In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 5081: Creation and Immortality

Omniscient and Almighty Great Divine Art is absolutely omnipotent, it is everything, everything............, it acts as everything in absolute nothingness, everything in absolute nothingness, it is cannon fodder, its It is detachment, it is a single universe, it is a multiverse, it is an infinite multiverse, it is an almighty universe, it is a narrative layer, it is an infinite narrative layer, it is a narrative world, it is an infinite narrative world, it is a cycle Narrative world, it is infinite loop narrative world, it is world view, it is ceiling world view, it is supreme universe, it is bliss world, it is space-time world, it is network world, it is void, it is nothingness, it is nothingness Nothing, it's blank, it's all white, it's true reality, it's all reality, it's the only reality of eternity, it's the eternal universe, it's it, it's you, it's him, it's the reader, it's The author, the editor, the editor-in-chief, the minister, the unspeakable, the real planet, the real universe, the real multiverse, the real nothingness, the description, the omniscient .

2. The Great Divine Art of Creation and Creation has the seeds of the Great Divine Art of Creation and Creation, and contains the great divine power of Creation and Creation.

Also known as Creation Link, open up the heavens and the earth, destroy the universe, create the world, educate all things, and be the creator and creator of all things in the universe. Erasing everything in a single thought; this art can control all time, space, reality, mind, power, and soul in the entire infinite dimension; can create, distort, or reorder any space and time and cause and effect; can make the entire The universe, and even the entire multiverse, falls into an infinite time loop; the entire infinite dimensional universe can be brought to a complete stop, only in the eternal present, able to create, destroy, dominate, control, dominate, manipulate, restart, or modify Everything.

The Great Magic of Creation and Creation can turn anyone's imagination into reality and realize any dream. All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless in front of it, because it can change them at will. The great magic of creation and creation can trigger a chain reaction that billions of creatures can never understand, destroying all things in the universe, including all cause and effect, world, logic, time, thinking, dimension, non-material, matter, space, etc., plus it can be created at will.

The Great God of Creation and Creation is the absolute creation of the world, surpassing all things. It is the truth in itself, and it is the most direct interpretation of the strong and the indescribable. Assemble all the great ways to belong to oneself, do not touch or leak, dominate everything, create the world, obliterate everything, ignore all existence and non-existence. Absolutely detached from time and space, on the long river of fate, wandering the infinite omnipotent universe between thoughts and movements, wandering all time and space, dimensions, dimensions, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.

The projection of the origin of the great magic of creation and creation reflects the outside world, forming "Tao", "Brahma", "God", "Creator", "Creator", etc., absolutely controlling the ultimate truth of the universe. It is the great magic of the formulation of rules and order. Only under its rules can it be shaken, and everything other than it can never follow its rules. The great magic of creation and creation is the supreme supernatural power of the supreme creator. The so-called "creator" refers to the master who created all things in the universe, so there is the creator first and then the universe. Everything in the universe (all phenomena in nature) is created by the Creator, and it is also the presentation of the Creator's "thought". He is the supreme will of the universe, creating the creation, obliterating everything, ignoring modification settings, and ignoring all metaphysical and metaphysical.

The Great God of Creation and Creation has unlimited power, transcending all logic, changing settings at will, transcending all indefinable things, transcending all meanings and causality, these are just one of the infinite powers for it, or they are simply insignificant.

The Great God of Creation and Creation transcends time and space and the long river of fate, controls the Dao to the truth, roams the infinite almighty universe between thoughts, travels all time and space, and spreads all possibilities. It transcends all the principles of the law, and its own way is equal to the way of the universe, so it is unthinkable, unthinkable, and unmeasurable. Absolutely control the infinite space-time dimension, a single thought arises and destroys the infinite omnipotent universe, transcends the long river of time, wanders the timeline, and exists in the past, present, and future at the same time, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.

3. The great magic of immortality and immortality has the seeds of the great magic of immortality and immortality, and it contains the great power of immortality and immortality.

Also known as Immortality Pass, the existence that transcends all ideologies, and exists forever, without beginning and end, immortal and immortal, transcending everything, ignoring everything, all infinity and infinity, all self-existence, all eternity to immortality The great magic has no The great magic of immortality is the supreme supernatural power that transcends metaphysical, spiritual and material things forever. Creating the world, erasing everything, ignoring everything in time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws, etc., these are just trivial illusions in front of the great magic of immortality.

The magic of immortality can ignore cause and effect and ignore paradoxes. It is the truth in itself, and what it says is what it says, as long as it can be imagined, from fixed numbers to variables, from the universe to all things, from time to space, from nothing to existence, From energy to matter, as long as it exists or has existed, it only needs a thought to make it disappear or recreate. In a word, what you say is what you say, it cannot be denied or reversed. No matter how powerful an individual is, they are as small as dust in front of the immortal magic.

The immortality of immortality is the absolute immortality of the golden body. No meaning, language, description, text, or definition can "explain" it. There are infinite multiverses in one pore, infinite multiverses in the fingers, and incarnations spread over infinite multiverses. The universe, divine light shines on infinite multiverses, and the Dharma can make billions of beings immune to all the invasion of magical obstacles, and all the forces of the infinite multiverse can not hurt their physical bodies.

The great magic of immortality has absolutely no beginning and no end, no form and no form, no life and no death, absolute eternity and absolute immortality are its most direct manifestations, which will never die and will never be erased. Can live in memory, as long as there are people in the world who remember him, or have information about him, he will not die. Being able to dream of all things, absolutely all settings, things, existence... is just a dream for him. Absolutely one thought creates the world, one thought destroys the world, one thought saves the world, and one thought purifies the world. Absolute disregard of cause and effect, disregard of paradox, disregard of Dao, disregard of realm, disregard of modification setting, disregard of all metaphysical and metaphysical, ignoring all existence and non-existence.