In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4977: Ji Haotian kills super without meaning

In the endless emptiness outside the Tiandao Cosmos Court, the Emperor of the Heavenly Dao appeared in front of Ji Haotian, bowed respectfully and paid homage, and said, "My subordinate, the Emperor of the Heavenly Dao, sees the great and noble master."

Ji Haotian looked at the Emperor of Heaven who was saluting respectfully, smiled and said, "Don't bow down, Emperor, I'm very pleased that you finally recognize me as the master!"

Tall and handsome, the supreme and holy Emperor of Heaven smiled and said, "From now on, you will be the supreme master of me and the Heavenly Dao Cosmos Court, and we will unconditionally obey the master's great will."

Ji Haotian laughed and said, "Okay, this is a good ending and a good beginning. The choice of the Heavenly Dao Cosmic Court is correct."

The two were chatting when suddenly, the time and space were distorted, and two huge and terrifying aliens and super-primitive powers appeared!

They are the Mogkain super-primitive power swallowing the sky and the Chimera super-primitive power Super Wuyi.

Mogkain tribe: also known as the swallowing gods, a mysterious and terrifying alien creature, their mutated huge mouths can stretch out countless tentacle-like barbed eating organs, and spit out strong acid that can dissolve almost everything. The terrifying beast also mutated additional terrifying limbs, such as octopus-like tentacles or sturdy arms with **** mouths at the ends.

The Mogkai are always growing indefinitely, and as long as they have enough food, they have the ability to swallow everything.

Chimeras: One of the ugliest and most blasphemous alien creatures, this lousy monster is undoubtedly the most powerful and terrifying monster on countless planets, and they are the most dangerous and terrifying part of many of the most ferocious monsters The twisted existence formed by the combination is the incarnation of the original fury.

The multiple heads of the Chimera have independent thinking, and the huge dragon head in the center dominates the actions of the other heads. Each head endows the Chimera with an extremely evil and frightening ability. Each head of a monster can spit out the entropic breath of obliterating souls that wipes out existence. Its gigantic body in the depths of the void spans an infinite number of dimensions, enough to rival the mighty starry sky behemoths and starry sky giants.

Even the projection of the Chimera in the physical universe is extremely powerful. The huge head can swallow countless stars, and their unclean existence alone is enough to distort reality. As the blasphemous incarnation of nature, Chimera The clan itself represents the collection of all the filth in this world.

The Emperor Tiandao looked at the two huge and terrifying alien super-primitive powers that appeared, and said indifferently: "Swallowing the sky, there is no mystery, what are you two evil and ugly guys doing in my Tiandao cosmos court? Are you tired of living?"

The super-primitive power of the Chimera tribe has no profound meaning to the super-primitive power of the Mogkai tribe: "I block Ji Haotian, the great master of the heavenly way, you kill the emperor of the heavenly way, avenge the hatred of our tribe, kill the emperor of the heavenly way, and wash the heavenly way with blood. Cosmic Court!"

The super-primitive almighty swallowing the sky suddenly slaughtered the emperor of the heavenly way fiercely and violently, and the two sides suddenly fought fiercely together.

On the other hand, Chao Wu’s profound meaning was the monstrous demonic power that stood in front of Ji Haotian, threatening and eager to move.

"Whoever blocks me will die!" Ji Haotian snorted coldly and suddenly rushed forward, punching out, a terrifying force poured out like a tide, and in an instant, the endless starry sky collapsed!

The 3000 Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist with 3000 times the combat power!

3000 Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist: also known as 3000 Heavenly Dao Judgment Fist, a transcendent omnipotent combat technique, created by the first generation of Heavenly Dao Master, it can be called the strongest ultimate combat technique in the universe, the root of all combat techniques, and the ancestor of all combat techniques , can only be made by controlling the power of heaven.

The 3000 Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist contains 3000 Heavenly Dao Power, 3000 Cosmic Power and 3000 Dao Soul Power, possessing an absolute 3000 times the combat power.

Once the Three Thousand Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist appears, the surrounding reality will be torn apart in an instant, countless suns will explode one after another, and infinite parallel dimensions will collapse one after another. All logical thinking and conceptual systems... and the universes, time and space, things, narratives that they refer to and cannot be referred to... are all insignificant nonexistent particles with the inexhaustible force of the Three Thousand Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist.

The Three Thousand Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist is a shadow-like "projection" of the Heavenly Dao itself. Therefore, all the existence of space and matter in the whole of nature, and even the whole of nature itself, comes from it and will eventually return to it, allowing it to create, destroy, restart, dominate, and erase at will.

The strength of the Three Thousand Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist is very special. As long as it exists in nature, how strong is the power of all beings, as the judge of all spaces and existences in the whole nature - the strength of the Three Thousand Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist, so the three thousand Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist governs the birth and death of the entire natural world, the same Possesses supreme, omnipotent power and power.

It can use any powerful cosmic force in the entire multiverse, and it can destroy everything in the multiverse and even the multiverse itself, leaving not even a single quark and disappear completely. It can control all, any non-existence. Therefore, it can also manipulate all incorporeal substances and even create, control and manipulate all erased and eliminated existences. All matter in the multiverse that has no concrete form of existence (imaginary space) can be created and manipulated. It can completely destroy and erase the soul of all life and make them disappear Any immortal life form, energy and consciousness are meaningless and ineffective for it. Can arbitrarily create, destroy, manipulate and change all time and space axes in the entire multiverse (that is, all time axes and space dimensions, such as turning a three-dimensional universe into ten-dimensional, and then turning ten-dimensional space into three-dimensional space). It can create, manipulate and change the cause and effect of the entire multiverse, and it is also one of the very few existences whose causal laws are invalid to itself. In addition, it will not be dominated and affected by any ability attributes.

The power of 3000 Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist can instantly turn every atom in all universes into countless universes, and can instantly blast a single universe with one punch; in the strongest period, one punch can instantly destroy a multiverse . Absolutely cannot be described by any analysis, meaning, comparison, level, beginning, end, everything, description, causality, law, numbers, experience, logic , story background, all definable and indefinable, plot development, not appearing, already appearing concepts and logic and characters, everything that no author can describe can be manipulated, dominated, modified, abolished, ignored, rewrite. As for its power at its peak, it is already indescribable.

Ji Haotian is limited by his own cultivation, and the power of the 3000 Heavenly Dao Cosmic Fist is limited. It will always be an absolute three thousand times the combat power.


After a muffled sound, Chao Wu's whole body was blown up, turning into a blood mist that filled the sky, and even his soul was shattered by the fierce fist wind.

Ji Haotian's instant kill is super unreal!