In The Whole World, I Have 50% More Rewards

v2 Chapter 138: Spring is coming

"Sorry, Idon\'tknowwhatyou\'retalkingabout."


"??? Hemp stuff? What the **** is this talking about?" Hearing Zhao Gao's answer, the weasel kept roaring in his heart for a while.

Zhao Gao's answer made it impossible to fix it. For a while, it didn't know how to ask.

"Humph! You forced me." Weasel's face turned ruthless, and his ten small claws clasped his fists quickly began to seal.

"Lin, Bing, Dou... OK! Spiritualism!" As soon as Yin finished, he slapped his claws on his chest: "Pfft~"

He spat out a mouthful of blood on the tip of his claws, and raised his eyebrows a little: "Hmph, I can't do it, I still don't understand what you are saying!"

This spell was specially created by the seniors of the demon race to communicate with the juniors who were not yet able to speak.

However, this spell can also be used to communicate when the two sides do not speak the same language.

It uses this spell at this moment to forcibly release its spiritual power, so as to link Zhao Gao's spirit, so that the two sides will no longer have language barriers.

But as soon as it radiated its spiritual power, it glanced around and saw Zhao Gao being enveloped by a burst of blood-colored light.

Moreover, in this **** light, there was a faintly familiar and fearful aura.

When it took a closer look, behind Zhao Gao, it saw a woman in a red robe. This woman's arms were protecting Zhao Gao, just like she was protecting Zhao Gao in her arms.

Just for a moment, as if remembering something.

The weasel pointed at Zhao Gao in horror: "You, Hongniang, spare your life, spare your life, spare your life!"

While talking in fear, the weasel turned around and ran away, as if he was being chased.

At this moment, the weasel wished his parents would give him two more legs so that he could run faster.

Facing the figure of the weasel fleeing in embarrassment.

Zhao Gao's expression was like this: (??ò??ó??)

"This is not the plot I thought! Shouldn't you show your fierceness when you were teased to the point of anger, and came forward to tear me apart?"

"And then, I exploded my strength, and in your shocked and terrified, unbelievable eyes, will I kill you again?"

"You look like you've been scared to pee now, what should I do?" Zhao Gao complained when he saw the Weasel's figure receding away.

After complaining, looking at the blood-colored lines on his hands, Zhao Gao knew that it was this free daughter-in-law who scared the weasel away.

"This is being protected by my daughter-in-law! Hmm~ not bad!"

Putting down the speculation about the blood-colored pattern in his heart, Zhao Gao started to set off. At this moment, he decided to walk out slowly.

When I came here, I met a weasel and asked for a seal, and then walking around this mountain forest, Zhao Gao was sure that this place must be very exciting.

There is another way of saying this kind of place with strong Yin Qi, and that is "the place of great evil"!

If he didn't fly out, Zhao Gao was also afraid that some powerful Ah Piao would pull him down when he flew over the tomb.

Zhao Gao still wanted to avoid such a hospitable family.

Walking in the direction the weasel escaped all the way, Zhao Gao kept it all the time, allowing his spiritual sense to cover his radius of 1,000 meters.

In such a fierce place, and at night when the moon is in the sky, when the yin is at its heaviest, Zhao Gao did not dare to ignore the possible danger.

Not long after walking forward, Zhao Gao found that he seemed to have met a warm and hospitable family.

I saw here, there are two grave bags standing, and the tattered white silk hanging around them shows the wind and sun that they usually experience.

At this moment, there are two rotting corpses. Standing beside a flat stone in front of the grave, he waved to Zhao Gao.

"Uncle, come and play!" Bah ~ wrong, what they said was: "Lady, come and play with us!"

While talking, two rotting corpses were pointing at the cards on the stone.

When Zhao Gao saw it, he was speechless for a moment: "Has this Western card been passed on here?"

No wonder Zhao Gao complained, no matter who saw this deck of cards, he would have the same feeling of complaining. Although these two rotting corpses were dressed in tatters, it could be roughly seen that they were the type of coarse linen clothes in ancient times.

But the cards in front of them were exactly the same as Zhao Gao's main card in the Blue Star Doudi.

"How is it? Don't worry, as long as you play a few games with us and get over your gambling addiction, we'll give you a big gift!" Looking at Zhao Gao, the corpse with an eyeball missing from the left tried to bewitch Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao sensed the strength of the two of them a little, and it was probably at the level of the middle class. As soon as he observed that their strength was not as good as his own, Zhao Gaoyi boldly stepped forward.

"Since we are warmly invited, then I would be more respectful than obedient. How to play?"

"It's easy to talk, can you play Doudizhu?" The corpse on the right was missing an ear, and began to shuffle the cards impatiently.

"Well~ I'm not very good at it, in fact, I want to play the turtle kind!" Such a hospitable family. Zhao Gao couldn't help but want to tease him.

Two corpses:  …

"It's good to know a little bit, you can learn it slowly!" The lack of eyeballs directly ignored the three words "sucking the turtle", and let them two, such as Shen-year-old gamblers, play the naive way of fighting the turtle, it is better to kill them .

"That's right, come here. The cards are dealt! The cards are dealt!" Those who lacked ears and those who lacked eyeballs, as if they were connected with each other at this moment, directly ignored Zhao Gao's three words "squirting turtles", and directly began to follow the rules of "Fighting Landlords". The mode deals cards to Zhao Gao.

As for the landlord, isn't it Zhao Gao alone? Is this still controversial?

The ear-less quick dealt Zhao Gao 20 cards, each of them 17 cards.

After taking the card, Zhao Gao thought for a moment and fell silent for a moment.

"This is God's way of seeing me lose!" Zhao Gao thought to himself when he looked at his cards.

The double king took two or two, and then 3456 four planes, how could he lose?

"Hurry up, the landlord plays the card!" Before Zhao Gao could continue to think, he immediately urged the lack of eyeballs.

"3456 Shunzi plane!"

Two corpses:  …

"I'm sorry!"


"Two pairs! Report doubles!"

Two corpses:  …

"I'm sorry! Go!"

"Double Kings! Spring is here."

Two dead bodies: WDNMD

"One more round, this time I'll deal the cards one by one, otherwise there will be too many cards in a row." While shuffling the cards, the one with the missing eyeballs counted the one with the missing ear.

"Yes, stop talking nonsense, and deal cards quickly!" Queer waved his hand impatiently, waiting anxiously for the cards to be dealt.

After dealing twenty cards to Zhao Gao again, one person and one corpse began to quietly arrange their cards.

After sorting out the cards again, Zhao Gao was stunned again. His cards at the moment were 3-A straight 12 cards, double kings with four twos 18 cards, and finally a pair of Aces.

"Play the card, play the card!"

"345678—A, Shunja!"

Two corpses:  …

"No, go!"

"Yes A!"

The two corpses quickly looked at their cards. Seeing this, most of my heart became cold, and the two of them couldn't even hold back against A.

"don't want."

"Go!" the two corpses shouted weakly.

"Bomb! Four twos!"

"don't want!"

"Shuang Wang, Spring!" Zhao Gao finished throwing the cards, spread out his hands, and gestured to the two corpses, he had finished playing the cards.

Two corpses:  …

"Give me the money! Two!"

Hearing this, the two corpses looked at Zhao Gao helplessly: "Since you won. Then we are willing to admit defeat, our two brothers have nothing to give you, you can take this!"

While Gu was talking, the one who lacked an eyeball directly deducted his last eyeball, and then threw it on the stone platform in front of Zhao Gao. For those who lacked an ear, they tore off the other ear and threw it in front of Zhao Gao.

Afterwards, the two corpses didn't give Zhao Gao a chance to answer at all, they disappeared in place in an instant, and returned directly to the tomb bag, as if nothing had happened.

Zhao Gao: ...

"Hey! Give me these two things, I'm useless!" Zhao Gao said helplessly, looking at the corpse in front of him.

"However, even though it was a malicious invitation, it's still a good bet! You didn't get angry, give me a reincarnation gift!"

"I've already thought about how I attacked you when your fierceness was revealed!" With a sigh, Zhao Gao felt that it was not good for him to go out today. These little things didn't play cards according to the routine.

Afterwards, Zhao Gao left here and continued to walk forward. It was under the darkness of the night. After walking for about half an hour, there was a faint light of fire in the distance.

"Huh? Someone?" Zhao Gao hurriedly walked forward, and after reaching the range of spiritual sense, Zhao Gao swept his spiritual sense and found that it was a dilapidated mountain temple.

In the temple, there are three men dressed as hunters, resting around the fire.

As soon as Zhao Gao walked in, the sound of the branches under his feet startled them.

"Who!" One of the men immediately became alert, grabbed the bow and arrow next to him, and hid at the gate of the temple to watch.

After the man shouted loudly, the other two men who were sleeping quickly got up without a sound, and followed them to the gate of the temple to observe.

"Don't panic, everyone, I went hunting with my subordinates in the mountains today, and I lost my way with my subordinates. I have been lost in the mountains for a long time. When I saw the fire here, I thought it was someone else, so I thought of coming over for a night." The son who came out of the family's spring outing is a pie.

After entering the scene and seeing the style of ancient clothing. Zhao Gao took out the prepared clothes from the storage space. These clothes were specially prepared for this situation.

Modern soft silk and craftsmanship, coupled with specially tailored clothes, worn on Zhao Gao, coupled with his handsome appearance, said that he was a rich and powerful son, no one would believe it.

As for hairstyles, this one is the easiest. No matter if you are bald or bald, as long as you have studied in the Life Weapons Academy, you will have a simple hair growth technique.

It's not even a spell, it's a simple and brainless technology.

This technique is to simply sense the vigorous green grass under the body, and then absorb the vitality in these green grass.

All you need is grass the size of a washbasin, and use the vitality of these grasses to smear your head, black and shiny, and waist-length hair.

This technique is the gospel of the bald man.


After listening to Zhao Gao's remarks, the three of them obviously didn't believe it. There were dense forests all over the mountain, but Zhao Gao was still clean and didn't look embarrassed at all.

Moreover, this mountain is not a peaceful place. If they hadn't eaten this meal, they wouldn't have taken great risks into the mountain to hunt.

It's not that they want to eat this meal, it's that their family really can't open the pot and can only earn some money from the prey on the mountain.

But even if they entered the mountain, the three of them were cautious and only dared to look for prey during the day, and they had to return to this mountain temple in the afternoon.



After staring at Zhao Gao for a long time, one of the men whispered in the ear of the man with the bow and arrow in front: "There is no movement of the magic talisman!"

Hearing this, a man with a bow and arrow naturally knows what it means. In this big mountain, there are too many dirty things. Every time they enter the mountain, they have to spend a lot of money to get all kinds of talismans from the Temple of the Earth to avoid seeing unclean things.

And this magic talisman is an early warning talisman. As long as something unclean is close to a range of 100 meters, the magic talisman will spontaneously ignite without fire to remind the three of them.

"Come in!" Since it wasn't that kind of thing, the three naturally had no reason to embarrass Zhao Gao.

"Thank you, everyone, then I'll bother you for one night!"

"This is the Temple of the Mountain, and it's not owned by anyone, just enter if you want!" the man with the bow and arrow said lukewarm.

Entering the mountain temple, Zhao Gao saw the expressions of the three men, and most likely he was not welcome to come over to the fire.

No way, Zhao Gao could only find some dead grass to sit down, and plan to rest here for a night, tomorrow morning, and then fly into the air to see the situation.

When Zhao Gao was cultivating with his eyes closed, one of the three men was always on guard, and the three of them took turns to watch the night.

One was alert, and the two were sleeping and resting, but despite this, the two fell asleep in a very light sleep state. As long as there was trouble, they would get up immediately.

As the night got darker, Zhao Gao and the others in the mountain temple didn't even hear the chirping of insects, but in this case, the man who was vigilant didn't think it was strange at all.

"Help! Help! Don't kill me!" Suddenly, there was a burst of hurried footsteps and a cry for help.

The sound was getting louder and louder, moving all the way to the Temple of the Mountain.

"Get up! Trouble!" The vigilant man hurriedly called his two companions up, picked up the bow, and painted the arrows with blood.

"Black dog blood?" Zhao Gao thought with certainty after smelling the fishy and stinky smell.

He had heard of the black dog's blood expelling A Piao, but with the strength of these talented people, where do they need to use such a low-level thing?

Therefore, I have only heard of these methods of dealing with low-level Piao, but I have never seen it.

Zhao Gao got up and looked like an ordinary person who was afraid and curious. He followed behind the three of them and, like them, hid at the door and looked out the door.

I saw a beautiful woman in ragged clothes in front of me, being chased by a golden-eyed tiger.

This beautiful woman, whose running clothes were caught by the branches, was chased by the tigers behind her, so she could only run as fast as she could.

Where the clothes were torn, snow-white skin was exposed, and there were many ragged clothes, which made the woman reveal a looming charm. As long as a man saw it, he would feel a sense of hunger and thirst.

And Zhao Gao next to him heard the voices of the three men secretly swallowing saliva.

"Help! Hero, help me! As long as the hero saves my life, the little girl will give you a satisfactory reward!" When Zhao Gao and the others saw the girl, the girl naturally saw them too.

While running towards the mountain temple, the woman said quickly.

But Zhao Gao could clearly see that when the woman said this, she inadvertently revealed a half-round white ball.

This action caused the three men to swallow a few mouthfuls of saliva.

"Come here, we have bows and arrows to cover you, that big worm will never dare to enter the mountain temple!" The three men shouted to the woman while shooting the tiger with bows and arrows.

"Thank you heroes! You are good people!" As if moved, the woman ran up to the three men with rain, and was pulled in by one of them.

As soon as he pulled the woman's soft and boneless hand, the man's heart was agitated, and his face flushed red.

"Give incense to the mountain god, don't let this big worm come in!" The man in the lead said to the man who was pulling the woman while aiming at the tiger with a bow and arrow.

"Oh oh oh! Okay, right now!" The man quickly took out incense candles from his luggage and put incense on the mountain **** statue.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Gao finally solved a doubt, why in such a deep mountain and old forest, this mountain temple not only does not leak the wind, but also often has incense offerings.

Looking at the statue of the mountain god, then at this beautiful woman, and at the big bug outside, Zhao Gao felt weird no matter how he looked at it.

In his perception, the woman was A Piao in the form of a ghost, while the tiger was an earth-level monster.

But now, the tiger seemed to be frightened by the arrows of the two mortal men, and actually avoided the arrows.

Moreover, ten meters away from the mountain temple, the tiger didn't go away, but he didn't dare to approach, because in Zhao Gao's spiritual sense, there was a golden light curtain that was covering the ten meters outside the mountain temple. Inside.

The tiger looked at this light curtain, as if he had been taught a lesson, he wanted to rush but didn't dare to rush.

"Roar~" After an angry the tiger still didn't rush in. After glancing at the crowd angrily, he disappeared in front of everyone in a few jumps.

"Hoo~ God bless you, this worm finally left!" The leading man put down his bow and arrow and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Thank you hero for saving my life, the little girl doesn't know how to repay!" As soon as the man finished speaking, the woman hugged the man's arm.

Feeling the softness between his arms, the man's face instantly flushed red, with an embarrassed look: "As long as he has a conscience, he will naturally not die."

"Yes, yes, the girl almost died in the mouth of a big worm. She must be frightened! Come to the fire to warm up and suffer the cold for free." Another man grabbed the woman's other arm anxiously, looking good for the woman 's tone.

Especially after feeling the tender skin of the woman, after the looming spring light, the lustful light in her eyes could not be hidden.

"Yes, come here quickly, fortunately, the mountain **** blesses him and expels the big worm." The man who had given the mountain **** incense also walked to the woman's side, slightly twitching his nose, looking satisfied.

"Well~ little girl, everything depends on the three heroes!" The woman replied with a shy look of bowing her head.

But her weak, Xiaojiabiyu appearance aroused the protective desire of the three men, and the three of them were extremely enthusiastic, and greeted the woman for a while.

The four of them...Bah~ I'm wrong, it should be the appearance of three people and one ghost, leaving Zhao Gao speechless for a while.

This woman is just a low-level ghost, and she didn't even use the ecstasy technique, so she fascinated the three of them.

Just relying on their own beauty, the three men do not know what year it is today.

"Do you still have the Spirit Test Talisman?"


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