Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 175: new monster

Fan Mang came in a hurry, and left in a hurry, adding another legend to the Magic Capital Land.

However, he didn't care about these. Anyway, he came here to collect two treasure chests to help the task be completed faster. It is estimated that in a week or two, the world's monsters will be wiped out.

Some bases have already sent mechas that can go deep into the sea to patrol. Submarines of various countries have also begun to search around in the Pacific Ocean, and even many other sea areas have submarine searches.

The United States and other countries just have an excuse to send their submarines to other people's waters, euphemistically calling it help. You said your country is not in the Pacific Ocean? What if the monster sneaks over? What if there is a new channel here?

A week later, some ships in the offshore waters have already started to go to sea, just to transport some goods and try the ships at the same time.

Some boats have been parked for several years and have not even been maintained, requiring major repairs. Others are new ships that have just been assembled. After the resumption of maritime trade, this cake is particularly attractive.

There are many companies doing this, some big and small. Since the suspension of sailings in the Pacific Ocean, major shipping companies have begun to lose money. The bigger the company, the greater the loss, and even many large companies have gone bankrupt.

This time, it gave the industry a chance to reshuffle the cards. Many people who didn't do this before are eyeing this cake.

It doesn't matter if we don't have experience. The executives and employees of the bankrupt shipping companies in the past can just be hired. Now the salary does not need to be increased, or even a lot lower. Even if you know that the monsters in the sea have not been wiped out, it is a risk to do this now, but there are still many things you are willing to do compared to having no money to eat.

Besides, there are not a few monsters left, and PPDC is hunting around the world, and it will be done soon.

They started navigating, which was also notified by PPDC, and even gave a promise that once a monster was encountered, and the alliance's mecha did not arrive in time, resulting in losses, the alliance also gave some compensation.

Some insurance companies have introduced monster insurance. If your ship, home, etc. are attacked by monsters and suffer losses, including death, you can get compensation from the insurance company.

In the calculation of insurance companies, this is similar to the probability of natural disasters. The Pacific Ocean is so big, and all countries are still rounding up monsters. How can any monsters dare to show up?

Besides, radar can also detect the traces of monsters. You can notify PPDC in advance to come and kill them. Not only PPDC is investigating, but many companies with their own satellites are also investigating. There are also rewards for reporting.

As shipping began to recover, the FL Foundation was also established. Fan Mang hired several professional managers to take care of it, and while investing to earn income, he was looking for suitable donors.

"Mr. Fan, are you sure that the monsters in the sea are not dangerous?" Zhang Dong, the head of the foundation, asked.

"Of course, according to the announcement within the alliance, there are still three monsters discovered. They are hiding in the deep sea and have already sent mechas to hunt them down. Twelve mechas can deal with three monsters, and there are submarines, destroyers and other support, so there is definitely no problem. In a week at most, the Alliance can announce that the monster has been completely wiped out."

Zhang Dong looked happy: "It can be done in a week? That's great. Mr. Fan, I'm going to invest in a newly established shipping company. There are no monsters, and the shipping company's business will definitely go smoothly."

"And now there is less competition, and the top is also encouraging the resumption of shipping. There are too few aircraft in our country, especially large transport aircraft. Even in the United States, most of their companies cannot afford the high freight brought by aviation."

"Then the shipping company will definitely receive a lot of orders, and it is certain to make money. The foundation's investment will definitely make a lot of money."

"You decide these things, but I think investing in stocks is enough. If you want something that is easy to sell, don't be a major shareholder." Fan Mang reminded.

The monster may come again at some time, although it will definitely be repelled in the end, but it will also cause a lot of losses, especially for shipping companies.

"I understand, Mr. Fan can rest assured, I guarantee that the foundation can operate normally, and I will also choose suitable projects for investment, and projects that students are concerned about for assistance. The first step is to donate to build some hospitals and schools, although the political Axe also invests, but in batches, and we can help it speed up a bit.”

"There are still many foundations doing this kind of thing. I plan to contact them and also contact the political axes to ensure that the most people can benefit."

Zhang Dong left, and Lin Yue just came out of the bedroom. They did not live in the base in Modu, nor did they go to Lin Yue's house, but rented a hotel suite.

Anyway, it won't be long before they go to work in Tianfu. Moreover, the work of Lin Zhendong and his wife was also transferred, and they also went to Tianfu.

This made Fan Mang more convinced that there must be a secret research base in Tianfu, and he didn't know how far the research had progressed.

" Where are we going to play today? Would you like to contact your former colleague or classmate?" Lin Yue sat beside Fan Mang and took his arm.

"I haven't contacted for a long time. If I contact you now, it will make people think that I am showing off, so forget it. If you have friends or something, you can get together."

Fan Mang has no impression of any classmates and colleagues at all, what is there to get together? Memories are not perfect every time, and the car rolls over if you are not careful.

Another week passed quickly.

Somewhere in France, Paco was driving his car to pick up the child, and a news item was playing on the radio in the car.

[PPDC announced that no monster was found alive in the Pacific Ocean, the monsters from other planets have been completely hunted down, and the Pacific Ocean is safe...]

Paco has a happy smile on his mouth, which is really good news. Without the monsters, prices should have come down, and their family's life would have been much better.

Should buy some good steaks tonight and celebrate with the family.

[A meteorite fell in our country last night, and a professional team of scientists is looking for meteorites]

Meteorite? That thing doesn't emit radiation, does it? Best not to be near his house.

Ok? Is it dazzling? What was that in front of it, black, like an octopus. But is there any octopus on the way? Is there a black one?

Could this be some alien creature? !

Paco quickly turned the front of the car, he felt like a car **** at this time, flicked his tail, and fled backwards.


"Honey, let's go, we're going to the airport, we have to go to work in Tianfu." Fan Mang came out of the bedroom with two suitcases in his hand, "Stop watching TV, and go back to the Internet to watch dramas."

"Come here and watch the TV news." Lin Yue waved anxiously at Fan Mang, "In France, a new monster has appeared!"