Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 26: I just came to buy a burger

"Hey, I finally don't have to do some logistical work, go over there!" J sat in the back row, holding Frank in his arms, with Eric sitting next to him, watching a group of colleagues pick up the bodies and clean up At the scene, he smiled very brightly, and it was more suitable for him to capture aliens.

"F, believe me, you definitely don't want to do the finishing work. Carry the corpses of the aliens with gloves, and gather the people you see together to clear their memories. The problem is that they didn't send me the memories. Clearer!"

"That's because you're not an official detective yet. Look, I have it." Fan Mang took out a memory eraser from his pocket.

J quickly put on his sunglasses: "Hey, don't aim at me, I'm not tired of this job. K, when will I be able to become a regular? I don't think I need any internship period at all, I can do this job perfectly, just now I shot an alien in the head, did you see that?"

"When you learn to shut up, maybe you can turn right." K slammed the steering wheel, and J fell into Eric's arms.

"Hey, you just wanted to attack me and steal the weapon in my hand? Believe it or not, I'll kill you?" J took out the little cricket in his hand and pointed at Eric.

Eric was about to cry: "No, you bumped into my arms. I'm working with you, you can't treat me like this."

Several of his subordinates died in front of him just now. He didn't doubt that MIB's madmen really dared to shoot. And he always felt that the two people sitting in the front row seemed to be staring at him all the time, and if he moved slightly, he might be killed.

Besides, his six hands are all wearing special handcuffs, or they are cross-cuffed, and there are also on his feet, so that he can't run fast if he wants to.

"Then you'd better tell me if there's any information to hide, it's better if Frank doesn't even know about it." J's gun was still pointed at Eric.

"I'm only in the business of smuggling out of the earth, but I also know of a route for smuggling into the earth. Perhaps the Zerg entered the earth through this route."

K glanced at J through the rearview mirror. Although this guy from the police is always chattering, he really has a good way of interrogating prisoners.

When dealing with aliens, you really can't follow the rules.

Soon, they drove downstairs to a luxury apartment, Eric pointed to the apartment and said: "Sneek lives here, 202, he is from Nami, good at changing his appearance, you be careful not to let him Ran!"

"How many subordinates does he have? Does he have any weapons?" K asked.

"I've only seen two, and I don't know if there are weapons. He must have sent more people away than me. If you catch him, you will be able to find out a lot of useful information." Eric frantically sold information about his old rivals .

Fan Mang glanced at the alien radar. There were indeed three red dots on the second floor of the apartment, but there were three more on the third floor and six on the first floor. There were not just three aliens here.

"K, when will the support arrive?" Fan Mang asked, pulling out his Atomic No. 2 gun.

"Two minutes at most. You suspect that there are many aliens here, and the two of us can't catch them? Don't worry, not every alien who sees our MIB has the courage to resist."

"And the aliens living here are not necessarily bad people, they may just be ordinary refugees or alien tourists."

K also got off the car with an Atomic No. 2 pistol, turned and held down J who wanted to get off: "You stay here to guard him, if he does anything wrong, shoot him straight away!"

"If there is danger, you can let him leave. He has a positioning device on his body. If he can't escape Manhattan, he will be beaten into meat **** by our colleagues."

"F, why don't you stay as a guard and I'll arrest someone?" J looked at Fan Mang expectantly.

"Okay, K, you take him to meet the world, I'll stay." Fan Mang felt that he was guarding outside, and he could still catch some fish that slipped through the net.

K looked at it: "Alright. Remember, don't shoot casually for a while."

J pursed his lips, not knowing who came to Eric's place, he came up and punched a hole in the house.

"F, can you let me go? I don't seem to have anything to do with me here." Frank said weakly. When he was by Eric's side, he always felt that Eric was going to bite him to death.

"It's not over yet. If you have to leave now, I'll say you ran away. By the way, Eric, do you have a lot of gold?"

"Yes, yes, I have a lot. If you're willing to let me go, I'll give it to you. Just dig out the locator on the back of my neck and open the handcuffs."

Fan Mang nodded: "So you still know a way to smuggle out of the earth, it seems like you haven't explained this before."

The smile on Eric's face froze. The MIB people are more cunning than the last!

Fan Mang suddenly opened the car door: "You guys stay in the car and I'll go buy a hamburger."

Frank looked at Eric timidly. Although the other party was already tied up, he was still scared and quickly jumped to the seat in front.

What is F doing? Isn't he guarding below? Why did he leave to buy hamburgers? Can't stand it for a while?

Fan Mang glanced at the one-way glass of the car. Others couldn't see the alien inside the He then walked to a KFC on the corner.

He patted the shoulder of a black man who had just held a hamburger and was about to leave: "Hey, please take a look at your documents."

"Are you a policeman? Why are you looking at my documents?" The black man opened Fan Mang's hand, turned around and wanted to leave.

"I'm not a police officer, it's MIB. I think you know what kind of organization this is. You'd better check your ID, otherwise, follow me back to the headquarters." Fan Mang took out MIB's ID and shook it.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I haven't heard of MIB." The black man's eyes were a little flustered.

"If you refuse to show your documents, I have reason to suspect that you smuggled to Earth. It's better not to resist, otherwise it's up to you to run faster or my gun is faster."

On the alien radar, this person is a shiny little red dot, which must be disguised by aliens.

Seeing Fan Mang take out the Atomic No. 2 gun, the black people are honest.

"F, it's unfortunate that we came here, that Snake is not at home. Hey, what are you pointing at him?" J is a little strange, Fan Mang doesn't discriminate against black people.

"J, the black man in front of you is Snake. Look at his pupils, Nami has two pupils in one eyeball. F, how did you find him?" K felt incredible, if he was not close Even from a distance observation, it is impossible to find such a well-disguised Nami star.

"Coincidentally, I just felt a little hungry and came over to buy a hamburger."

Snake looked depressed, how could he be so unlucky, if he knew this guy was MIB, he shouldn't have gone this way just now.

"Sneek, I heard that the Zerg smuggling route to Earth was provided by you? Hand over the route map and tell us how many people you have helped smuggle into Earth during this time?"
