Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 474: Amazonian hybrid

Fan Mang was not surprised at all about the battle between the new founder and Apocalypse. They are all known as the new Protoss, who doesn't want to be the boss? Is Heavenly Father really as good as the legends say?

What's more, it can be seen from the deeds and legends of the old gods that the Protoss has never only pursued peace, but also pursued high status and power.

Zeus, the former god-king status, was not born, but was played by strength. If God does not have so many desires, why should Zeus be the king of gods? Are other gods willing to be subordinates to other gods?

Therefore, Fan Mang had long guessed that the two forces, both known as the New Protoss, would fight sooner or later, and the peace was only short-lived. But this time is a bit too coincidental.

Both planets were damaged. I heard that many Protoss fell, but none of them hurt their vitality. At least the Green Lantern Corps did not dare to attack the Apocalypse Protoss.

The result was a temporary truce between the two Protoss, and both Heavenly Father and Darkseid were injured. Heavenly Father is cultivating, and Darkseid is also avoiding people. Then at this time Darkseid leaves Apocalypse, I am afraid that no one will know about the new founding star, and no one can really stop it.

Especially now that the two Protoss are in chaos, Kalibak has disappeared, Scott is making trouble everywhere, and Orion is looking for Scott.

Fan Mang didn't know how intense the battle between Heavenly Father and Darkseid was, but he definitely didn't try his best, otherwise he would have to die.

Maybe it won't be long before he can see Darkseid. If it is Darkseid who is injured, it will be perfect.

Kalibak and Torian have come to Earth, and Torian followed Kalibak, like a follower, but those respects are only superficial, and the heart has always been loyal to Darkseid alone.

"Torian, go and investigate the situation of the team that killed Steppenwolf and Nemesis. I'm going to find the mother box. This time, we will not only avenge the Steppenwolf, but also bring back the mother box."

Torian stood on the spot: "Lord Kalibak, I was ordered to follow you and protect you, I can't leave."

Kalibak narrowed his eyes, protecting me, he was watching me, right!

"Let's act separately so that we can complete the task assigned by Father Father faster. Don't you know that?"

Torian still stood in the same place: "Didn't Lord Kalibak bring his men?"

Kalibak's face changed, he was carrying the Doomsday Legion, did Torian know about it? Impossible, if he really knew, why didn't he tell his father?

This old guy is cheating on him!

"Of course I didn't bring my men, and I didn't have my own troops."

"Then Lord Kalibak can control some Earthlings to help with the investigation. We should not separate. Lord Steppenwolf and the Nemesis Squad have both been defeated, which is enough to prove that there are indeed strong people on Earth."

"If we can't do anything, we can leave together, ask the monarch for help, or accept the monarch's punishment."

Kalibak couldn't continue to refute, in fact, he also had some concerns here. The old guy from the Steppenwolf has been exiled for more than a thousand years, and his strength has not improved, and may even become weaker. Even the once huge army of demons is only a little bit left, but it is not easy to mess with.

He didn't pay attention to Steppenwolf, but if he wanted to kill Steppenwolf and his subordinates alone, so that Steppenwolf couldn't even escape, he didn't seem to be able to do it.

The Nemesis team is even more powerful. The super killer trained by the old lady of the kind grandma, if he is not careful, I am afraid that he will be successfully assassinated, but he also perished on the earth, and no news is sent back.

There must be masters on earth. After all, this used to be the planet where the old gods lived, so it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no inheritance left. If there is, he hopes that he can obtain that inheritance, and maybe he can become a more powerful **** and obtain a complete godhead.

"What you said also makes sense. I will find a way to get the earthlings to help us get the news. But before that, we can't relax our vigilance, and we have to check it ourselves."

Torian's eyes suddenly became empty, and his body became stiff, which made Kalibak stunned. With Torian's strength, it is impossible for them to get sick. They just pass through a space passage, and they will not be injured. What's wrong?

Fortunately, Torian soon returned to normal, but what he said made Kalibak's heart beat several times faster.

"The monarch said, let's look for a woman named Myrina Blake. Many years ago, when the monarch came to earth, he saw this woman and killed her and her children."

Kalibak looked at Torian in puzzlement: "Are you sure this is what my father said? We have known the lifespan of Earthlings before, but if it is a few decades, even if it is longevity, a hundred years will end."

"The last time my father left Apocalypse, it has been at least hundreds of years. Even if he came to Earth that time, could the women on Earth still be alive?"

And why did the father find that woman and kill that woman's child? He had a vague guess, but he didn't want to believe it.

"This is the monarch's order, I just conveyed it. Lord Kalibak, the monarch said that she is still alive, so she must be alive."

"Only one name? Where can I find it?" Kalibak muttered deliberately, looking at Torian secretly, but got no more news.

This old guy is still able to contact his father. This is something he can't do. It seems that his father trusts this old servant and is above his own son.

Why, he is the real son or the eldest son, he has paid a lot for Apocalypse, and he is also a super soldier, why does his father despise him?

"It's up to Lord Kalibak to find it, I'm just assisting."

"Bruce, what are you doing? Aren't you taking a rest today, what are you doing with your gear?" Fan Mang looked at Bruce who was dressed neatly. Batman was about to go out again?

"Help an old friend and investigate something. It has nothing to do with our Justice League, I'll just deal with it myself."

"Is your investigation efficiency comparable to that of the Raptor? Tell me, I'll let the Raptor help you." Fan Mang grabbed Bruce, "and don't forget, we may be attacked recently, so every time you go out, at least The two of you are together, you can't bring anyone with you."

Bruce stopped in his tracks: "It's really just a personal matter. If you want to know, I'll tell you. I'm so grateful for the Raptor's help. In the last two days in Gotham City, four women died, all of them killed at once. Death, and even the families of two women were killed, and the police couldn't find it out, so I'll do me a favor."

"Serial killer? Or an extermination killer? Birds of prey, gather the data, I'll see what's going on."

When he saw the information of the four dead women, Fan Mang discovered a problem. These four women all seemed to have the same name, Myrina Black.

"Master, I have collected information on several cities around, and there are also women who died, also named Myrina Black. I am now expanding the search scope, and maybe more women with the same name and surname have been killed."

Bruce's face changed, not only Gotham City, but also several cities with the same name and surname died? Then the serial killer's goal is very clear, is to find a woman named Myrina Black.

As for which one it is, he can't analyze it, because each deceased is of different age, family background, social relationship, etc., and the other party only knew the name and came to kill?

If we don't solve it quickly, I don't know how many women with the same name and surname will be killed because of this.

What worries him even more is that in such a short period of time, so many people have been killed in different cities. Either the other party is a powerful gang, or the other party is a special human being, otherwise how can it be done.

"Master, in the three days after investigation, a total of seventeen women named Myrina Black were killed, including their families, and the death toll reached forty-nine."

"I am looking for more people with the same name and surname, but judging from the time of death, the other party has no clear direction. It may be that the person with the same name and surname will be killed, so it is impossible to determine who the next target is. We have to dispatch all, more Protect some people?"

Diana just came in: "What are the three of you discussing, what to protect some more people? What should we all dispatch?"

Bruce handed the information to Diana, and Diana suddenly remembered that in their Amazons, there was also a female warrior with this name, Myrina's daughter, who was the same age as her, and they had trained together.

The other party is also a super powerful female warrior who has long surpassed the average combat power of the Amazons. She also asked when she was a child if the other party's father was also a Protoss, but unfortunately she didn't get an answer, because the other party's father never appeared.

"If the killer is not an ordinary person, I may know who he is looking for. It may be someone from our Amazons."

Bruce and Fan Mang both looked at Diana, what happened?

An hour later, together, they headed to Paradise Island, and the Raptor completed the mission.

Kalibak appeared again in front of an ordinary earth woman, and he also knew that this might not be the person his father asked him to find, but Torian still insisted on killing.

Rather kill the wrong, don't let it go!

"Hey, this is a communicator on Earth? I seem to know who we are looking for." Kalibak held a mobile phone with a short message on it.

It tells the legend of a goddess who used to be a super female fighter, but her fighting power dropped sharply because of her pregnancy, but her daughter inherited her talent and was even better than her.

Torian looked at Kalibak: "Are you sure? How to find her then? Also, don't you think this is too coincidental, could it be a conspiracy of the earthlings?"

Kalibak looked at Torian with contempt: "Can't you feel how weak the Earthlings are? Even if it's their conspiracy, what are the two of us afraid of?"

"The organization that protects the earth is called the Justice League. We have also observed some, and there are not many strong combatants, that is, the two Kryptonians are not bad."

"That female Kryptonian called Supergirl once came to Apocalypse, you won't forget it, right? And don't think I'm as bad as Steppenwolf and Big Barta, I'm stronger than them."

"If you do as I say, you will be able to complete the task given by your father. Don't you want to complete the task?"

Kalibak knew in his heart that this was a trap, but he was willing to go, and he was even ready to let the Justice League kill Torian, so that whether he succeeded or not, his father had no reason to suspect him.

"Master, I don't know if this plan will be successful or not. It's easy to see through." The Raptor said while flying them.

"Let them see through it, this is a conspiracy. The person they are looking for must be a special person. If I guessed correctly, then in terms of age, only the Amazonian is the most suitable."

"This is also the best way to protect more people from harm. It can also fish out the other party and solve the root cause."

"Diana, tell us about the Amazonian female warrior named Myrina Black."

Diana sat in the chair with memories in her eyes: "Myrina Black, once one of the most outstanding female warriors of our family, she and my mother were pregnant at about the same time, and I was the same as her child Greer. born in heaven."

"My father is Zeus, so I almost never got fatherly love. Greer is more pitiful than me. She doesn't even know who her father is and has never met her."

"Originally, like many other clansmen of the same age, I thought that Greer's father was an ordinary earthman and might have died, so Aunt Myrina didn't mention it, for fear that Greer would be sad."

"But later we found out when we were training together that Greer's strength is very powerful. Like me, she can easily complete all the hard training in all clans, and her strength, speed, endurance, etc. are far superior to ordinary clansmen, even me Doubt she can fly, but she never shows it."

"I am of a demigod bloodline and have been blessed by the Protoss, so I can become so powerful. But what about her, how could she be so strong? There is only one answer, her father is also a super strong, and she inherited the talent of her father's bloodline. "

"I guessed before that her father was probably a god, but it has never been confirmed. Later, I figured out that perhaps her father's identity is not honorable."

"However, in the specific situation, only Aunt Myrina can give us the answer. Only she knows who Greer's father is."

"Now that so many women with the same name are killed, if it's really for Aunt Myrina, then she must say it. We Amazons must protect the order of the earth, and we can't let innocent humans die because of us."

Fan Mang looked at Diana: "In your Amazon family, are there many mixed-race children? They all stayed in the family and didn't leave with foreigners?"

"In our Amazons, women hold the power, and the children born by women are of course women's. So whether it is mixed or not, as long as the children born by Amazon women are our Amazons, including me."

Fan Mang felt that he had discovered the secret that the Amazons were able to pass on for so long. Isn't it because of intermarriage with various powerful races, and then acquiring the powerful genes of others to strengthen the Amazon race.

Perhaps the current Amazons are already different from the ancient Amazons.

And why should the child born by a woman belong to the woman, and the money spit out from the ATM belongs to the person who inserted the card!

PS: Thank you Cricket Pot is a legend, China丨long for the reward, thank you

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