Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 506: mindless hulk

The Hulk rushed out of the laboratory and ran all the way to the street, like a gorilla, rushing around mindlessly.

There was a car blocking his way on the road, so he opened the car directly, and a truck blocked the road, then opened the truck, nothing could stop the big man.

General Ross was chasing him with a car. He didn't know that it was Banner, but if he ran out of the secret laboratory, he had to be caught and brought back.

After Banner became the Hulk, he kept running. He didn't know where his destination was, but he just didn't want to be blocked. Anyone who blocked him would make him even more angry.

Until he rushed into a forest, he suddenly felt that someone was talking to him in his heart.

"Bruce Banner, wake up, don't let anger dominate your actions, you don't want to hurt your relatives and friends, right? Hulk, you're tired too, go back first."

Bruce Banner suddenly felt his body soften, and he collapsed on the ground. He also changed from the green giant form to a normal human body, but it was a pity that the clothes on his body had long since been broken into pieces.

Vaguely, he heard some clicks, but when he woke up in a daze, he only saw himself.

Looking for some branches to get a grass skirt to cover his body, Bruce Banner sat depressed on a stone, he remembered what he had done, but it was not him, how could he become so strong, and can do that kind of thing?

It looks like he also knocked over a police car and the police shot him, but he didn't have a single wound on his body.

He remembered all of these, but he couldn't remember what those words were about, as if the voice appeared directly in his heart.

Running out of the woods, stealing someone else's suit, taking a ride back to the city, back to his home, he saw the news on TV.

The images in his mind are all real, he hurt his girlfriend and caused great damage in the city, how could he be like this?

Remembering that his girlfriend was still in the hospital, he went too. Looking at his comatose girlfriend on the hospital bed, Banner blamed himself very much.

"Banner? You still dare to come? It's because of you that my Betty became like this!" General Ross appeared from behind Banner and pulled Banner aside, "Get out of here!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't control myself. There was an accident in the experiment. The gamma rays were irradiated for too long and the power was too high." Banner wanted to explain.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear this. You promised me that the experiment would be successful, but now? Your lab will be closed in the future, please stay away from Betty!"

Bruce Banner walked out of the hospital in despair. He didn't want to become a monster, but when he thought about the situation when he was reprimanded by General Ross just now, he felt his heart beat faster.

Something was wrong, he felt like he was going to be a monster again!

"Relax, use your willpower to control, think about happy things, take a deep breath." A voice seemed to sound from his heart, and Bruce Banner saw the green tendon on his arm disappear.

Fan Mang breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Touch of the Heart is still very useful, at least until Banner can fully grasp the power of the Hulk.

Of course, he was happier that he recorded how the Hulk changed back to Banner, and took several photos from multiple angles by the way. This can be kept as a souvenir. It is definitely Banner's dark history.

In the future, based on this photo, Banner can be turned into Hulk, the Hulk Hulk with extremely developed limbs.

I went to recruit Banner now, and Banner would never agree. After all, Banner still dreamed that General Ross would marry Betty to him.

In Fan Mang's view, Banner's behavior at this time was a bit licked. In fact, Banner can make greater achievements in the field of physics or chemistry. Even if General Ross disagrees, he can't marry Betty?

Whether he is willing to marry him depends on Betty's attitude, not General Ross. Well, perhaps the identity of General Ross also gave Bruce Banner a lot of pressure.

Think about Clark, who also got the general's daughter, isn't it easy to win? Banner's IQ may have been pointed to the field of scientific research, and I forgot to add points to other aspects.

But in the future, Banner will say goodbye to the creature like his girlfriend.


A week later, Bruce Banner took a shower, and when he saw his girlfriend walk into the bathroom, his heartbeat began to speed up, and at the same time, green appeared on his forehead, and he was about to turn into a monster again!

"Go away, go away, I can't control myself."

Betty ran out of the bathroom in a panic, and waited for five minutes before Banner, who had controlled her emotions, came out.

"Let's go to the lab, go to my university's lab, and I'll definitely find a cure for you. By the way, Samuel Stern, he's a cell biologist, and you've worked together before."

"It's all my fault. If I didn't stop the equipment in time, if I didn't turn up the power, you wouldn't be like this." Betty blamed herself very much.

"I have to control my emotions first, otherwise I may become that green monster at any time. Well, that monster is like my split personality. He has his own name, like Hulk."

Banner felt as if he had heard the name Hulk, but forgot how he knew it.

"The school has a psychotherapist who can find someone to assist you in treating you, so that you can learn to control your emotions."

The phone on the table suddenly rang, and Banner was startled. He felt his heartbeat speed up again. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

"Hello?" Betty answered the phone.

"Betty? It's me. Is Banner with you? Let him come over, the lab is reopened, and I'll find someone to find a way to treat him." General Ross's voice came from the phone.

"I'll send a car to pick him up right now, don't let him come into contact with other people. The damage he did was seen by many people. It took me a week to suppress the influence. Now many people want to find him, Even kill him understand? Don't worry, I will protect him."

General Ross looked at the video in front of him. Although it only lasted for more than ten seconds, it included the Hulk flipping the truck, jumping off the bridge, and bouncing off the bullet. What a perfect super soldier.

An accident, but let him see the hope of the success of the experiment.

Such fighters form a formation, which will be invincible. He will also become the first person in the military because he controls this formation, and he can even run for the general barrel. No one dares to stand up and sing against him!

Watching Banner get into the military Fan Mang shook his head, feeling that Banner's IQ was off the line at this time, and he still believed in General Ross.

Sure enough, after arriving at the laboratory, General Ross began to send someone to examine Banner, saying that he wanted to cure Banner, but he actually wanted to use Banner's blood to study the super serum.

Maybe you don't need to turn all the soldiers into green giants, you can also look like ordinary people, and the strength can be slightly lowered by a grade, enough to sweep other political enemies!

After Banner drew a tube of blood, General Ross asked the experimenter: "His skin is not much different from ordinary people? You said he can't stop bullets? Impossible, you can see how strong the big green guy is. When it arrives, find a way to turn him into that form and do research in that form."

"No matter what his identity is, he is now a research object. This research is very important. I will give you enough funds, but you must give me a result as soon as possible, at all costs!"

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