Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 465: Silver hole

Limlu Tempest: "Wow! Big sister is so strict with herself!"

Tony has no money: "I suddenly felt that after I go back, I will also have a shadow challenge. Listening to what you say, I have to go in and try in the suit. Maybe I can learn a lot of skills in driving the suit!"

Tu Shan carried the handle: "It should be possible. After all, Shadow's fighting skills are adjusted according to his own inherent skills."

Tu Shan carried the handle: "I am really curious now, how did the group leader and the administrator come up with this shadow challenge? I very clearly feel that the shadow clone is wise, but if there is wise... ...."

She didn't say the following words.

If there is spiritual wisdom, is the shadow clone a creature?

If it is a creature, how do these creatures possess their skills?

I didn't dare to think about it, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that the level of the group leader and the administrator was too high, so high that they could not see the slightest trace when they looked up.

But the higher the manager, the more confident she will be in her future!

Because this shows that under the cultivation of the exchange group, he will definitely reach a very high level in the future, and the revival of the little Taoist priest may soon be reached!

If the future self resurrected the little Taoist priest at will, if you think about your current thinking, it will definitely be ridiculous, right?

Tony has no money: "@孙梦瑶, didn't you just ask how we blow up the eighth district?"

Tony had no money: "At the beginning of the battle, Xiaoyu ran with Limru, killing people while running, and while running, the two found a silver hole that exuded terror energy fluctuations."

Tony had no money: "When I arrived, the two of them had been studying for a long time. I studied for a while and couldn’t understand what it was. Later I thought I threw some bombs inside to try it. I didn’t expect to just try it. , It will detonate the eighth area of ​​reincarnation space."

Limulu Tempest: "Hhhhhh! I feel scared after thinking about it. If the communication group does not have the power to emerge at the critical moment, I am afraid we will return to the exchange group with Prime Minister Cao, and wait for the resurrection."

Surname Cao, Cao Zi Meng De: "..."

The surging power of the exchange group protected Tony and the others?

so envious!

Although he understood why the exchange group would protect Tony and the others, after all, Tony and the others detonated the eighth area of ​​the reincarnation space in the reincarnation space. For the reincarnation space, this was an unexpected surprise.

So it is natural to take action and not let these three people die in surprise.

And myself...

Speaking of being a waste, he will be taken away by others?

This is a sad fact. It seems that after going back this time, he needs a physical skill.

Sun Mengyao: "Silver hole?"

Sun Mengyao: "Are there any landmark buildings near the silver cave entrance? Or maybe something more conspicuous?"

Tony has no money: "No! It's very desolate, no one cares."

Limlu Tempest: "There is no one around. If we weren't doing nothing, we really wouldn't waste time going there."

The quiet and obedient Xiaoyu: "Hey! I have to mention me. As soon as I saw the silver hole, I told me instinctively that it might be a good thing. There is a disgusting sound, but I just feel that this thing is useful to us."

Limlu Tempest: "Really! So, I feel more and more that bringing Xiaoyu is the right choice! (Thumbs