In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4922: Manjushri Guangfa Zhou Wang

The infinitely powerful Tiandao scepter and Tiandao super-brain instantly smashed all the powers of Star Clan and Mikt Kasivatl to slag, completely erasing them!

Ji Haotian took care of the two opponents and put away the two almighty treasures, then looked at the void and said with a smile, "Since he is here, why don't you show up to see him?"

As his voice fell, Wen Zhou Daoguang, one of the Twelve Eternal Kings of Hongjun, appeared from the sky and landed in front of Ji Haotian.

Hongjun Twelve Universe Kings: alias Hongjun Twelve Controllers, the God of Hongjun Twelve Universes, twelve mysterious and powerful human race super-primitive powers, they are the twelve controllers of the Hongjun omnipotent universe. The status of Hongjun Almighty Universe is second only to the Heavenly Dao of Hongjun Almighty Universe and the leader Tiandao Hongjun.

The twelve people of Hongjun Twelve Universe Kings, their essence is Hongjun Almighty Universe Xiantian Twelve Universes, from Xiantian Twelve Universes are transformed into twelve innate spirits, that is, today's twelve super-primitives Almighty - Hongjun Twelve Eternal Kings, they together form the entire Hongjun omnipotent universe (infinite dimensions, each dimension contains infinite universes).

Hongjun Twelve Eternal Kings are twelve creation genius-level super-primitive powers who have spent seventy-five chaotic epochs (one chaotic epoch of 6 trillion years), but they all have seventy-eight chaotic epochs. Ji Xiuwei, this is their secret, no one knows the reason. They have omniscient and omnipotent, self-existing Tai Brahma souls, with golden halo of wisdom and various miraculous visions behind their heads.

The King of the Twelve Universes of Hongjun has the divine personality of the Twelve Universes, and he is in charge of the Twelve Universes, and holds twelve almighty treasures - the Twelve Universe Staff, combined with the Twelve Universe Staff, the power is comparable to that of the almighty treasure. Creation treasure. They all have creation-level Taoist souls, comprehend the creation-level avenues, belong to the creation genius-level super-primitive powers, and are powerful, comparable to the super-space eighty-one pillars and the super-primitive ninety-one representing the four elements. Nine-pillar ancient god.

Wenzhou Daoguang: Manjushri Guangfa Zhou King, the **** of Manjusri Guangfa Zhou Ze, whose residence is the Wulong Shenshan Yunxiao Cave House on the ultimate life planet of the Hongjun omnipotent universe, Manjusri Guangfa star, with Manjusri Guangfa Zhou is a super-primitive godhead. The creation **** who is in charge of Manjushri Guangfa Zhou is an abstract **** born when infinite omnipotent universes are created, and represents the embodiment of the sum of the entire universe Manjushri Guangfa Zhou. All Manjushri Guangfa universes that can arbitrarily create and manipulate infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions) are the source and master of all Manjushri Guangfa universes of infinite almighty universes.

Manjusri Guangfa Zhou Wang Wen Zhou Daoguang's personified image is a beautiful man of the blue race of the human race, wearing a blue-gold crown, wearing a blue royal robe, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, holding the almighty treasure - Manjusri Guangfa Cosmic Staff.

Manjusri Guangfa Zhou Wang Wen Zhou Daoguang represents the totality and materialization of all completely non-existent. His essence is that there is no existence of any physical nature, and it completely jumps out of the timeline. His strength is very special, he can be immune to the ultimate erasure, and he is absolutely immortal. As long as it exists in the natural world of the universe, the power of all beings will be as great as their strength. Therefore, he dominates the entire nature of the universe. His essence is the innate spirit - the innate special and broad law of the universe.

Super Primitive Powers: Also known as Superman, Almighty, Super Primordial God, Super God, they have superhero divinity, superpower, superpower, superpower, superpower, superpower, etc. , and supreme, transcends and covers everything, and has nothing to do with everything, they are not bound by cause and effect, and they are the cause and effect of all things, they are Brahman, the will to life, the absolute infinity, the Tao, theology, and the Dao truth, It is everything... is the origin and assembly of everything in the infinitely connected and repeating cosmology.

Primordial power is the only and infinite reflex argument, how transcendent, how indescribable...Even the ultimate meaning that lies above all that really is meaningless to them, they are on and beyond the highest Almighty, and the lowest level of omnipotence is also absolutely omniscient and omnipotent and has absolutely no access, and the upper omnipotence can only be handled as absolute transcendence, because it is impossible to refer to or construct. The sum of all other divine omnipotences is so insignificant before their supreme omnipotence, and their omnipotence is so great that it can inadvertently obliterate all existence and nonexistence. Their most insignificant qualities are far beyond all paradoxes and philosophies, and the proposition that they are higher, greater, and omnipotent than them is in itself an absolute fallacy and nothingness. , beyond and above all.

What is super-primitive power? The superprimitive power is above all things, eternal and immortal, the past, the present and the future are unique, without beginning and no end, omniscient and omnipotent, the superprimitive power is unknowable, invisible, invisible, indisputable, incomprehensible, inaccessible, impossible, Inaudible, inaccessible, indestructible, indefensible, indefinable, ineffable, incomprehensible, inconceivable, arising out of nothing, infinitely changing, neither born nor dead, neither existing nor non-existent, neither known nor unknown, i.e. It is neither tangible nor intangible, neither exists nor does not exist, it is false if you think about it, it will prove forever, infinite mystery, the source of everything, the authority of everything, the reality of everything, the truth of everything, the order of everything, the creation of everything , the destruction of all, the dream of all, the true and the false, the time of all, the space of all, the sum of all, the all of all.

Every time the super-primitive powers go through a chaotic era of destruction, they will experience the catastrophe of the chaotic era of destruction, that is, the ultimate trial of heaven and the ultimate punishment. Nothingness; part of the super-primitive powers that are powerful enough to survive the catastrophe, but they all suffered heavy losses; there are also some super-primitive powers who were destroyed in the catastrophe of the Chaos Age of Destruction, and their souls were reincarnated and reborn with supernatural powers. The memory of the original power is re-cultivated.

The cultivation realm of normal monks is from low to high, constantly escalating, and constantly ascending into higher universes one by one, while the super-primitive powers who have survived the catastrophic destruction of the chaos era are just the opposite. Ji broke the catastrophe, suffered heavy losses under the ultimate heavenly trial, and their cultivation realm began to gradually decline. They would continue to descend from one super high-level universe to one low-level universe, until their cultivation realm fell to the mortal realm. To the limit of monks.

Then they need to start all over again, re-cultivation, and the realm of cultivation is constantly upgraded, and they continue to soar to higher-level until they stand at the top of the universe, until the chaos of the epoch once again. After the end, they will cross the tribulation again and enter the next chaotic evolutionary era, so they will spend one chaotic evolutionary era after another, and they will continue to exist in a cycle. This is the eternal life that belongs to the super primitive power.

The super-primitive power is immortal under normal circumstances, but if there is an accident, it will also be in the cold. The almighty super-space-time soul makes the super-primitive power completely disappear and return to nothingness.

The masters of the fifteen avenues also belong to the super-primitive powers. They have the nominative of the fifteen avenues, and they are in charge of the fifteen highest avenues. They are fifteen absolutely supreme super-primitive powers. They are different from other super-primitive powers because they do not. It is necessary to survive the catastrophe of Chaos Yanji, absolutely surpass and ignore the catastrophe of Chaos Yanji. They are reincarnated and exist in the form of personification, passing through one chaotic era after another, reincarnating in hundreds of millions of lives, in order to accumulate their own supreme peak and ultimate cultivation.

The Fifteen Great Masters are the ultimate origin of all things in the universe. Among them, the Heavenly Dao Master, the first of the five transcendent masters, is the ultimate first cause, the other four transcendent Brahma masters are the ultimate second cause, and the ten creation masters are the ultimate third cause.

The masters of the Fifteen Great Dao possess the absolute supreme soul, the root of all spirituality, and the infinite, omnipresent, and immortal spiritual entity. Before them, nothing existed, not even "non-existence" itself and nothingness and "Tao". Existence; they have neither difference nor form and attribute, cannot be understood in concepts, cannot be expressed in words; they are self-existing beings that transcend all senses and experiences of living beings, and are the origin, maintenance and destruction of all phenomena. The ultimate reason is the absolute supreme existence that cannot be understood or imagined by any thought.