In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 975: Ancestors and Kings on Taoism

Ancestor Saturn on the side shouted angrily: "Ancestor Mondes, you despicable, shameless, immoral and smoking bad guy, why do you always fool me? Where did I offend you?"

Ancestor Mondes looked at Ancestor Saturn, raised his eyebrows and said: "You offend the great and noble Emperor of Heaven, make unkind words to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, and dare to do anything, this is offending me! The way of heaven is irreversible, the way of heaven cannot be violated, the way of heaven Shameless! Saturn, you have violated the rules of heaven, do you know the guilt?"

Ancestor Saturn glared and shouted, "I... I didn't really want to hit him, I just wanted to use him to lure you out! I just scare him, I'm not guilty!"

King Mondszu said in a melodious and grand voice: "The result of no complaints and no regrets is that you can't blame anyone. The point of this is that you have no reason to blame yourself... You are yourself, and no one else can. The qualifications blame you, even if the parents and children... The children are not filial, it is your own fault, at least you didn't teach them well... He didn't ask you to give birth to him... Absolutely just... Besides, what is filial piety??? It's all about yourself That's done, these topics don't need reasoning at all... any topics don't need... Self is the root of all evil... Because I don't know myself, so this is ethics, that is moral... I don't know anything... The universe has no such substance. , some have also made him extinct since then... The truth, reason, and justice are there, and any good things have all appeared... Back to the original topic, I have no title... Am I heaven? Wrong. I am the earth... the heaven and the earth When they are laid together...all things begin to exist..."

The Ancestral King Saturn took a deep look at Ji Haotian, and said meaningfully: "Am I Wu? Wrong. I am... Nothing is there, there is nothing... Nothing is compatible... Harmonious... I am Wrong? Yes. Then who is right...I don't know. It will come, no, right or wrong..."

The old voice of King Putazu said: "Heaven and earth coexist together to create harmony, nothing and existence coexist together to create all things, right and wrong coexist and forever become wrong. Therefore, the world is full of wrong... The extreme of wrong, it will never come back to the point of catastrophe... Awakening from the calamity came to save all sentient beings...because it is the ultimate I understand all the mistakes in the world...whether it's the root cause or the direct fact...the fault lies with me...but this is the logical development process of things... I don't have you???? Without you, I don't know if I have it? It is because of you that I know that I was wrong... Can you blame me for your fault? Don't talk about yourself... ...I was nothing in the first place??? After I created you, I have slept until now... Only when I woke up did I realize that I was wrong..."

Zerwanzu Wang said: "Is there destiny? Yes. I am? Why are there so many coincidences? But fate and non-existence are the same, everything can be non-existent... Destiny depends on Me. Then why are you still so tired??? Relax and enjoy life??? Do what you really want to do... You don't care about anything??? It's you who wake me up... Who created it? Who??? All things are in harmony, and the creation of the world is also one of all things??? Everyone is self, and each is his own calamity..."

King Mondes said in a clear and clear voice: "This is the direct logical relationship of this's not the ultimate I still can't blame you...who is it to blame??? Me??? I'm doing so much "hard work" Indescribably dedicated to helping you correct your mistakes. I almost died a few times... Still blame me??? Where is the law of the heavens??? Mother's, or Lao Tzu... I have lost a lot... Where do I exist??? In the sky...a point in the sky of nothingness...where is this point??? Because there is no comparison, except for Laozi, I am nothingness, so I am also there here, and there is also here...moving and motionless It is also moving...everywhere, everywhere...what does it mean??? I am nothing, nothing is me...

At some point, at what moment? The ultimate moment, time is created at that time... Where does the moment come from? ? ? A bomb explodes into a world with "no beginning and no end", time is connected end to end, not to mention that there is no time, just to keep the time, for convenience... But after the explosion, where did the nothingness and the robbery go? ? ? Black holes... the interpretation of the big bang has been performed countless times, right? The point of the robbery point explodes into an infinite explosion of nothingness, covering the entire nothingness in an instant, and there is no need to expand at all. At the same time, because of the contrast, the point of robbery rotates infinitely, driving all matter to rotate, and producing a black hole at the same time. The universe is infinite. no beginning and no end..."

King Saturn said in a loud voice: "Don't God, don't comprehend it. You can't comprehend it in eternity. You are who you are. It's enough to understand the truth. The situation is impossible. After all, you are not the **** of the universe, you are only the **** of your world... This is enough, enough for you to be happy forever... Do you want to go to hell??? You can't go even if you want, I don't care what it is, you can do whatever you want... Create the world, destroy the world, and save the world, it's the Trinity... It's doomed after all catastrophe, there's really no reason for heaven? Are you very familiar with you??? So polite??? I have just met myself... Or do I still make such a big disaster??? Hell, I didn't get anything, but I carried the cause and effect of the whole body..."

King Mondszu said melodiously: "I don't even bother to elaborate, anyway, everything is over... Two things are one, one thing is two, one thing is one, all things are myriad, all of them are a result. I create you all. , you created me...because I was originally nothing, and I was right and wrong...I was originally invisible, and I created the world because I didn't know myself. With you, I am what I am now, but I found that I was the one" Wrong". Don't ask anyone to pull you into the water again... The truth is the truth, the kindest, truest and fairest thing in the universe is going to hell... Hell, there are no ghosts inside. They are all playing outside... Go to sleep, Anyway, I also like to sleep... Anyway, I am the universe... black hole... How can I never recover? Now I am being robbed, and only I can bear it... Up to now, I can't think of how many days I have spent in my life. The days??? All are still fresh in my memory... Just to accept this great responsibility... All coincidences are arranged by myself, and all the trials are arranged by myself. I am not the most perverted who is perverted? Get ready and turn all your faults back Take one piece away...the fate will be in your own hands..."