In The Whole World, I Have 50% More Rewards

v2 Chapter 150: Mantis catching cicadas

"Humph! Why do I need to explain to you how the old man behaves!" Li Laogui snorted coldly, not wanting to waste words with Wu Qingyang at all.

"Kill!" The sword pointed at Wu Qingyang, and the ghost raised the sword and ran towards him.

"Death Bell" commanded the spirit ghost with his right hand, and shook the magic weapon with his left hand: "Dangdangdang~"

The sound of an attack that directly attacked the soul, drilled into Wu Qingyang's mind.

"Yuanshen attack?" Wu Qingyang frowned, feeling the strength of Yuanshen's sword will resist.

I secretly calculated the time I could bear, five minutes.

Although he was also troubled by the soul attack in his heart, he still had a look of contempt on his face: "That's it!"

"Hmph! Be tough!" The old ghost who has lived for so many years knows how to attack his own soul.

He can sit on the first seat of the ghost veins, relying on a tricky Primordial Spirit attack.

"Qingyang Sword! The first form of the Promise Sword Art! Dividing light into shadow!" Blessing the sword intent, he ordered the flying sword to attack the ghost that had already arrived in front of him.

"Ding ding..." It split into thousands of flying swords with sword energy, some attacked the spirit ghost, and some attacked the old ghost Li.

In the face of these fierce sword qi wrapped in sword intent, the spirit ghost swung the big sword into a phantom to protect himself.

Even though he was slightly repelled by the mighty force on the sword, it prevented water from splashing all over his body.

On the other side, facing the sharp-edged sword qi attack, the old ghost Li, who couldn't move his hand, could only dodge.

But he did this, just following Wu Qingyang's will, forcing the old ghost Li to retreat, making the attack distance of the Death Bell's attack farther, and he could support more time.

At the same time, he can also concentrate on fighting the enemy spirit ghost. As long as this spirit ghost is killed, Old Ghost Li's methods will be at least half of the way.

There is no way, most of the methods used by the ghosts in the Ten Thousand Ghost Caves are all on the ghosts of their own destiny. Only the old ghost Li has refined a Primordial Spirit attack magic weapon and has some other means of attack.

The spirit ghost rushed in front of him, and the spirit behind Old Ghost Li attacked and assisted the spirit ghost, so that he had the strength to live until now, otherwise, he would have been slain by demons and demons long ago.

"The Fifth Form of the Promise Sword Art! Instant Ying Qinghong!" Wu Qingyang had already used his full strength the moment he forced Old Gui Li back.

The spiritual power of the whole body poured into the sword in his hand, but in an instant, the flying sword shot out from his hand.

"Bang! Boom!" In an instant, the flying sword slammed into the front of the ghost, and at the critical moment, the ghost instinctively put the big sword in front of him, blocking the attack of the flying sword.

But the power and sharp sword qi on the flying sword instantly shattered the large sword condensed by the yin qi, and then the remaining power continued to penetrate the ghost's body.

"Yah~" After a painful cry, the spirit ghost quickly backed away, trying to join the old ghost Li who rushed over.

"The Promise Sword Art! Ninth Form! Heavenly Sword!" Wu Qingyang displayed his most powerful sword art from the two enemies who were about to converge on the opposite side.

Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, spiritual energy poured into the flying sword frantically. In an instant, the flying sword changed into a hundred-meter giant sword, and the sword energy wrapped around it made the whole flying sword look like a natural hundred-zhang giant sword.

"Cut!" Waving a huge sword, Wu Qingyang directly slashed at Old Ghost Li's master and servant.

"Blood Ghost Technique!" Seeing this powerful attack, Old Ghost Li was stunned. At this juncture of life and death, he couldn't allow him to continue to think about it. spell.

"Block me!" Spiritual energy poured into the spirit ghost's body, and the two of them resisted the giant sword attack together.

"Touch... woow!" The spirit ghost with blood-red aura all over his body was instantly slashed and flew out, and the giant sword continued to run all the way, carrying the spirit ghost, and instantly smashed on Old Gui Li.

"Touch..." One person, one spirit ghost, was directly knocked out a long distance.

"Ha~ha! Ha~ha!" Enduring the feeling of weakness and exhaustion after the emptiness of spiritual power, Wu Qingyang stared at the direction in which Old Ghost Li was shot, and probed into Old Ghost Li's situation.

The ninth form of Wuji Sword Art, he has only practiced it for a long time, it is the first time to use it against the enemy, and he does not know whether he has already killed the old ghost.

"The first seat!" When Wu Qingyang and the old ghost Li began to fight, Wang Xiaoer faced the three elders of the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave alone.

Under the big movement of Wu Qingyang's attack, there were four people on both sides in the battle, and naturally they also saw the situation.

"Heh! If you have time to care about others, let's care about yourself!" Seeing that the three of them were distracted, Wang Xiaoer naturally didn't want to give up this opportunity.

When he was talking, he had already picked up the sword art: "The Promise Sword Art, split light into shadow!"

Naturally, Wang Xiaoer couldn't do the thousand flying swords of Wu Qingyang, but his cultivation at the peak of the earth-level realm, seven hundred swords, was no problem.

All the flying swords transformed by the sword qi flew to the first elder, and the rest were evenly distributed to the other two middle-level elders.

While the three were busy dealing with Feijian, Wang Xiaoer had already held his own flying sword and suddenly appeared in front of one of the middle-level elders.

"The Promise Sword Art, Qinghong!" It would be better to cut off one of the enemy's ten fingers. Just now, the three of them joined together, leaving him with a powerful cultivation base, but he couldn't help them.

But at this moment, Wang Xiaoer, who has experienced a hundred battles, naturally knows how to judge this kind of perfect timing. When he comes up, it is the Qinghong sword with the fastest speed and the highest single damage.

Walking with the sword, just in an instant, Wang Xiaoer's figure appeared in front of the elder.

At the moment when the elder could not react, the flying sword had penetrated his heart.

"Eleventh Elder!"

"Uh! Cough..." The elder, who stared wide-eyed, couldn't believe that he was about to die here, fell helplessly after Wang Xiaoer drew out his flying sword.

As a cultivator, if only his heart was damaged, he could not let him die immediately.

But Wang Xiaoer is also a practitioner, so he naturally knows clearly about the vitality of practitioners.

Therefore, at the moment when the flying sword was inserted into the heart, the sword energy on the flying sword immediately divided into two parts, one part continued to destroy the elder's internal organs, and the other part rushed into the elder's mind, destroying all his brain tissue.


"What! Are you in a hurry? Wasn't it crazy when you were inside?" Wang Xiaoer slapped the blood on the flying sword and looked at the remaining two elders with disdain.

"You~" The elder was angry, but he couldn't refute anything. This was his most angry point.

Three fights one, and one person is actually killed by others. Not only that, even scolding can't win people.

"Go hard! Great elder! Otherwise, we won't be able to leave!" The remaining elder next to him. Stopped the angry elder.

Hearing this, the elder took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down: "Okay!"

Just as the three were about to start again, an angry roar sounded.

"Wu Qingyang, want me to die! Don't think about it any better, bury me with you!"

"I'm waiting for you below!"

"The Great Law of the Disintegration of Heaven and Demons! Death Bell! Explosion!!!" Li Laogui, who had only one breath left from Wu Qingyang's sword, was unwilling to die like this.

Under which sword the spirit ghost was, he had already been destroyed, and it was precisely because the spirit ghost had stopped most of his power that he still had a breath.

But this tone is just a dying struggle.

Li Laogui, who has lived for so many years, who can't break through, has already faced death calmly.

But as a cultivator, in such a situation, he was not reconciled, and he died silently.

When his cultivation base is low, he must hide from XZ to avoid being surrounded by hypocrites who claim to be famous and upright.

After finally sitting on the first seat of Ghost Vessel, and being saddened by the development of the door, intrigues every day, he has long been annoyed.

The longer he lived, the more hopeless he would break through, and the backlog of boredom in his heart had already accumulated like a volcano.

At the end of his life, Old Ghost Li finally remembered his courage as a cultivator.

Fight with heaven, fight with people.

At the end of his life, he will also bloom the last fireworks, and it is also the most splendid fireworks.

Therefore, with the last breath left, Old Ghost Li directly performed the great method of disintegrating the demons, and all the vitality, spiritual power, and primordial spirit power were all added to the bell of death.

At the cost of the destruction of the death knell, everyone's death knell was sounded.

"Clang~" A sound wave visible to the naked eye emanated from the Death Soul Bell. This sound wave, from the time it was sent out to the moment it swept across Wu Qingyang, was only in an instant.

They didn't have time to react at all.

The sound wave started from the inner circle and swept 360 degrees for twenty miles before disappearing.

At the moment when the sound wave swept across, all the flowers, plants and trees, including the two swordsmen and the two elders of Wangui Cave, were not at all different.

Gubut three seconds after the sound wave disappeared, starting from the corpse of the old ghost Li, all the flowers, plants and trees, including the three feet of soil on the ground, were silently turned into powder.

As for how many practitioners?

There was only the Great Elder in Wangui Cave, who passed out on the ground and was left breathing. As for the other one, the primordial spirit has long since been annihilated, and he can no longer die.

As for the two Sword Sects, their primordial spirits were broken, and they also fainted on the ground, ignorant of the outside world.

As for the Death Soul Bell that launched this attack, when it launched the attack, cracks were already formed, and then it turned into pieces on the ground like broken glass.


On the other side, when Zhao Gao and Hongniang flew out fifty miles away, they stopped in the forest and waited.

While waiting, Zhao Gao pulled out the system interface, ready to give himself a wave of strength.

The enemy is about to face the enemy, and the strength of the enemy is still that high-strength, and Zhao Gao can't be careless.

How much strength can be improved before the war is naturally improved without reservation.

"Stored experience: 150148087" As soon as he opened the system interface, Zhao Gao found that he only had 150 million experience points.

After a little calculation in my mind, today is the 13th day at noon, and he came here at night when the moon was in the middle of the sky.

Up to now, if you calculate it carefully, it is exactly 300 hours, plus the more than 430,000 experience left in the front, it is just 150 million.

It was almost done, Zhao Gao looked at his character attribute interface and clicked on the sword skill level.

"Advanced swordsmanship level 69 - level 70!"

"Level 75 - Advanced Swordsmanship Level 76!"

"Remaining storage experience: 357333"

Name: Zhao Gao

Sex: Male

Level: 38

Fine: 140

Chi: 140

God: 140

Talent: Greed in the Bloodline

Life Weapon: Broken (Peak of Earth Stage)

Fundamentals: Advanced Breathing (90)

Unique Method: Advanced Knife Technique (76)

Spell: Wind (31) Five Elements (1)

Unique Skill: Soul Breaking?? Advanced Human Rank (10% mood)

Supernatural powers: so far away (39)

Evolution point: 26.5

Free attribute points: 0

Merit Permission: Level 2 (250/3000)

Evaluation: Boy, look good!

Kid: "Why?"

"Because, this knife~ will be very handsome!"

After adding some points and appreciating his attributes that became a little stronger, Zhao Gao closed the attribute interface.

It wasn't that Zhao Gao didn't want to watch for a while, but there was a violent fluctuation of spiritual power in front of him. From this movement, it could be seen that the strength of both sides of the battle was not low.

"Go! Matchmaker! Let's get closer!"

"Xianggong! We can't get too close. Based on what I just sensed, there is a high probability that two half-step heavenly realms are fighting!"

"If you get too close, don't say whether you will be sensed or be besieged to clear the field. Even if you are affected by the battle, and then found to be besieged, it will not be worth the loss!" As she set off, Hongniang expressed her judgment.

"Yeah! Listen to Hongniang, let's wait and see at a distance of thirty miles. I don't believe that they can still call here!"

After flying to the location, Zhao Gao and Hongniang landed on the ground, trying to restrain their breath so as not to be discovered by the two parties.

After Wu Qingyang's giant sword slashed the old ghost Li, the two began to move forward cautiously.

Fortunately, when the old ghost Li fought back, the two did not touch the affected area.

"This old immortal, I didn't expect that he was dying, and he still has such a hand!" Zhao Gao had to sigh when he saw Old Ghost Li's desperate attack.

This long-lived one does indeed have two brushes.

"Who said it wasn't? Let's be careful later, lest the other one has this trump card."

"When the time comes, don't kill chickens and not get enough rice, lose your wife and lose your troops."

"I know!" Zhao Gao would naturally take Hongniang's advice to heart.

Even if Hong Niang didn't say anything about this kind of thing, Zhao Gao knew, you don't see, the villain on TV was killed because of too many beeps!

Don't let your guard down until you're sure the enemy is completely dead.


After waiting until there was no movement ahead, Zhao Gao and Hongniang set off. The two of them scurried through the mountains and forests and ran towards the target quickly.

The reason why he didn't fly was because the target was too big to fly in the air, and Zhao Gao couldn't guarantee that he was the only one who would stand by.

What's more, with such a big movement, someone will definitely come to check it.

It didn't take a few minutes for the two to run to the battle center and see the situation here clearly.

"Before the others arrive, make a quick decision!" While sending out his spiritual sense to sense whether a cultivator was coming, Zhao Gao summoned a life weapon, ready to solve all these people, and then search again.

"Okay!" Hong Niang responded.

"I'm here for those two sword sects, they have no karma on them, I'll leave it to you from the Ten Thousand Ghost Caves!" Zhao Gao arranged this after examining the Qi technique he learned from the Life Weapon Academy.

"I know, Mr. Xiang!"

He lifted the stub, and cut off his head with a knife: "呲~"

For these enemies who will not resist, it is natural to kill them without any means.

After killing Wu Qingyang, Zhao Gao used his supernatural powers to reach Wang Xiaoer in one step, and cut off his head with a knife, making him die too dead.

Afterwards, the two of them turned out the storage bags of several people, put them on their bodies and hidden them, and then opened them later.

Because at this time, there are already people who are cultivating and flying over.

"Quick! Over there!" A voice came from the sky, and in the eyes of Zhao Gao and the two, the director of the Xunyao Pavilion's sub-pavilion, the old man, appeared with twelve cultivators of the ground level.

As soon as he landed, the old man's spiritual sense spread out unscrupulously and probed the surrounding situation.

Feeling the spiritual sense swept across his body, Zhao Gao frowned, silently surrounding himself with spiritual sense, shielding the old man's sense of spiritual sense.

Looking at the old man's posture, Zhao Gao knew that this battle might be unavoidable. It just so happened that he also looked at the old man unpleasantly.



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