Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 334: Kryptonite theft

Sam Lane came to the secret laboratory of the base, and the person who answered the phone was so strong, which surprised him. But what the other party said really made him unable to refute. If the other party really came, how should he resist?

According to theoretical calculations, using a nuclear bomb may kill Superman, but I dare not use it. Using kryptonite can also cause damage to Superman, but apparently the two friends of Superman are not afraid of kryptonite.

The other party came together. He can deal with Superman, but how can he deal with Superman's friends?

Why are there so many people with superpowers on earth?

He could guess that Superman and his friends would soon come over and take the kryptonite from him. After all, no one wants something that threatens their life to be controlled by others, especially Superman.

Then he has to transfer kryptonite. He will not give up this weapon. At least he can threaten Superman and warn Superman not to do evil things.

"What about that green stone, the one you developed that can kill Kryptonites, what is it called kryptonite, where are they stored, and they are immediately transferred to other secret laboratories."

"Yes, General."

The person in charge of the base didn't know why, but he had to execute the general's order.

Several identical vehicles were dispatched to transport identical boxes to prevent others from being targeted. At the same time, there are many people escorting, it should be foolproof.


In a surveillance room, a bald man in a suit is looking at a screen. These are surveillance images.

So many vehicles have been driven from that base, and they are all the same. Where are the things? In fact, there is the easiest way, that is to hijack all the cars, and he will definitely get what he wants.

In that laboratory, there is something that can deal with Superman, which is really surprising. It only cost him a million dollars to get the news.

Why can Superman be able to fly and be invulnerable, why is Superman worshipped by many people, and even regarded as a god?

He wants to tell everyone that Superman is not invincible. Of course, he won't do it himself, he will find another person, who is also a superhero in everyone's eyes.

From his point of view, those superheroes are idle, seeking fame. Only when these people disappear, will human society get back on track.

"You separate, keep up with different cars, remember, don't look at anything when you get it, and control your curiosity. Drive the car to the place I designated, and you can get a huge sum of money."

"This money is enough for you to live for a long time, or even save some money. It's enough for a lifetime."

For a rich person, any problem that money can solve is not a problem. He doesn't need to come forward in person, spend some money, and naturally some are willing to sacrifice their lives.

Too many people want to get rich overnight and are willing to do many things for money. And he happened to be rich, and he was willing to spend it.

He started from scratch and founded his own group company. Although his net worth is not as good as the top ones, he actually has no less cash than those above him. His assets are not only stocks.

And he also has many profitable businesses, but no one else knows about it.

On a sparsely populated highway, a truck is driving fast, and there is a car in front of and behind the truck.

Suddenly, there was a car that was hitting horizontally in front. The car was still smoking, and it seemed to have broken down.

"Can you do me a favor? Are there any tools in the car that can help me repair the car? Or you can take me to the town ahead, and I'll find a tow truck."

"I'm sorry, we have other things to do. Here are the repair tools, you can... What are you doing!"

puff puff~~

There was a burst of gunshots, and all four people in the lead car were shot and killed. The people in the truck behind came out with guns, but they were also shot with machine guns, killing them directly.

The two grenades were thrown in front of the last car, and the four gangsters got into the truck, started the truck, and directly knocked the car in front away.

This time the matter was too simple, just robbed a car. I heard that this is the research result of a certain laboratory. They don't know what it is, but they can get 10 million dollars in exchange for driving this truck to the designated place. They have already received 1 million dollars in advance. .

Thinking that the four of them will soon become millionaires, the excitement is indescribable.

At the same time, other trucks have experienced the same thing.

Sam Lane was sitting in the office, and there was no news yet. Ordinarily, the first truck should have arrived.

After waiting for a while, he took the initiative to call and learned that the truck hadn't arrived yet. And the person who contacted the transportation again found that they could not be contacted.

Half an hour later, Sam Lane seemed to be getting old. Eight trucks, eight different routes, all disappeared.

In order to prevent being traced, he didn't even install a locator, and now he can't find the car.

The opponent was obviously staring at them when they left the base, so that they could wipe out all the teams in one go. And those who can have such a powerful strength are definitely not ordinary people.

This is definitely not a coincidence, there must be something wrong with them.

"Come on, check it out for me. Before ten o'clock at night, I must know the whereabouts of all the trucks!"

As soon as the order here ended, an unknown number called in.

"I'm Sam Lane, who are you?"

"General Ryan, you should be familiar with my voice. I think you must have found a lot of kryptonite, prepare it, and I'll pick it up later. If you don't give it, don't blame me for turning your face."

Fan Mang was sitting in the cockpit of the Raptor, he was not worried that the other party would not give it, he would really use some unconventional Since he chose Superman as his friend in this world, he must These things that are fatal to Superman are put away and must not fall into the hands of those who want to deal with Superman.

"The kryptonite is lost."

"What did you say? Are you kidding me? If that's your answer, don't blame me for being rude." Fan Mang was a little annoyed, Louise's father was really not good.

"I'm not kidding, I was going to transport kryptonite to another secret laboratory today, but it was robbed halfway through. I don't know who it was."

"Anyway, I don't have kryptonite here. I don't know who wants kryptonite and what the purpose is. If you don't believe me, just come and investigate, and I don't bother to lie about this kind of thing!"

Hearing the other party's frantic voice, Fan Mang believed it instead. Sam Lane lost kryptonite, which is not good news.

"How much kryptonite have you lost and where? I'll look for it."

"A total of nineteen yuan. I don't know where it is. I can only tell you the approximate route. There are eight routes in total. Three of them have kryptonite in the trucks. I don't know which one is."

"The locations where the eight lines happened are..."



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