In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 4988: Legend of the Giant Terror (3)

50. The greedy king of fear, it looks like a super giant human head statue, but it is entirely composed of giant plants that can squeeze out long vine-like appendages. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - great greed.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Fifty-one, gluttonous fear king, it only has a giant eye that is bigger than a super planet, a **** mouth that can swallow countless galaxies, a large number of giant tentacles and a large and long nose on its head, The body resembles an oversized carapace. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - great gluttony.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Fifty-two, the king of **** and fear, its shape resembles a huge colorful super scorpion like a single universe, its head is like a huge colorful ant, it has a huge mouth for sucking like an ant, and many pairs of huge colorful compound eyes . It has huge terrifying tentacles on its body and a pair of huge colorful wings on its back. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - great **** technique.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Fifty-three, modify the king of fear, the image is a super plant-type creature with black vine-like tentacles, and its size is as huge as a single universe. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - a major modification technique.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Fifty-four, fear the king, the image is a cosmic giant entity with countless huge tentacles and super-large bat wings. It has the ability to transform, and can transform into the most feared appearance in everyone's heart. Possess the talent Dao Supernatural Power - Great Fear.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Fifty-five, the tumor king, it looks like a super-large deformed tumor, its body is composed of a kind of black super-large mucus, blisters and scars are constantly formed on its surface, and it cracks periodically , spewing a disgusting black toxin; it can change its shape at will to move. In addition, large deformed heads are constantly produced in its body, which are quickly absorbed by the mother; these heads appear to briefly observe the surrounding environment before disappearing. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - big tumor surgery.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Fifty-six, remove the king of fear, it looks like a super huge golden giant tortoise, with more than a dozen huge legs, the ends of the legs are sucker-like feet, and there are two huge golden tails behind it; It has an oversized golden body, no eyes, and a proboscis like two tentacles, which is used to cut off and eat the eyes of its prey. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - big excision.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Fifty-seven, the solid fear king, the image is a cluster of super huge colored giant crystals, with long sharp crystal tendrils on it, any creature touched by these crystal tentacles will be transformed into a solid mineral structure. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - big solid technique.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Fifty-eight, the fear of doom, the image of a burly and domineering purple cosmic giant, with gray skin, no mouth, and eight huge and terrifying purple tentacles on his abdomen. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - great bad luck.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Fifty-nine, hit the Dread King, a super-giant pig-like horror, with a bloated, corpse-like body covered in thick, wrinkled, rhino-like skin. It has eight stout legs, a pair of huge red eyes on its head, and a mouth full of wild boar tusks and teeth under its snout, and its body is the size of a single universe. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - big impact technique.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

60. The fear of hatred, which appears as a festering, dripping mucus, and bubbling super-large mass, constantly stirring and rotating, producing degenerated appendages and reabsorbing them. Its giant eyes, and its large mouth that drools, forms and closes at will around its hideous body. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - great hatred technique.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Sixty-one, the king of contract fear, its image is an oversized egg-shaped creature wearing golden scales, with a crescent-shaped head and a huge face without facial features, with several golden beard-shaped giant horns on the head. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - the great contract technique.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

62. The Queen of Phantoms, whose image is an oversized indeterminate pile with eight giant arm-like appendages, the phantoms are so numerous in action that it is difficult to distinguish the real from the real. Possesses the talent Dao Supernatural Power - Great Illusion.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

63. Manipulate the King of Fear, an ethereal super-large purple entity, lingering in the vast starry sky. Although seemingly invisible, it can grab and manipulate objects with enormous force. It is capable of a variety of biological and mechanical sounds, the two most notable of which are mechanical clicks and screeching sirens. Possess the talent Dao Supernatural Power - Great Manipulation.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Sixty-four, enslaved the king of terror, the image is a super huge purple bat-shaped giant creature with hundreds of deformed purple giant eyes and a strangely shaped throat. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - great slavery.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

65. Shattering the King of Terror, a huge hungry unknown terror force field, it builds its own body by absorbing metal elements, and smashes it to form a super destructive super rotating metal vortex, like a golden cosmic black hole . Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - big crushing technique.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Sixty-six, monitor the fear of the king, the image is a single universe-like giant golden slug-like giant terrifying monster, with countless super-large golden eyes on it. Possess the talent Dao Supernatural Power - Great Surveillance.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

67. The Twisted Dread King is a roughly humanoid cosmic giant horror creature, but a large number of snake-like limbs twist it into something terrifying. Its head is more like a huge ball of meat, with no other organs except a large mouth with fangs under its one eye. Strangely colored flames are scattered all over it, which seem to be constantly emitting from within its body, pulsing rhythmically with its movement. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - great distortion.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

68. The Murder Terror King is a semi-invisible black cosmic giant horror creature with the characteristics of an oversized polyp. Only part of its oversized body is made of matter, and it is unknown what the rest is made of. Possess the gifted avenue of supernatural powers - big murder.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Sixty-nine, the king of fear, is a giant creature with a black cone as huge as a single universe, and its whole body is covered with some kind of uneven semi-elastic scales. At the top of the cone, there are four retractable cylindrical organs that appear to be made of the same material as the cone. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - Great Anxiety.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

70. The King of Fear and Jealousy is a giant horror creature in the humanoid universe with elastic skin like rubber. It had feet like hooves, a face like a dog, and pointy claws, and it spoke in a rapid, weeping voice. UU reading has the talent Dao supernatural power - big jealousy.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

71. The King of Retribution, it looks like a giant purple scary spider, its body is covered with wart-like things, and its long legs have bristles. Its massive belly is mottled dark purple, the front of its body is indigo blue, and the tips of its legs and claws are black. Possess the talent Dao supernatural power - big report casting.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.

Seventy-two, the end of the fear king, the appearance is like a huge yellow cosmic horror giant insect like a single universe, the huge yellow head is attached with a whirlpool-shaped ellipsoid block and countless long yellow tentacles, and the cold and ruthless yellow eyes contain The huge and terrifying yellow vortex is like a terrifying yellow cosmic black hole. There are countless huge and terrifying yellow tentacles on the super large body, which can tear apart infinite cosmic time and space. Wherever its huge body like a single universe passed, countless galaxies dissipated, countless universes collapsed, countless time and space were torn apart, and countless dimensions ended. Possess the talent Dao Supernatural Power - the Great Ending Technique.

It is as huge as the ultimate single universe. It is a giant horror creature in the ultimate universe. It is mysterious and ancient, huge and terrifying, purposeless, disordered, indescribable, great and blind and stupid. Few cosmic creatures can glimpse its original full picture. Because all the cosmic creatures who peep into its body will go crazy and die.