Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 279: The energy column is lost in front of my

Once again in Chicago, Fan Mang came to the familiar breakfast shop, but unfortunately he never met Dale Spooner again. I heard that he made a contribution to the USR robot riot last time, and now he is the second-in-command of the Chicago Police Department.

Also because he has long said that robots are not safe, after that incident, he will be particularly admired.

Opening a newspaper, he read the local news. Yesterday, Spooner announced that he had caught several criminals, and he was very imposing in front of the camera.

After quietly eating breakfast, Fan Mang went to the building of the OC Group's Chicago branch to visit. The defense is not very strong, and there is no factory here. It seems that the branch only rented the office on the third floor of the building. That's it.

Fan Mang took the building upstairs with ease, but he didn't find anyone blocking him, and on every floor he saw a robot about two meters tall, looking very heroic.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?"

Someone found Fan Mang, what is this person doing at the door of our company?

"I heard that your company can install mechanical prostheses for people, I'll take a look." Fan Mang looked curious.

"Do you have a friend who needs to install it? In fact, you can apply through our website, and you may get it for free. Our company's prosthesis is very advanced, and it can be said that it is the most advanced in the world."

"We've also replaced the metal skeleton of a heroically wounded police officer who is currently working in Detroit and is now the ace of the Detroit Police Department."

"Tell me about your friend's situation first. I'll do the registration. Everyone's prosthesis must be designed individually. It's best to invite your friend to come over as well."

Fan Mang looked at the other party's very enthusiastic appearance, and said that it might be free, doesn't OC company want to make money?

After thinking about it carefully, he realized that this is spending money to gain reputation. In this way, more people can be supported, so that their robot warriors can be accepted faster, so as to get a large order from the political axe and make a lot of money.

The donated prosthetics, including the replacement of the metal body for Murphy, are all propaganda. The main reason is that the USR company was too noisy before. Many people have an instinctive resistance to robots, and even some robots that are not very intelligent are now being resisted.

Everyone is always worried, will there be another robot riot?

Fan Mang looked at the enthusiastic staff: "It's not convenient for my friend to come here. By the way, do you sell your robots? I mean the whole robot, just like the exhibit in your hall."

The staff looked back at the exhibits, and then turned to look at Fan Mang: "Sir, although this is not prohibited for sale, are you not worried about accidents?"

"Don't worry. It's just some machines, you can always turn it off, right? Besides, you have a program with security controls, right?"

"Yes, yes, we have, you wait a moment, I will help you and ask our manager."

Fan Mang just wanted to get a robot to go back and study it. He didn't understand the study, so he could hand it over to the Raptor, which is also a mechanical expert.

If you can't do anything else, it's okay to be a family nanny, right?

After a while, the staff came over and gave Fan Mang a high price. This is much more expensive than the original USR company's home robot.

"Sir, samples are temporarily unavailable. You can only customize. In fact, you can wait a little longer. The price will definitely drop after a while, and we will be able to mass-produce it soon."

"That's it, okay, I'll come back after a while, your price is indeed too expensive."

After going out, Fan Mang glanced back and saw that mass production would be possible immediately. Does this mean that they are ready to launch the production line? This means that OC has completely cracked the secret of the energy column!

Fortunately, he came, otherwise the energy in the energy column would not be wasted. What's the use of making this kind of small robot, it is really easy to use against ordinary earth people, but it is far from being able to deal with Transformers.

Fan Mang also confirmed that the energy column is not in the office of this branch, so it should be in the laboratory across the street.

After going downstairs, Fan Mang checked the time and was able to walk around for ten hours.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Karen's laboratory across the street was still lit, but the pedestrians on the street had become sparse. Chicago is the top big city in the United States, but like other cities in the United States, after dark, few people walk on the streets, and in some remote places, many people dare not drive.

A car stopped at the door of Karen's laboratory, the door opened, but no one got out of the car.

Fan Mang looked at the three-meter-high fence, his legs slightly bent, and he jumped directly over it. After landing, he walked quickly to the door of the laboratory.

It just so happened that someone opened the door, and Fan Mang jumped directly over his head and entered the laboratory.

The person who opened the door looked back, what happened just now, does it feel like a gust of wind? The lawn outside hasn't moved. Where is the wind coming from?

But he didn't find anything else, so he closed the door and left. Originally, he was supposed to work until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, but the supervisor asked him to go back early today. There must be something else that doesn't want him to participate.

This laboratory is very good everywhere, the treatment is good, and the equipment is easy to use, but he is not allowed to participate in many things. He can only do some work with low technical content, but who will pay more money, who will follow Can't get through the money?

Anyway, he didn't do anything illegal, let him get off work early, and he happened to go to the nightclub to play around.

In fact, he vaguely heard the supervisor say that there will be some experimental materials delivered today, and he doesn't know what the experimental materials are. He can't even look at them.

After Fan Mang entered the laboratory, there were still several doors inside, all of which needed to be swiped, which made him a little embarrassed. He should have obtained the card of the person who went out just now.

His plan this time is to be a flying thief and steal the two energy columns directly. It seems that the plan needs to be adjusted, and he can only be hard.

Just as he was about to start, he suddenly saw a door open, and several people hurried past him and opened another door.

Fan Mang followed directly in. After a few doors, he saw someone walking in with a car pushing a metal box.

"Dr. Norton, the things have been delivered, please take a look and sign."

Dr. Norton entered the password on the The box opened, revealing the energy column inside. After checking, he nodded at the other party and signed his name.

With two energy columns, his progress will definitely be faster. What kind of robot is the USR company? I developed a robot warrior, a robot warrior that can deal with Transformers!

Dr. Norton personally pushed the box and came to a room next door. Here, there is the same energy column, which is being connected by many devices.

Suddenly, Dr. Norton found that the box on the car he was pushing was missing, he rubbed his eyes, the box on the car was indeed gone, not dazzling.

Then he heard some movement. He turned his head and saw that an energy column connected to the equipment had also disappeared, and the lines connected to those equipment had been torn off.

Who did this, his energy column? Could it be that there are still people who can't be invisible?

Dr. Norton quickly turned on the infrared thermal detection, and the machine beeped.

"Who, come out!"