Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 111: Phantom Killer

London, home to ib Europe. After Fan Mang arrived with Amit, he didn't see h.

Amit looked around curiously. Many strange aliens walked around, some were going through immigration procedures, some were conducting interstellar communication, and a group of aliens followed a black-clothed man with a small flag. People line up behind.

"Hello, Agent F, I'm Q, we met at the headquarters." A black-clothed agent came over and extended his hand towards Fan Mang.

"Hello. Is Agent T here? Where's Agent H?"

"Detective t has something to do. I haven't come over yet. I'm in charge of helping her get hired. Detective h, he may be on a mission."


Morocco, Marrakech, a waiter is cleaning a shop. The TV in the store suddenly became full of snowflakes, and the lights kept flickering, and many of the lights even sparked and then went out.

"Hey, it seems that the fuse is blown, you go and fix it." The boss shouted.

"Then pay me an extra portion of the repairman's money." The waiter muttered as he walked to the roof.

Open the distribution box, illuminate with the light of the mobile phone, and remove the broken fuse. Looking at the two disconnected wires, he butted them together.

He is actually very dissatisfied with his current job. There are many things to do every day, often late at night, and he does not earn much.

When the wires were connected, the air seemed to twist a few meters behind him. Two human-shaped shadows came out of the twisted place and came behind the waiter.

As soon as the waiter turned around, he saw two ghosts. Before he could scream, he felt that his strength was draining. After a few seconds, he turned into a mummified corpse, and the two ghosts became him. look like twins.

The two of them followed their breath and found a small shop. The shopkeeper raised his eyes and looked at his clothes. The two poor ghosts must not be able to buy his things.

"Hey, be careful, if you break it, you have to buy it!"

A brass arm in Phantom Killer No. 1's hand instantly turned into a brass dagger, and blue light also appeared in their eyes.

The shopkeeper's hand trembled, these two are not from Earth!

"I don't need money, I'll give it to you."

"We want to see the Queen." Phantom Killer 2 said coldly.

Normally, if someone said they wanted to see the Queen, he would definitely not agree, but he felt a strong killing intent from the two of them, and immediately nodded, "Okay, I'll take you there."

Stepping on a trap, the wall behind him folded, revealing a door.

Inside are some little people about ten centimeters high. Some of them are repairing spaceships, and some are making weapons. They seem to be very busy.

A little guard who looked like a sculpture stood up. "What are you doing?"

The palm of Phantom Killer No. 2 flashed a light, and an alien figure appeared on it. "We're looking for him, Ugly Wangus."

The guard villain looked back, and a sculpture-like thing behind him suddenly changed, and a woman sitting on the throne appeared.

"According to the provisions of Article 6c of the Andromeda 2 Convention, we cannot kill the Gababians, even if we participate in the killing of them. This matter is not negotiable." The guard explained.

The two phantom killers turned into their bodies at the same time, releasing a strong murderous aura from their bodies.

The guard villain suddenly persuaded, "Actually, it's not impossible to negotiate."

They're all going to die, so what's the deal? I'm here to protect the queen, yes, not me.


At this time, h was driving to a small shop selling antique radios. He also had a hamburger in his hand, eating it while looking at the owner, Charlie.

"Hey, I want to buy a corny junk."

The shopkeeper continued to repair the equipment at hand, without raising his head, "You're a little bit mad at me, h. That red Imperial typewriter over there, you need to check the organization's information, you seem to be late today."

h pressed the h key on the typewriter, and a door opened behind Charlie, revealing an elevator.

When he got out of the elevator, he strode across the hall and saw that there seemed to be a newcomer in the distance. He smiled and beckoned.

Amit was chatting with two colleagues to learn about the information of this branch, but suddenly he saw that the passing person seemed to be slowing down. No, why does it feel like it's being repeated, like rewinding a movie.

The alien agent with four eyes next to him roared "Nairin!"

With a head like broccoli, Nairin put away her abilities, and Amit asked, "Who is that? I seem to look familiar."

"He is H, the best senior agent in the European branch, and one of the future ace agents. With his excellent intelligence and two seven-series atomic pulse guns, he saved the earth." Nailen looked infatuated, "It's so handsome."

Amit pouted, "The best senior agent in the organization, J also evaluates himself. You said he saved the earth, what is it?"

"He and Boss T solved the bee beast."

Bee beast, it seems that when she was in headquarters, Agent F showed her relevant information. Amit held a coffee cup and followed quickly. This was the trainee partner that f arranged for her.

h walks into the conference room and finds that all the senior agents are in a meeting.

"There were fluctuations in Morocco last night. It was suspected that aliens entered illegally and killed a civilian." Boss T introduced the situation.

"Our h is finally here." Agent Q glanced at h. The senior detective he despised the most in the entire division was h. Today, he knew that f would come over, but he was still late.

"Hey, I worked overtime last night, so I slept a little late."

"Boss T, Agent H always acts without authorization. We dispatched two isolation teams and a whole amnestic team yesterday."

Q is now in charge of the logistics of the European branch, and he despises h the most. Thinking that everything is the credit of the field agents, their logistics is to wipe the butt!

He is also a field agent, and he is still in a management position. Like h, he is one of the two senior agents who are most likely to be promoted to ace agent in the branch.

But he will be very disciplined in his work. Although the detection rate is not as good as h, he will never cause such big trouble to his colleagues and branches.

h looked at q "q, we have to pay attention to the results of our actions. For example, that alien criminal has already been killed by me, and will not kill more people."

The logistics is to deal with some civilians, but I have to work hard. Is it wrong for me to kill the alien criminals desperately? he was brought out by the boss of T.

t pointed to an empty chair "Sit down first."

"One more thing, a member of the Gababbia royal family will make a brief stop on Earth on his way back. His name is Ugly Wangus."

"We wanted to refuse, but he brought Gababbia's interstellar excavation ship, which could dig through the earth. Very helpless, we had to accept it."

Agent Q muttered, "In order to protect the people on earth from being bullied by aliens, it is so ironic that we now want us to protect the wicked aliens."

"I recommend Agent H to take charge of this matter." Q exclaimed, "He likes nightlife a lot, doesn't he?"

h smiled, "Okay, I've learned about Wan Ges's information, and I'll treat him well."

At the same time, Amit was making a phone call, "I saw h, he seems to be late today, not for the task in the morning."
