive human race out of the primitive life. The five ancestors of the human race are: Youchao ancestor, Suiren ancestor, Fuxi ancestor, Shennong ancestor, Zhisheng ancestor.

The five ancestors of the human race are five creation-level super-primitive powers with creation-level Dao bodies. They have all spent seventy-five chaotic epochs (one chaotic epoch of six trillion years), but they have seven Nineteen Chaos Yanji peak limit cultivation base, this is their secret, no one knows the reason. They have omniscient, omnipotent, self-possessed Taiwusoul, with a purple halo of wisdom and various miraculous visions behind their heads, as well as unlimited creation supernatural powers. The six extra-dimensional super-gods and the seventy-two primordial gods of chaos are the five creators of the universe and the immortal creators of the universe.

1. The ancestor of the nest, the **** of construction, was the inventor of the earliest house, so that the early human race did not live in the dark cave.

2. The ancestor of the Sui people, the **** of flames, was the inventor of artificial fire in human civilization. He taught people to cook cooked food, ended the history of ancient human beings drinking blood, and created the Chinese civilization.

3. The first ancestor of Fuxi, the **** of creation, created the system of gossip, writing, fishing, hunting and marriage.

Fourth, the ancestor of Shennong, the **** of agriculture, tasted all kinds of herbs, made saffron, planted five grains, established the market, and used hemp to make cloth.

5. Knowing the first ancestor of life, the **** of production, in the ancient times, he taught people to produce, and social productivity increased unprecedentedly, which made the human race get rid of the custom of being naked, taught the human race to use animal skins to keep out the cold, and covered the body with leaves. From then on, the human race had clothes to wear.

Ancestor of the Nest: The **** of construction, the image is an old man of the blue race of the creation human race, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. In primitive times, there were few humans and many animals. Humans lived on the ground and were often attacked by animals. There was a danger of casualties at all times. Under the persecution of the harsh environment, human beings have no fixed place to live, and they have been poisoned by animals and snakes. Later, a sage discovered that building a house on a tree can not only protect against wind and rain, but also avoid animals and beasts.

The great achievements of the ancestors of Youchao in creating the nesting civilization have a positive and far-reaching influence on the development of human civilization. Constructing the wood as the nest room and taking the leaves as the clothes are all summarized from the perspective of the enlightenment of human civilization, which means that the Chao clan is the leader of human civilization. From the beginning of Youchao, the human race began to be distinguished from animals... Since then, human history has begun. The Youchao clan ranks first among the five clans; therefore, the ancestor of Youchao is known as the "first human ancestor" of human beings.

The ancestor of the Sui people: the **** of flames, the image is an old man of the red race of the creation human race, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head. In ancient times, people used to eat raw food and drink blood. Raw food is foul smelling, hurts the stomach and is prone to disease. At that time, a sage was inspired by the sparks that appeared when the bird pecking the flint wood, so he broke off the branches of the flint wood and drilled the wood to make fire. He taught this method to people. Since then, human beings have learned to make fire artificially, using fire to bake food, illuminate, heat, smelt, etc., and human life has entered a new stage. People call this saint the ancestor of the Sui people.

The first ancestor of Fuxi: The **** of creation, the image is a beautiful man of the young race of the creation human race, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head. Fuxi has the sacred virtue, united all the tribes in China, all of them will be in Chendi, and Fengshan Taishan. Fuxi took the body of a python, the head of a crocodile, the horns of a stag, the eyes of a tiger, the scales of a red carp, the legs of a monitor lizard, the claws of a goshawk, the tail of a white shark, and the baleen of a fin whale, and created the picture of the Chinese nation. Tenglong, the descendant of the dragon comes from here.

The ancestor of Shennong: the **** of agriculture, the image is an old man of the yellow race of the creation human race, with a purple halo of wisdom behind his head and various visions. The legendary inventor of agriculture and medicine, he tasted all kinds of herbs and taught people about medicine and farming. Because of these two important contributions, he is respected by the world as "the king of medicine", "the king of five grains", "the first emperor of five grains", and "the emperor of Shennong". He is also regarded as a patron saint by medical clinics and drugstores.

The first ancestor of Zhisheng: The **** of production, the image is a beautiful man of the purple race who created the world, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head. The human race was naked in the primitive era. When the weather was freezing cold, I don’t know how many people died in the cold. Later, a saint was born and taught the human race to use animal skins to keep out the cold and cover their bodies with leaves. From then on, the human race had clothes to wear, and he also taught People's production, social productivity has increased unprecedentedly, and human life has entered a new stage. People call this sage the ancestor of knowledge.

Humanity God Wang Xuanyuan Hongtian: The God of Humanity, the supreme leader of the creation human race, a mysterious and incomparably powerful young transcendental genius, possessing transcendent Dao body and twin transcendent talents, Dao supernatural powers.

It is rumored that he is the reincarnation of a super-primitive power who has spent seventy-five chaotic ages, but he has seventy-nine chaotic ages. This is his secret, and no one knows the reason. He has the omniscient, omnipotent, self-existing Taiwusoul. His Taiwusoul is sealed with seventy-nine chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases. His cultivation is just to get back his own power.