In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4902: Iheuti Demons

The Saiyan Great Power and the Darren Great Power were roaring and roaring. At this moment, the two Iheuti Demon God Race Powers swayed. They are two more powerful ancient powers!

The roaring Saiyan and Darren stopped immediately. To be honest, the two of them are only ancient powers, far less powerful than the two ancient powers of the Iheuti demon race, so they dare not be in the two Iheuti gods. Arrogant in front of the great power of the clan.

The Iheuti Demon Clan—the elk clan, the image is an alien creature with the characteristics of the elk, who is gifted with Da Feng Rang technique.

After seeing the food and drink of the masters, the two Iheuti demon gods were drooling.

One of the Ikhuti demon gods asked, "What did you eat? What did you drink?"

Pan Tianchan, who was eating and drinking, said, "I eat barbecued meat and drink fine wine."

Another Iheuti Demon Race great expert asked: "Is it delicious? Is it delicious? Can you invite us to a delicious meal?"

Hermamene ate the venison kebab in her hand, and said vaguely, "It's delicious and delicious, but I won't take you, the two of you are there to watch!"

One of the Iheuti Demon God Clan Great Experts heard the words and shouted angrily: "Bastards, we are extremely powerful ancient Great Experts, you **** are enjoying delicious food there, but let us watch it? How unreasonable, we are very dissatisfied, Very angry, the consequences are a bit serious!"

Ji Haotian suddenly threw two deer bones at the feet of the two Iheuti demon gods, and said, "Eat it!"

Seeing this, the two Iheuti demon gods were furious, and they all roared.

Saiyan Mighty and Darren Mighty watched the fun while gloating on the side.

Suddenly, "Crack!" and "Crack!" Two loud slaps!

The two roaring Iheuti Demon Gods received two slaps in the face!

One of the Iheuti Demon Gods angrily shouted, "Who? Who beat me?"

"Bastard, how dare you slap me in the face, who did it? Get out of here!" Another Iheuti Demon God clan expert also yelled angrily.

Neither they nor the other two great powers present could see who moved the hand.

And the masters who were eating and drinking saw that it was Ji Haotian's hand.

Axia looked at the two Iheuti Demon God Clan greats who were still scolding and roaring, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she said to Ji Haotian, "Husband, these two Iheuti Demon God Clan greats look like elk. , are they also deer? Their meat is roasted and eaten, can it be delicious?"

Ji Haotian looked at the two Iheuti Demon Gods, his eyes lit up, and said, "Yes, these two Iheuti Demon Gods are also deer, and their meat should be good to eat! "

Pan Tianchan nodded and said, "You can taste it."

The others also nodded their heads one after another, expressing their desire to try it.

As a result, under the terrified and unbelievable gazes of the Saiyan and Darren, Ji Haotian suddenly shot out with a flash of lightning, performed the supreme spirit technique, and instantly and silently wiped out the two Iheuti Demon Gods. able soul!

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique: Also known as the Absolute First Cause Great Spirit Technique, the Absolute Supreme Great Spirit Technique, the Transcendent Absolute Super Almighty Great Spirit Technique (power comparable to the Creation Treasure), the ancestor and source of all soul techniques and soul techniques in the universe , contains the supreme soul power of heaven, is the concrete phenomenon of the absolute first cause of soul power and the sum of all soul powers, and is the absolute strongest ultimate soul technique in the universe.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique originates from the absolutely supreme soul—the Heavenly Dao is beyond the profound meaning of the soul. The seeds of the Great Soul Technique contain the absolutely limitless and supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Power. The abilities are absolutely infinite and limitless. The main abilities are:

Absolute Soul Control, Absolute Soul Killing, Absolute Soul Killing, Absolute Soul Trapping, Absolute Soul Extinguishing, Absolute Soul Splitting, Absolute Soul Eater, Absolute Soul Shifting, Absolute Soul Transformation, Absolute Soul Search, Absolute Soul Locking, Absolute Soul Confusion, Absolute Soul Revenant , absolutely seductive soul, absolute soul transformation, absolute soul soul, absolutely attracting soul, absolutely calling soul, absolutely living soul, absolutely destroying soul, absolutely freezing soul, absolutely hurting soul, absolutely collecting soul, absolutely sealing soul, absolutely yang soul, absolutely yin soul, Absolutely blow the soul, absolutely return the soul, absolutely possess the soul, absolutely revive the soul, absolutely exorcise the soul, absolutely release the soul, absolutely summon the soul, absolutely restore the soul, absolutely manifest the soul, absolutely nourish the soul, absolutely protect the soul, absolutely magic soul, absolutely ghost soul, absolutely Absolute Soul Pursuit, Absolute Continuation Soul, Absolute Soul Shouting, Absolute Wandering Soul, Absolute Dream Soul, Absolute Shadow Soul, Absolute Soul Seizure, Absolute Soul Capture, Absolute Forbidden Soul, Absolute Drunk Soul, Absolute Soul Awakening, Absolute Soul Condensation, Absolute Responding Soul , Absolutely bury the soul, Absolutely cut off the soul, Absolutely poison the soul, Absolutely dry the soul, Absolutely save the soul, Absolutely phantom soul, Absolutely feel the soul, Absolutely open the soul, Absolutely watch the soul, Absolutely divine the soul, Absolutely the soul of life, Absolutely wish the soul, Absolutely Soul Creation, Absolute Teaching Soul, Absolute Soul Conditioning, Absolute Wording Soul, Absolute Soul Cutting, Absolute Soul Burial, Absolute Wisdom Soul, Absolute Soul Devouring, Absolute Soul Refining, Absolute Soul Melting, Absolute Purifying Soul, Absolute Soul Control, Absolute Cursing Soul , Absolute Hidden Soul, Absolute Battle Soul, Absolute Martial Soul, Absolute Divine Soul, Absolute Holy Soul, Absolute True Soul, Absolute Origin Soul, Absolute Heaven Soul, Absolute Brahma Soul, Absolute Dao Soul, Absolute Dharma Soul, Absolute Beginning Soul, Absolute Yuan Soul soul, absolute mysterious soul, absolute soul,

Absolute Soul, Absolute Eternal Soul, Absolute Whole Soul, Absolute All Soul.

There are one level, ten level, one hundred level, one thousand level, ten thousand level, one hundred thousand level, one million level, ten million level, one hundred million level, trillion level, Jing level, Gai level, Zi level, Rang level , ditch step, stream step, positive step, carrier step, pole, Ganges sand step, Asenggi step, Nayuta step, incredible step, immeasurable step, large number step, Ge Liheng step, absolutely infinite step, first-order real Infinite order, infinite order, real infinite order, real infinite order, real infinite order, absolutely infinite order, absolute infinite order, (absolutely infinite order of mathematics plus absolute infinite order of philosophy plus absolutely infinite order of paradox), beyond mathematics order, self-created level beyond mathematics , Ordinary self-created, medium self-created, powerful self-created, super self-created, ceiling self-created, extra-ordinary self-created, self-created world, and the great master of heaven.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique has absolutely infinite levels, each level is absolutely infinite in weight, each level is absolutely infinite, each level is absolutely infinite, and each level is an absolutely infinite power.

Level 1 can also blow up the absolutely infinite omnipotent universe, the multiverse with unreachable cardinal numbers, the dimension of transfinite numbers, the space-time of large cardinal numbers, countless past, present and future as one, eternal and unique, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipotent. No, everywhere, all-knowing, all-seeing, all-seeing, all-powerful. Eternal and invincible, absolutely strongest, absolutely truth, absolutely transcendental, transcendental, absolutely transcendent, absolutely transcendental, absolutely origin, the lowest level can kill all authors, and kill all existence and non-existence.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Art is the ultimate and absolute metaphysical and metaphysical origin. It is pure and complete, and it is all the soul and spiritual power that transcends reality. It cannot be described in words or thought of by logic. The ultimate principle, all the laws cannot be bound or limited to it. When you think about the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique, it is not the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique. The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Spirit Technique does not create the world, the world will naturally follow. The source of its soul power overflows, and the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Spirit Art is the absolute most perfect source of perfect soul power. It is a pure beauty that cannot be described and described, a perfect beauty, so beautiful that there is no existence that cannot be intoxicated.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Spiritual Art is prior to any truth. It both exists and does not exist, non-existence and non-existence, and transcends and precedes existence. All mathematics is a small part of it flowing out. It is regarded as the supreme one, the eternal one, the supreme one, the all-encompassing and ubiquitous one, and everything will return to it, opening a new cycle of reincarnation.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique has surpassed the limit that can be described. When you guess the limitations of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Spiritual Technique, you are actually caught in your own limitations. The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Spiritual Technique will never have limitations. Change, it has neither beginning nor end, absolute nothingness without divine personality and impersonalization, we are tangible and substantial, and the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Art is not even intangible and intangible, it will not be used in any form. Personalization or deification, you can't say that it is not what it is, because it is the supreme soul art.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique is not there, here, it is there, here, and it is the only one that cannot be defined. The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique has no name, and Wanling does not know what it is called, so they have to forcibly call it the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Art is the father and mother of all things and all things. To belittle it will only fall into your own speculation. Ranking it is your wrong perception. It is the source and end of everything. It is both the source and the end of all Tao , Brahman, Buddha, God, God, the source, it contains everything, can be everything, but everything cannot be it, there is a process of creation and destruction of the world, and it can skip the process and arrive after the creation and destruction of the world , The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique will not give birth to emotions and thoughts, because those are just low-level things.

The Supreme Spiritual Art is the most powerful spiritual force in the infinite almighty universe, it can create, transform and transcend any complex emotional patterns or dense thought-forms. It creates and controls all the spiritual forces of the infinite almighty universe - such as will, emotion, cause and effect, karma, karma, soul, spirit, etc. It is because of its existence that all spiritual power can exist and manifest itself in specific ways such as creativity, destructive power, energy, power, etc.

In addition, since the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique is the source of the soul of infinite almighty universes, it can also arbitrarily change the dimensional attributes of space-time and matter in space-time; for example, it can change a one-dimensional space into ten-dimensional space at will. , it can also change the ten-dimensional space into one dimension, and all the matter in this dimension will also change accordingly. It can also use its incomparably powerful spiritual power to create new universes, time and space, dimensions and dimensions at will.

The essence of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique is the integration of the original cosmic soul power and spiritual power, which is immortal and impermanent. Its essence is born from the chaos of the universe and before the beginning of all things, and it is the connection point of the spiritual minds of all things that exist or will exist in the infinite almighty universe. It can cover an infinite number of almighty universes, and all the energy, spiritual consciousness and life from the infinite number of almighty universes are only a part of it. It can sever or regenerate any part of the infinite Almighty Universe, or even destroy it completely.

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Great Soul Technique can also turn anyone's imagination into reality, and can realize any dream. All scientific and natural laws are meaningless before it, because it can modify them at will. It is capable of creating, stealing, manipulating or modifying any soul, it can enter the minds of others, and it can bring all fantasies, dreams and thoughts into its "brain". It enhances mental strength and increases psychic abilities. into the mind of everything that exists at the same time. For example, if you imagine that a character can destroy trillions of universes, this fantasy will be automatically absorbed by it as its own fantasy and become part of its energy, and it can easily turn this fantasy into reality.