Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 158: Cunning Rabbit 3 Cave

Hannibal used to think that Fan Mang was very smart, but now he feels that this person is not smart enough. Don't you understand what to ask and what not to ask?

Even if you want to know who is behind him, you can't ask, if he answers, must it be true?

Hannibal's evaluation of Fan Mang was lowered by a notch.

"Hannibal, you used to be a black market businessman in weapons, so the boss behind you must also be in this business, right? You are researching the use of monster blood, parasite genes, etc. to make anti-aging, or even rejuvenating. Medicine, most of your bosses are not too young, and they are not in good health."

"Or the boss behind you is not a single person, but a small group. This possibility is higher, so that you can support you to start this business as soon as possible."

"Then they must have something to do with the high-level PPDC, and maybe even some of them are high-level executives. Otherwise, it is not easy to get some flesh and blood at first. There are many people who are bold and greedy, but they dare to sell you flesh and blood as soon as the monster appears. Yes, you can't simply say that you are bold, you have to think that there will be no accident, or someone can handle it."

Hannibal clapped his hands: "Captain Fan, what's the use of guessing this? Will you refuse our cooperation?"

He turned his head and looked at the container outside the car window. With this alone, you have already boarded my boat, can you still go down? Take the money obediently, we will cooperate well, and it will be good for everyone.

Many people can guess his background, but they can't guess which big bosses support him. The more he is like this, the more mysterious he is and the easier it is to do things.

In the entire PPDC, there is no Mechland that he absolutely cannot intervene in!

"This time, I'll give you 50 million RMB, or seven million US dollars. This price is worth your income for decades or even hundreds of years. Will Captain Fan be satisfied?"

He has investigated, although this Fan Mang is the world's most famous mecha hunter, also known as the first mecha hunter, but his income is not high. The salary for this group of people in China has always been not high, far less than that of their American mecha hunters.

Moreover, Fan Mang has also participated in many programs. If it was those big entertainment stars, the annual income would have been hundreds of millions of dollars, but Fan Mang's account actually only has several million RMB, which is even a decent big city in China's big cities. Can't afford a house.

Fifty million may not be able to buy a top-level mansion, but this is only the first one. As long as you cooperate three or five times, or even more, what you like can't afford?

Fan Mang took out his sunglasses with a smile and put them on. Hannibal was stunned. Is this man sick? He was still in the car in the middle of the night. It was just you and me. Even the driver got out of the car. What sunglasses are you wearing?

"Hannibal, show you the new things developed by the base, you must be interested in this."

Hannibal's eyes stared at the memory eraser in Fan Mang's hand, what is this new thing?

A strong light flashed, Fan Mang took off his sunglasses: "Hannibal, your boss said that after seeing me, he wants you to make a phone call, and he wants to communicate with me in person."

Hannibal's eyes regained clarity. Why did the boss communicate with Fan Mang in person this time? Is he trying to win over Fan Mang? He couldn't understand it, but he didn't dare to refuse the boss's meaning.

"Captain Fan, my boss wants to communicate with you personally, just a moment."

Hannibal pulled out a satellite phone and dialed the number.

"Boss, I'm Hannibal. Captain Fan is by my side, and I'll give him the phone."

The boss on the other end of the phone was also stunned. Was Hannibal crazy today, and actually asked him to talk to Fan Mang on the phone? Could it be that this time the business is so big that Hannibal can’t even be the master?

"Hey, Captain Fan."

"Hello, what's your name?"

"Call me Richard. Captain Fan wants to talk to me, but has a big business to discuss?"

"Yes, prepare one billion dollars and talk to me again." Fan Mang hung up the phone.

Hannibal was also stunned, what kind of big business, Fan Mang actually opened a billion dollars? Before he could ask, he suddenly heard a commotion outside. Looking through the car window, why did the base armed forces come?

"Don't move." Fan Mang squeezed Hannibal's shoulder with one hand. Hannibal felt that his shoulder was about to be crushed. How strong is this man's hand? !

Opening the door, Fan Mang saw Sun Zhengguo approaching.

"Captain Fan, everyone has been caught? Have you got the contact information?"

Fan Mang threw Hannibal's satellite phone over: "The number is... it sounds like an old guy, and I asked him for a billion dollars. I guess he will call soon. Check it out."

"Fan Mang, if you dare to lie to me, my boss won't let you go!" Hannibal's eyes were splitting. He didn't dare to touch him even if the business couldn't be negotiated before.

"Does your boss dare to come out? If this matter is made public, your boss will be doomed. Guess what he will do? It's better to tell everything you know, otherwise you will be the scapegoat who was pushed out."

Someone gagged Hannibal's mouth, and everyone pressed back to base.


Steke was lying on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. Hannibal called him to buy the flesh and blood of the sickle head. He didn't agree, but he paid special attention. Fan Mang left with a container truck not long ago. But not reported.

And just now, the commander-in-chief of the base, Sun Zhengguo, also went out, and his heart was very tangled at this time. Hopefully something happens to those two, so that he has the best chance of becoming the commander-in-chief of the Hong Kong base. But I don't want an accident. This has a great impact on the morale of the entire PPDC. Ordinary people will know it, and their beliefs will collapse.

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't sleep. Just when he was dazed and thought that he should think about it again tomorrow, he suddenly heard some noises from outside.

Opening the door, he asked the guard on duty at the door, "What's the matter?"

"It was General Sun and Captain Fan who brought back some people, saying that they are black market merchants who reselling the flesh and blood of monsters, and they are arranging for separate interrogations."

Steke's drowsiness disappeared in an instant. Those two actually caught Hannibal?

Fan Mang was having a late-night snack when he saw Steke hurried over.

"Captain Fan, I heard you captured Hannibal?"

"You're well-informed, haven't you slept so late?" Fan Mangruo looked at Steke meaningfully.

"That, thinking about something, can't sleep, do you need help?"

"You don't have to worry about this matter, it's more important to take care of your own affairs."

Sun Zhengguo walked out of a gave Fan Mang a wink, ignored Styke, and walked to his office.

"Looking at your expression, it doesn't seem to be going well?"

"The clue is broken. We found someone to check the number, and this number belongs to a dead person. We wanted to locate it, but we couldn't get the support from the American side. We only found a laboratory. It is estimated that tomorrow, the tail will be destroyed. Cleaned up."

"Through the news from Hannibal, we checked the Yangcheng side, and people caught a few, but the clues all pointed to Hannibal. We asked people to help in Europe and destroyed two laboratories that studied the flesh and blood of monsters. But the clues still point to Hannibal."

"The three caves of the cunning rabbit. Those people behind the scenes must have been prepared for a long time. Hannibal is the ghost for the dead. We are still scared this time, and it will be more difficult to find it in the future. But from now on, at least a lot of people can calm down for a while."

"Fan Mang, tell me in advance about this kind of thing in the future. This time it's too hasty. Also, you have to be careful."

Fan Mang took a sip of tea: "I see. After tomorrow, let the surrounding seas drive the monsters to our base. I don't think anyone will dare to attack the monsters I captured alive again."