Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 236: Transformers

"Sam, I'll go down in a while, you take me around." Fan Mang shouted from the window.

The guy who looked like a high school student was Sam Witwich, and the car next to him was the Bumblebee!

This is the world of Transformers, and it was not long after the first one started.

Fan Mang quickly changed his clothes and ran out. He saw that Sam was about to get a bucket to wipe the dust on the used car he just bought.

"Is this the car your father bought for you? Chevrolet, a nice car, so you must have done well in the test and got three A's?" Fan Mang asked with a smile.

"Yeah. You know, Bobby, the car salesman, told me that it's not the driver who is picking the car, but the car is picking the driver, and this car picked me, you see it has racing stripes, maybe Won a lot of races before. Well, my dad just bought me this car, I thought he could buy me a Ferrari."

"But you can't think of it. The used car dealer I bought the car from seems to have some bad luck. Today, except for this car, everything else is damaged, so I can only buy it. It cost a total of four thousand dollars. My father helped I paid half."

Although there is a big psychological gap, he finally has a car, he can drive to school, and he can ask a girl to go for a drive on weekends. It is not in vain that he begged the teacher to change his grade from B- to A-.


[Contact the main plot character Sam Witwich, start the main quest, help the Autobots, destroy the Decepticons members who came to Earth, and destroy the source of fire]

Fan Mang took a deep breath. He had just finished fighting monsters from the Pacific Rim world and was about to deal with Transformers? Fortunately, he brought a small mech ranger, which is much bigger than the Transformers.

"Sam, if you want a luxury car, you have to get it with your own hands." Fan Mang gave Sam a sip of chicken soup, "I believe that some cars do choose drivers."

"Yeah, after all, I'm not as lucky as you, and my family has left you a lot of antiques. After you sell it, you can live your life comfortably without working." Sam muttered, "My great-great-grandfather There are also some old antiques left, but no one buys them at all.”

"I remember that you sold your great-great-grandfather's glasses online. I think you have a car, and you should prepare some gas money. How about selling it to me, a hundred dollars."

"Forget it, Fan, you said that it's not worth ten dollars. We're friends, I can't cheat on you. And I'll weed the lawn or something, so I can make money for gas."

"But I changed my mind, I like some old stuff now, so sell me the logbooks, expedition logs, etc. left by your great-great-grandfather, how about five hundred dollars in total, or do you want more? "

Fan Mang reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of US dollar bills.

"Your car may also need new paint. It deserves to be more beautiful. It's not easy to date a girl like this."

To deal with many protagonists in the movie world, the banknote ability is very useful. After all, too many movie protagonists have poor characters.

"Really? Are you sure you want it, isn't it for some other reason?" Sam looked at the paint on the car, it really should be replaced. And he wants to go out with a girl, besides the car, he has to have money in his pocket, buy popcorn and soda, buy movie tickets or amusement park tickets or something.

"Of course it's true. You also know that my life is boring. Maybe I can crack the code left by your great-great-grandfather and find some treasure. Go and get it, the money is yours."

"It's more than five hundred dollars." Sam looked at the handful of money in his hand, at least more than a thousand.

"Then help me take care of the lawn when you have time. You took the money, so should I give my things to me?" Fan Mang stretched out his hand with a smile.

Sam's great-great-grandfather, who had been in contact with members of the Megatron army, had a map of the source of fire and Megatron on those glasses. But it's actually useless, because those two things have long been taken away by the people in the seventh district.

Fan Mang's request for these things is also a kind of protection for Sam, so that he doesn't have to go through those dangers, and let the Decepticons come to him.

After a while, Sam came out with a big box and handed it to Fan Mang: "Look, everything is here, maps, logs, glasses, and a pipe, all here."

"If I hadn't cleaned up the attic, I wouldn't have known that I had these antiques at home. Fan, you might actually find treasure. My great-great-grandfather was the first great captain to reach the North Pole."

"Then our transaction is completed, remember to confirm the transaction is completed on eBay. I think you should think about how to ask the girl out. It's a holiday now. If you don't hurry up, maybe she plans to go on a trip."

"How about it, do you want me to teach you two ways to date a girl?" Fa So said jokingly.

"Fan, you're much older than me, and you're not single? If I learn your way, maybe I won't be able to date a girl when I'm your age."

Fan Mang: "..."

The identity of this world is too useless, but it's okay, he has to deal with some girls he doesn't like.

Back in the room, Fan Mang didn't study any glasses or maps, but received them directly in the space, so he turned around and burned them.

Standing at the window, Fan Mang watched as Sam drove the Hornet out. There was a puff of black smoke coming out of the car's exhaust, which looked like it was about to break down at any moment.

This guy Sam should be going to meet the goddess in his dreams. With a car, he will have the courage to dig a foot in the wall.


A few hours before Fan Mang woke a certain base of America in the Middle East had just been attacked. This attack left everyone stunned.

Because the one who attacked their base was a transformable robot!

At first they thought it was just someone disguising one of their fallen gunships, but then they watched the helicopter turn into a huge robot with very ferocious firepower.

The base was completely unable to resist, and they discovered that someone had invaded the base's computer network and seemed to be downloading some data. Finally, they cut off the power supply and network cable to stop the invasion.

They thought it was some special weapon from other countries, such as Russia. This incident was reported to the Pentagon, and the Pentagon sent fighter jets to support it, which killed a machine monster.

They began to investigate, what the **** was going on, why did the other party invade the military computer network, and what were they looking for? And there are those deformable machine monsters, what are they?

However, since they stopped the other party's invasion, the other party will definitely not give up, the next invasion will definitely come, and the Pentagon must be prepared.

However, according to the investigation, that thing doesn't seem to be Russia. If Russia really has this technology and won't hide it until now, then what is this deformable big robot?


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