Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 151: simulated combat training

There are currently five mechs in the base, Fan Mang's Martial Artist, America's You Lan Boeing, Australia's Vulcan Ghost, Island Country's Echo Sabre and Russia's Eden Assassin.

Among them, the martial arts family belongs to the first generation mecha. After two upgrades, the current performance is similar to the third generation mecha. All countries are also developing the fourth generation mecha, that is, a super mecha that is fully controlled by numerical control. There are even some In cooperation to develop the fifth generation mecha.

In the future, the Hong Kong base will also have mechas from China, South Korea, South America and other countries to serve. After all, no one wants to give up the first opportunity to explore the monster planet.

There are a total of ten mecha warehouses designed in the base here, including related repair and maintenance equipment, and related staff. In addition to the martial artist Fan Mang driving alone, there is also the storm crimson that the triplets are ready to drive. It is expected that the assembly will be completed in three months. Other mechs are double-piloted, which is also the most mainstream control mode.

Since Fan Mang took care of Youlan Boeing's mecha hunters, the other mecha hunters have become much more obedient. During the fighting training, Fan Mang took care of all the mecha hunters.

Everyone also clearly realized that Fan Mang was really a master fighter, and his strength, speed, etc. did not match his body shape at all.

However, many people are also suffocating in their hearts. Martial Daoist is only an improved version of the mecha, and there is still no powerful weapon. If you control the mecha to fight, it is really uncertain who will win and who will lose. The gap in mecha performance cannot be made up for by technology.

On this day, Fan Mang called all the mecha hunters to the simulated training ground.

"Everyone has seen this equipment in front of you. It is a mecha simulation combat equipment jointly built by nineteen researchers from ppdc. It can simulate mechas fighting monsters we know, and can also simulate battles between mechas."

"Now the number of mechas in ppdc has exceeded the number of monsters. This means that many mecha hunters will not have the opportunity to fight monsters, and some mecha hunters are facing monsters for the first time, and they have no experience, resulting in the mecha being killed. The monster was defeated. Not only did he die, he wasted a huge amount of money and resources, and he failed to protect the relevant city."

"This device is to let everyone avoid those situations. We have the latest model here. Does anyone want to try it?"

Everyone has taken a step forward, and no one will miss this opportunity.

"I remind you that your simulated battle scene will appear on this big screen, and I will review it. The highest level is the third level of monsters, including the strongest known monster Sicklehead. If you are defeated by monsters , then you can forget the word break time, and in serious cases, you will leave with your own files."

Still no one backed away, especially those who controlled the mecha and killed monsters, they were full of confidence.

"Since everyone is confident, then the Echo Sabre is out."

The two island country mecha hunters took a step forward. They are the men who want to become the strongest mecha hunters.

These two pilots grew up together, went to the same school, and served in the military together until they were selected as mecha hunters. They were considered to have a tacit understanding not weaker than their brothers, and even higher than many brothers' mechs. hunter.

After the two made a neural connection, the scene on the screen changed. Just by the seaside in Hong Kong, a second-level monster demon witch appeared.

"It's just a demon witch, the Echo Sabre will definitely win. The Echo Saber was designed according to the fourth-generation mecha, but because some technologies took too long to be applied to it, it is actually very powerful."

The base assistant standing beside Fan Mang whispered about the Echo Sabre. Captain Fan has just arrived, and he must not be familiar with the performance of many mechas.

Fan Mang kept his eyes fixed and continued to look at the screen. The Demon Witch attacked first, and the Echo Saber controlled the serrated knife in his hand and swung it down at the Demon Witch.

The Demon Witch is the smallest monster known to date, only 60 meters tall, but fat, slow, and highly defensive, and likes to rampage.

The Echo Sabre slashed the Demon Witch's left arm for the first time, cutting it directly, and the other mecha hunters whistled and cheered. But Fan Mang frowned. This is a monster with moderate toxicity. The Echo Sabre just let the blood scatter freely?

Enraged, the Demon Witch rammed the Echo Sabre directly. The Echo Saber deftly dodged, but a section of the defensive wall behind him was directly knocked down.

In one minute and fifty-five seconds, the Echo Sabre killed the demon witch, and the two mecha hunters exited the neural connection and stood in front of Fan Mang, waiting to be praised.

"Do you think you are doing well? Let me ask you, what was the first goal when the mecha was developed?"

"Kill the monsters."

"Wrong! Think again!"

"Defend against monsters and protect the city." Mori Mazi added in the queue.

"Yes, it's defense. The Echo Sabre was unscathed, but a large piece of the defensive wall collapsed. Not to mention how much work it will take to repair it and how much it will cost, have you thought about how many people it will cause?"

"Devil witch's defense is very high, and the weapon of the echo saber cannot directly cut off the waist and abdomen, so you start from the limbs, and finally cut off the neck, the tactics are good. But the poison of the devil witch is medium, then you can see how much blood is spilled , how much pollution will it cause? The city you are guarding will become blue because of your battle. Do you know how much money it will take to get rid of it? How many people will get sick or even die as a result?"

"It took you nearly two minutes to deal with a second-level monster, and you were still complacent? When you approached the demon witch just now, you had every chance to grab it from the side, lay it down, and then cut its neck from behind. Before that, it is necessary to control its blood flow."

"It seems that I don't need to say more, just look at the evaluation given to you on the screen, out of ten, you only have five points, you are not qualified!"

The two smug drivers were first stunned, then shy, and after saluting, they stood at the end of the line.

I didn't get the first one at first, and some mecha hunters were unhappy and felt that the opportunity to show the limelight was taken away by the two people from the island country. Now I realize that the first one is not a good thing.

"Eden Assassin, it's your turn."

The second group of mecha hunters appeared, dealing with the second-level monster Hammerhead. The two mecha hunters learned the lesson of the Echo Sabre and rushed to the hammer head, launching a 400 kV ultra-high voltage current.

Hammerhead's body was trembling constantly, and the blood vessels in his body were also being burned by the electric current. When Hammer wanted to struggle, the Eden Assassin directly threw it, pressing the Hammer under him.

Russian mechas focus on defense. Although they are called assassins, they are actually not agile, but they are the fastest among Russian mechas.

Eden Assassins are arrogant, strong, and have spikes on every joint, especially the soles of their feet, which can make them stand more stable.

As a second-level monster, Hammerhead was pressed to the ground by the Eden Assassin, killed by ultra-high-voltage electric punches and spikes, and was unable to get close to the shore.

"Well done, with an eight-point rating, excellent. Knowing how to make use of strengths and circumvent weaknesses, using close combat to control monsters, using self-weight and foot fixation to suppress monsters, while avoiding monsters' attacks."

"But you can take a look. Although the defense of the Eden Assassin is the strongest in this generation of mechas, it has suffered some damage. Repairing your armor once is not a small amount of money."

"You have spikes on your feet and elbows. You can use the spikes to pierce the spines of monsters to solve the battle faster. After you go back, train your skills in this area. Next, Vulcan Ghost."

The two mecha hunters of the Russian Eden Assassin returned to the team with their heads held high. Moreover, her sister is taller, stronger, and more capable of fighting than the two mecha hunters in the island country.

The monster that Vulcan Ghost deals with is a poisonous hyena, which looks like an alligator, has a strong bite, and is highly poisonous.

The Vulcan Ghost is controlled by a pair of brothers. They are good at suppressing rapid artillery fire. With a flexible body, they have been able to kill easily without touching the head of the axe.

But this time, they lost.

It's not that the Vulcan Ghost failed to kill the poisonous hyena, but that they failed to control the poison of the poisonous hyena. This pollution is much more poisonous than the devil witch.

"The rating is only 4 points. Do you know what the problem is? I have already given you a hint that the poison of the hyena is the most troublesome, but you only think about **** it. Have you thought about how to control the poison?"

"You didn't get hurt at all, and there was no damage to the protective wall behind, but the entire sea area was polluted. If you chose to let the monsters go ashore and kill them, the pollution would be less, and I obviously see When you guys stopped moving just now, can you still be distracted during the battle?"

Vulcan Ghost's pair of mecha hunters didn't say a word. When they connected their nerves just now, they found that they actually fell in love with the same girl in the base. It was the moment of surprise that made them make a tactical mistake, although they still killed it later. Poisonous hyenas were found, but they were obviously unqualified.

After everyone was done, Fan Mang found that everyone was looking at him.

"I'll give you an example, choose the sickle head."

Scythe head, the most powerful third-level monster, everyone will wait and see.

After Fan Mang's nerve connection, he felt as if he had returned to the body of a martial artist. And not far ahead, the sickle head is swimming fast.

Everyone stared at the big screen and saw the Martial Daoist rushing towards the sickle head quickly. When he was about to make contact, the Martial Daoist suddenly turned sideways and hit the sickle head.

Martial Daoist staggered twice and stood firm. Is this an operation error?

The two mecha hunters in the island country looked disdainful, and they knew that we were doing it wrong. Also choose the sickle head to see how embarrassed you are to command us after you are killed by the monster!

Wait, the sickle head seems to be roaring. At the moment of the impact, the martial artist's cannon was fired, and the sickle head's body must be burned.

The sickle head rushed towards the Martial Daoist. The Martial Daoist's strength attribute was not high, and the frontal impact would definitely suffer. They all wanted to see how the Martial Daoist would respond at this time.

Martial Daoist turned sideways, hugged the monster's head with both hands, pressed down hard, and lifted his right foot at the same time, prying the entire body of the monster up.

An over-the-shoulder throw, a simple over-the-shoulder throw, cracked the monster's impact.

At the same time, the monster lay on its back, exposing the weak spot in its abdomen, where the skin was not as hard as its back.

The rotating knife in the right hand of the martial artist swiped with force, and at the same time, the entire fist of the martial artist stretched into the belly of the monster, and the cannon continued to fire.

It took 57 seconds and scored 10.

When everyone saw this achievement, the only thing they could do was to applaud with both hands. There are still many people who are puzzled. Isn’t Martial Daoist a generation of mechas, and the weapons are not strong, why did they kill the strongest known monster, the sickle head so easily?

The melee combat ability of the martial is really too strong. How did you make such a quick response in such a short time? In this way, a real martial artist will definitely be able to exert a powerful fighting ability.

At this moment, those who were still a little dissatisfied with Fan Mang as captain are now completely convinced. Although this is only a simulated battle, they also believe that Martial Daoist can kill the sickle head in actual operation, and they are the only ones who have the confidence to rely on a mecha and kill the sickle head without other cooperation.

"Today's simulation training is here. Everyone go back and think about it. You can come and train at any time in the future. Backup mecha hunters can also use this for simulated combat training. You have the opportunity to control the mecha at any time."

Sun Zhengguo smiled as he looked at the simulated training ground. He knew that it was right to let Fan Mang come. It took so long, all the foreign mecha hunters were obedient.

The next step is to defend on the one hand, and start exploring the monster passage on the other!

ps Thanks to wosjjhg and the random flying knife for the reward, thank you
