Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 123: Tough beheading

"It's too dangerous on the deck. I'll take you back to your room, lock the door, and wait until the warning to dock. I'll go and communicate with the chief officer to think of a solution."

Lin Yue looked at her sister whose clothes were wet by the waves, and chose to go back to her room first. On the deck, it is really more dangerous than in the room. She didn't notice that her clothes were already wet.

After sending Lin Yue back to the room, Fan Mang came to the stern. At this time, everyone ran towards the bow, and there was no one on the stern side.

The distance between the head of the axe is getting closer and closer. It seems that there are two helicopters coming over in the distance, but with the weapons on the helicopter, it can't deal with the head of the axe at all, and it can only make the head of the axe more fierce.

As the distance got closer, Fan Mang saw a LV18 logo on the head of the axe head.


Fan Mang was holding a portable atomic cannon in his hand, which looked only as big as an RPG, but was actually as powerful as a shoulder-to-shoulder missile.

The head of the axe tilted his head, a small wound appeared on his head, blue blood flowed into the sea, and many fish floated to the surface. Only then did Fan Mang remember that the blood of these monsters is poisonous!


The head of the axe was hurt by the blow, and he roared up to the sky. The two forelimbs slapped the sea water with force, setting off even bigger waves.

Fan Mang felt the ship swayed abruptly, and he missed the second shot. Aiming for the third time, and finally hit again. But the energy of the atomic cannon has also been exhausted. If it is in the world of the man in black, it can be taken back to the headquarters to recharge. Here, it has been abandoned.

Fortunately, he is not the only individual weapon with such powerful power.

Everyone on the boat heard the roar of the monster and the sound of the huge waves. Many people on the deck regretted it, but they didn't have time to run back to the cabin.


A big wave hit the deck, and the cruise ship wobbled twice, but didn't capsize, but the people on the deck were all smashed by the huge wave, and many people were injured and wailed on the deck.

The first officer was anxiously contacting the shore for help. How many people could be transported away by those two helicopters? This is a large cruise ship with thousands of people on board.

Hearing the monster's roar, his hands trembled. Did the monster go mad? Are they finished?

"Adjust the route, avoid the port, and move forward at full speed to the target beach!"

The first officer threw away the satellite phone, and explained to others while instructing the operation from the console.

"Inform all passengers, stay in the room, wrap your body with quilts and other things, try to keep your body as stable as possible to avoid injury, I will bring them to the shore and send them home!"

Lin Yue was holding her sister in her arms. She looked at her phone and was about to land. There should be a signal, right? Edited a text message and sent it to my father, which was considered a last word.

After my father saw it, I'm afraid they have already gone to heaven. She regretted it a little. She shouldn't have brought her sister out to play this time. You can also choose a plane when you go out to play. Why do you want to take a boat to San Francisco?

Brother Fan, how is he? Have you contacted the first officer?

In Fan Mang's hand, another single-soldier laser cannon appeared. This thing could fire a single shot. He aimed for a long time and opened fire. Unfortunately, although a hole appeared in the head of the axe, it still didn't die.

Compared to the length of the axe head, which is more than 90 meters, the one-meter-diameter hole punched by the laser cannon is nothing at all.

Fan Mang tried hard to aim at the head, but one was that the wind and waves were too strong, and the axe head was constantly moving, and the distance was relatively far, so it was difficult to hit the head.

He has changed seven weapons, each of which can sink the cruise ship under his feet, but hitting the head of the axe doesn't seem to be a big deal, except that the head bleeds more and becomes more fierce. effect.

Then there is only one way, that is to get closer and hit the head or neck of the axe, in order to be truly beheaded.

I remember in the movie, the military used nuclear weapons to kill this monster. Ordinary aircraft and warship missiles are useless at all. Therefore, it was only later that the whole world was devoted to research and development of giant mechas to deal with such monsters of different dimensions.

Fan Mang doesn't know anything about mecha manufacturing, so the only thing he can do is to drive mechas to deal with monsters.

But that's all in the future. He must kill this monster now in order to save the people on the cruise. Of course, he can run himself, and he also brings his own F150 modified car, enough for him to escape by himself.

Two helicopters flew over, and the people on the plane were holding an RPG and fired at the axe head, but the axe head jumped up and shot the two helicopters directly.

This scene was also seen by many people on the ship, and was transmitted back to the port by the camera on the helicopter.

The military immediately decided to send fighter jets over, but although the fighter jets were fast, it would take ten minutes to get there. Ten minutes, enough monsters to tear down the cruise ship.

Fan Mang took a deep breath and jumped into the sea with a thud. When he got closer, he had a chance to kill the axe head.

Someone on the deck saw Fan Mang jumping into the sea. He wanted to jump with him, but he hesitated, but he didn't dare. Now jumping down, even if there is no sea monster, he is not sure to swim back to the shore, the one who jumped down must be crazy.

Is there anyone who can save them? What is this monster?

Swimming towards the head of the axe, Fan Mang's speed was very fast. The head of the axe did not notice Fan Mang at all. After all, the head of the axe looked at Fan Mang like Fan Mang looked at a little mouse.

The closer the distance, the bigger the waves, and the more tired Fan Mang swims.

When he was less than 100 meters away from the head of the axe, Fan Mang took out the carbon atom reflection pulse bubble. At the same time, he held a carbon atom reflection grenade in his left and threw it out.


The head of the axe was hurt by the blast, opened his mouth and roared, Fan Mang took the opportunity to fire.

A blue light just hit the top jaw of the axe head.

The head of the head of the axe suddenly lifted up, and with a bang, it smashed onto the sea, splashing huge waves several meters high again.

Fan Mang watched a shining treasure chest appear on the floating corpse of the axe, and he swam over quickly.

The surrounding seawater was polluted by the blood of the axe head, and many sea creatures floated. On Fan Mang's head, a glass cover like a fish tank appeared. This type of underwater protective equipment could prevent him from being sucked into his mouth by sewage.

He looked at his character panel, and added two more points to poison resistance. When he clicked on LV3, he no longer felt uncomfortable.

After Fan Mang picked up the treasure chest, he saw a fighter jet flying over in the distance, and immediately jumped into the water again, swimming towards the shore by snorkeling.

chu chu chu ~~~

A row of bullets hit the monster, and the monster remained motionless, followed by four missiles that exploded on the monster's head.

Only then did the pilot report: "Albatross reported that the monster has been killed. Repeat, the monster has been killed, please return home."

Everyone in the tower jumped up, and the monster was killed. It wasn't as scary as I imagined. And the monster's corpse, how much research value should it have? Absolute treasure!

At this time, the cruise ship had washed up on the beach and ran aground. Many people were injured and disembarked with the help of rescuers. Lin Yue looked left and right, looking for Fan Mang's figure, the Chinese fellow who kindly helped her, why is she gone?

