Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 493: Mark II

Fan Mang was lying on the hospital bed with a smile on his lips. It seems that Stark is working on a new Iron Man armor. This time it should be the prototype of the war machine, and the technology will be improved by a big step.

In terms of combat power, there should be still a gap between Victor and Victor, but it is enough. After all, Stark is dealing with earthlings at this time.

It just so happens that it takes a while for Stark to study successfully, and he can take advantage of this time to rest and pass through the period of weakness.

When he recovers, the first choice must be to let the Raptor recover as soon as possible, which is his best partner. He didn't want the raptor to sleep for too long, and the raptor didn't like to sleep every day.


The secret research and development center of the Stan Industries Group, Obadiah Stan looked at some of the wreckage in front of him, his eyes shining.

This is the tin can armor that Stark researched. With this thing, Stark escaped from the cave where he was imprisoned, and even killed the tank.

Although this record is not a big deal, Stan appreciates this design idea. The company he founded with Tony Stark's father back then naturally had strong scientific research strength.

Just looking at it for a while, you know the prospect of this product. If more and more equipment can be produced, it can definitely replace aircraft tanks and become the best weapons.

Of course, if you can create a quality product and let someone use it, it can give birth to a super soldier. Who doesn't want to be a super soldier?

"Immediately mobilize some people to come over, give this laboratory a fund of 100 million US dollars, and give me the development of this machine. If you encounter difficulties, tell me, we will solve it together, and I hope to complete it as soon as possible."

With this, he can become the most powerful man in the world, not just the richest man!

Of course, he also made a big pie for those R&D teams, telling them that if they succeeded, he would take the order of the political axe, and everyone could become a multi-millionaire!

It's not impossible to give out hundreds of millions to this group of people when you earn tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions.

At this time, Stark Industries Group became panicked, and many people moved to Stan Industries, including many department heads.

All the management who had been loyal to Tony Stark left, and the group of people under Stark, only Chili Pepper remained.

The company's stock continued to fall, and Stark remained calm. The financial media asserted that Stark Industries would soon go bankrupt, and Tony Stark, the playboy, would become nothing.

And the dude in their mouth is soaking in their secret laboratory, developing a new fusion reactor.

"Jarvis, help me deduce, can this form stable nuclear fusion energy?" Stark looked at the computer screen.

His artificial intelligence assistant Jarvis did some calculations and gave a positive answer: "Mr. Stark, according to my calculations, you succeeded."

"I knew I could succeed!" Stark slapped the table and put on a terrified expression, "Then let's start, the materials are ready, I have to replace the old battery on my chest. "

The shrapnel in his chest still can't be removed. He has consulted all the surgeons, and none of them are confident to complete the operation for him, at least not now.

So he still needs a device to absorb the shrapnel and keep himself alive. And of course, he will no longer use the "toy" modified by the car electromagnet, but will build a nuclear fusion reactor by himself, which can not only protect his life, but also serve as the energy source for his armor.

Of course, the reactor he has made now can also have another function, that is, it can be used to generate electricity.

He will create a huge reactor, just like a nuclear power plant, which is more energy efficient, safer and cleaner. This is the new energy source that Stark Industries will do next, making him a new energy source for the super rich!

Those idiots bought many subsidiaries of Stark Industries Group, including the arms company, thinking that Stark Industries would go bankrupt, but they never thought that Stark Industries would change and become a new energy company, right?

This new energy company will crush many old energy companies, and even he can make some miniature reactors as batteries, so that cars do not need to use gasoline.

The hundreds of billions of dollars lost now are just the market value of the stock. The hundreds of billions of dollars he can earn back then will all be stored in the bank, which can be withdrawn at any time, and does not need to be distributed to other shareholders.


"Stark, are you sure you want to do this? You don't need to find a doctor?" Pepper looked at the reactor in his hand, and then looked at Stark's chest.

"The doctor can't save me, but this one can. Don't worry, this is a nuclear fusion reactor of palladium, which can keep me alive and healthy. I only trust you, come and replace it for me."

After replacing the electromagnet with a glowing ring-shaped micro-reactor in the device on his chest, Stark felt that his body became more relaxed.

"How are you?"

"Very good. By the way, this old one is given to you. It is a gift from me." Stark said casually.

Little Pepper looked at the electromagnet in her hand and put it away seriously. This was the first gift Stark gave her.

"Okay, keep an eye on the company's affairs. I have other things. Try not to disturb me. Help me find Dr. Yingsen's family and give them enough money. I hope they can be prosperous for a lifetime."

After the new energy solved and also solved his own health problems, Stark began to work on the new steel armor. The equipment and materials in the cave before were really limited, and they couldn't make very good things, but it was different when he returned to his own laboratory.

"Jarvis, help me deduce whether this design is flawed, what is the power limit, and whether it can withstand missile attacks."

"Stark, this design can give you about ninety-eight times more strength than ordinary people. In theory, you can continue to improve, but better materials are needed, which will also affect the speed."

"Being hit by a missile, although you won't be penetrated, you will also die due to violent shocks and high temperature. Did you design this just for defense and flight?"

"Of course not." Stark shook his head. What he wanted to design was not a set of armor, but a super armor that could handle a variety of situations.

"I'm going to add this arc launcher to my hand. This ultra-high-voltage arc has enough lethality and can be used to slow down when I'm flying, allowing me to land smoothly. Isn't it a genius idea?"

"Come on, simulate it, I'll see the effect."

Jarvis started doing data simulations, created a data model, and started testing.

After a few simulation tests, Stark finalized the prototype, ready to produce one and test it himself.

While calculating what materials to use, Jarvis reminds him that Pepper is coming.

"Why are you here? Didn't I say don't disturb me if it's okay?"

"You haven't appeared in the company for more than half a month. The company has already started the delisting process. Our funds are almost exhausted. What about the way to make money you said earlier?"

"It's been more than half a month? Time flies so fast. We will do energy, new energy, this one, which can power the entire city for a year!" Stark pointed to his chest, "And we can Make it bigger."

Little Pepper was stunned. Such a small thing has such a large amount of energy? Stark Industries is really about to turn over, and those who leave Stark Industries will definitely regret it!

"I know what to do, I'll be ready as soon as possible, and in two weeks, we'll be completely delisted and restructured, and then we can hold a press conference to announce your new invention."

"You can't be in this lab every day, you need to rest, the doctor said your body hasn't recovered yet."

"Okay, I know my body, I'm fine now." Stark interrupted Little Pepper, "Do what you should do, and remember that some things should be kept secret. By the way, I will send it to your mailbox. I have a list of materials, you arrange for someone to send it to me immediately, I need it urgently."

Pepper knows that once he falls into the research Stark, he will not care about anything else. This is also the charm of Stark. He is not just a playboy, but also a genius.

"Uh~~ By the way, that guy named Fan, has he recovered? Have you seen anyone recently? You know who I am talking about." Stark asked suddenly.

"No, he's still in the hospital, he's still like that, there's no sign of recovery, no one has visited him, and he hasn't even made a phone call."

"I think, maybe you misunderstood him. It's Stan Industries, which has been very successful recently. Just after its establishment, it won a large arms order."

"By the way, Colonel Rhodes came to the company to look for you, but you were not there."

"Help me remember, and when I finish this, I'll invite him for a drink." Stark remembered Rhodes, and felt that he should invite him to a meal. After all, this was the one who escorted him back to America. .

That night, Pepper sent someone to send all the materials, and she knew that this was very important to Stark.

For the next half month, Stark still did not show up, just stayed in the laboratory. Eating simple fast food every day to satisfy his hunger, he spends more time doing research and building his new armor prototype.

Pepper also successfully completed the delisting and reorganization of Stark Industries. Unfortunately, Stark Industries is no longer ranked in the huge New York at this time, but Stein Industries is doing well and is ready to go public. Well, a lot of people are laughing at Stark as a prodigal.

She had to remind Stark that it was time to bring new energy to the market, let the world know Stark Industries again, and let them know what genius is.

But when Little Pepper arrived at Stark's secret laboratory, he found that Stark was not there at Fan Mang was lying on the hospital bed, and in ten days, he would be able to recover. I don't know what kind of raptors can recover at that time, and whether they can get out of a state of deep dormancy.

The little nurse walked in and looked at Fan Mang impatiently: "Do you want to go out to soak up the sun? Come on, get into a wheelchair."

Fan Mang was also helpless to be pushed into a wheelchair by a "little nurse" weighing at least 80 kilograms. He didn't like to bask in the sun very much, but it was more boring to lie in bed.

When I looked up at the sky, I suddenly saw a silver-white figure flying by.

Stark has been successful?

PS: Thank you Cricket Pot is a legendary reward again, thank you

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