In the Heavens

v1 Chapter 139: Huashan 7

Slowly swaying south of the Yangtze River for two months, after a good taste of the southern country scenery, Li Mu and his wife returned to Guanzhong.

It's just that Ning Nv Xia was very unhappy. After walking in the arena for so long, she didn't let her encounter anything that could be a chivalry.

Along the way, no matter if you met street gangsters or ran into dudes, you walked around them one by one.

Cheating is always in the minority. To be able to mix in the martial arts world, the eyesight is always the first.

Whether it is a prince, aristocrat, a descendant of a family, or a street gangster, they know that there are some people who can't mess with them.

Although Li Mu and his wife have been as low-key as possible, not even the disciples accompanying them, their temperament can't deceive anyone. Just stop there, everyone knows it's a big shot.

Only an idiot will provoke an unidentified big man without knowing it. Such idiots are destined to not live long, no matter how prominent their origins.


"Junior Brother Yue, the affairs in Fujian are now presided over by Senior Brother Yao. Your previous task was to coordinate the relationship with the local family.

Look for opportunities to find out the roles that each family plays in overseas trade, including a series of people and things related to maritime trade such as coastal gangs, North Korean and Chinese officials, and pirates.

After understanding all of this, we will slowly choose a partner that suits us. Don't worry, you have three years to study slowly. "

Wanting to get involved in maritime trade cannot be done overnight. As a foreigner and land duck, the best choice is to choose a partner from the locals.

Whether it is a coastal family, a maritime merchant engaged in smuggling, or a pirate who can't get on the table, all can become partners.

As long as you enter the industry, the rest will be easier.

Even if it is boycotted by maritime merchants, it can also cooperate with pirates. Set up a vest gang to choose a port along the coast to provide logistical supplies and stolen goods for the pirates.

Countless classic business cases have proved that only those who engage in platforms are making blood. As long as it is shameless enough, you are not afraid of not getting a piece of the pie.

After listening to Li Mu's words, Yue Buqun was very confused. He really didn't understand why such an important task would fall on him.

Under normal circumstances, it is given to an experienced and communicative senior, not a newcomer like him.

"Brother head, this..."

Before Yue Buqun refused, Li Mu interrupted: "Junior Brother Yue, there is no need to refuse. I will give you this important task for my brother, there is naturally a reason.

Just a few years after Junior Brother came out of the arena, he came out of the title of Gentleman Sword, which is enough to prove your advantage in being a human being.

This task is entrusted to you, which is to make use of your strengths in making friends so that you can find out the local situation as soon as possible. "

I don't know if it's the corrective power of the plot, Li Mu's butterfly effect is so strong, Yue Buqun still broke the title of "Gentleman Sword".

Not only is it a nickname, Yue Buqun is also very close to the original description in terms of being a man. Able to put down his body and ran to make friends with the three teachers and nine liu.

If such talents are not used, they are committing crimes.

After a pause, Li Mu added: "Junior Brother Yue, this matter is up to you. For my brother, I have to visit a few senior uncles and ask them to go to Fujian together."

Compared to Yue Buqun, who can be forced, arranging a master in Fujian is the trouble.

Originally, Li Mu was going to let Feng Qingyang and his master go to the town together. However, Feng Qingyang lost his mother a few days ago and was in mourning at this time.

The gift of human relations, of course, cannot be deprived of it casually. There is no clear wind, and Li Mu is not relieved just let Zhou Qingyun pass by!

In case there is a conflict with the Southeast Aristocratic family, or the demon sect, it will be difficult to control the place with Zhou Qingyun's cultivation base.

When it comes to his own master, Li Mu is not willing to take risks. In order to solve this problem, he thought hard for several days.


Bamboo Forest Courtyard

The seven elders are arguing happily, and this scene happens almost every day, and everyone has already taken it off.

Not knowing who gave it the courage, they decided to follow the example of the patriarch and create a brilliant career within the Taoist school.

To this end, he also gave himself a resounding name-Huashan Seven Sons.

The plagiarism is so obvious, anyhow it should be made into a high imitation product? Compared with the ancestor master's "Quanzhen Seven Sons", the current "Huashan Seven Sons" is obviously nine dollars and nine free shipping.

As for the understanding of the Taoist Scriptures, it is not Li Mu's boasting, and these seven old men are not his opponents together.

Obviously he is half a bucket of water, but he still "has high ambitions" and wants to compare with the ancestor.

Knowing that, Li Mu would never say it. Anyway, they just closed the door and played by themselves without going out to be embarrassed. Why should they be wicked?

As soon as Li Mu walked over, he was caught by Wang Qingshan: "No pastor nephew, you are here at the right time, judge for me, they..."

Before this Uncle Wang could finish speaking, the sweat on Li Mu's forehead was already coming out.

The disagreements between the elders cause the younger generation to "evaluate", this kind of thing is not something ordinary people can do.

Li Mu doubted very much that according to the current situation, the "Huashan Seven Children" in front of him would eventually become the "Huashan Seven Children".

An old naughty boy made Quanzhen Sect to be suspicious of life. If there were seven old naughty boys, Li Mu was very doubtful that he could sustain it.

After bowing to the crowd, Li Mu said helplessly: "We will discuss the matter of Uncle Wang's evaluation. The disciple came here for the sake of business affairs in the door."

Released his hand, Wang Qingshan said nonchalantly: "Since it's the right thing in the door, then you can handle it yourself! We old guys, just ask.

I heard that you broke through the innate realm, which is very good. In the past few hundred years, there has also been a Zhang Sanfeng.

And he broke through in his later years, at an age like you, he was just a little Taoist priest. "

Seeing the almost identical expressions of several people, Li Mu helplessly rubbed his forehead. Now he very much doubted that the seven had gotten the inheritance of the old naughty boy, otherwise they wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

"Master, uncles, and uncles, we won Fujian from the demon sect through the fight a few months ago, and the handover has now been completed.

In order to stabilize the situation, the leaders of the other four factions are all in Fujian. It's just that all factions have their own affairs to deal with, and the head cannot leave the mountain gate for a long time.

Originally, the disciple was going to let Master Feng pass by, but unfortunately it happened to meet the filial piety period, so I can only ask you to take a trip.

Disciples and uncles rest assured that the specific affairs are handled by the disciples, and they won't cause you trouble. "

After listening to Li Mu's words, the faces of several people suddenly collapsed. Duan Qingfeng patted Li Mu's shoulder and said angrily: "This is the biggest trouble!

If something happens, can we still let it go?

My Huashan faction is full of talented people, why should your kid stare at our old guys?

Anyway, you are an innate master, just go to Fujian to go around, beat the surrounding forces, and keep them safe and self-defeating. "

There is nothing wrong with it. If the Huashan School does not blend in with overseas trade, or if it just goes in for a little trouble, the great families in the southeast will definitely give face.

But Li Mu wanted more. The natural disasters in Northwest China continued, and the number of refugees in Guanzhong increased day by day. If it can't be resolved, sooner or later, there will be great chaos.

The Ming court could not care about the northwest, but the Huashan school, a local school, could not sit idly by.

Disaster relief is meaningless. There will be more and more frequent natural disasters. The only solution is to export population.

A steady stream of refugees need a lot of financial support to send them out.

In the face of interests, the face of the innate master is not good. Even if everyone didn't dare to do anything in the open, the small movements secretly would not stop.

If there is not enough strength to cope with it, perhaps the Huashan faction in the southeast will collectively die.

This group of guys was so anxious that even the emperor dared to win the title. Maybe when the Japanese pirates and pirates will come over.

I can't find out the real culprit, even if I want revenge afterwards, I don't know who to take the knife.

After a slight smile, Li Mu turned on the big flicker mode: "Uncle Duan, when will you dare to toss you without Mu?

It was just this time that I went south, and there was an unexpected gain in the door, and it happened to have a pot of Da Pei Yuan Dan.

The pill has been refined, but some changes have occurred in the middle, making it impossible to store the pill for a long time. Now that the effect of the medicine has begun to fade, it must be taken immediately.

There are only six pills in total, and many of them have reached the first-class peak in their cultivation, and the following group of disciples are also watching, and the nephews who give them to whom are always a headache! "

Naturally, there are pill medicines, but the legendary Dapeiyuan Pill. It is the product of ordinary healing medicine, processed by Li Da alchemist.

In order for this batch of "pseudo-peiyuan pill" to have the effect of pill pill, Li Mu paid no small price.

In each pill, he injected Zixia's internal force for one month. Internal force is the second, mainly to use the vitality contained in it.

After all, the new version of Zixia Divine Art can raise the level of life. The promotion from first-class to top-level life level is not obvious. According to Li Mu's estimation, one month's internal strength is almost enough.

Of course, Zixia's internal strength is not so good at refining. Without the help of his protagonist, it would be a reminder.

After swallowing his saliva, Duan Qingfeng has shown his peeping heart with practical actions. Except for Zhou Qingyun, who had already broken through, did not respond, the eyes of everyone else were eager.

The crux of the problem lies in: "The effect of the medicine has passed, and it must be taken immediately."

If there is no such one, you may have to consider the future of martial art and choose to leave the opportunity to the younger generation.

There is no need to entangle now. Ordinary disciples are wasteful to serve, and only those who have reached the first-class level of cultivation are able to maximize their benefits.

Even if it's just the birth of a super master, it's not a loss. It happens that all six people meet the conditions, and it is impossible not to be tempted.

Wang Qingshan took the lead and said, "Sister nephew, please rest assured, isn't it just going to Fujian, I just wait for a visit.

It's just a pill..."

While speaking, he turned his gaze to Zhou Qingyun, as if saying: This is your apprentice, please help speak!

"Well, they are all people of a few years old, how can they still be uncomfortable! No shepherd is here, and the pill will be less for you.

It's just that we allocated it so privately, will there be criticism over there in the door? "

Zhou Qingyun is not worried if Li Muzhen can't control the place. The innate grandmaster can't hold it down, that's the problem.

Just being the head, the most important thing is to have a smooth bowl of water. Normally small movements are enough, but this time there are six Da Pei Yuan Dan, and it is said that the whole martial arts can fry the pot.

"Master, please rest assured, the matter of refining the great cultivation pill is still in a state of confidentiality. The disciple on the alchemy master's side has been comforted, as long as you don't tell it, no one will know.

For the sake of confidentiality, even if your uncles and uncles have broken through the top, they cannot reveal their cultivation level for the time being.

Keep it for as long as you can. If you really can't hide it, you just push on the Taoist scriptures.

It is just that the master has realized the true meaning of Taoist Hunyuan, and successfully broke through It is not a lie, and there is no need to worry about leading the disciple of the disciple.

The problem of medicinal materials will be filled up gradually in the future. If it is discovered by someone, it is assumed that the disciple has used it when he breaks through the innate. "

After listening to Li Mu's explanation, everyone's hanging heart finally fell. Looking at Li Mu's eyes again, he was already full of deep gratitude.

Everyone sighed deep in their hearts that this wave of investment was not in vain.

Everyone is sensible. If it hadn't been for supporting Li Mu's superiority before, the current benefits would definitely not be theirs.

"Senior nephew, don't worry, we will rot in our stomachs today, and we will never confide a word to the outside world!"

Everyone cursed, sweared, and guaranteed votes. Li Mu also took out a vial, took out the pill, and distributed it to six people.

"In order to prevent the effect of the medicine from waning, you can take it here! Master and I will protect you, so you don't have to worry about disturbing it."
