Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 564: Isn't it just a spaceship, I'll get one

"The spaceship project is suspended? No, when did you start it?" Fan Mang looked at Stark in surprise.

"Ah? Isn't it the technology you asked the Raptor to give me? It's been more than a month in preparation." Stark looked at Fan Mang, and then at the Raptor, not to develop a spaceship, so that it would be convenient to intercept and invade the earth in outer space in the future. Alien?

"I told Raptor that I can give you the spaceship technology. That is to let you improve your Iron Man armor and increase your ability to fight in outer space. Who told you to develop a spaceship?" Fan Mang laughed dumbly.

"But we really need it. I think it's better for the earth to have the battlefield in outer space. Like last time, what happened to New York is because you got the Kirita mothership, otherwise the whole New York will be razed to the ground.”

"The bird of prey can become a spaceship." Fan Mang pointed at the bird of prey, "If you want an extra spaceship, that's easy. I'll get one for you."

Stark looked at Fan Mang: "Can you get the spaceship too? Are you the legendary interstellar pirate?"

"Do you think there are no interstellar pirates?" Fan Mang asked back, "But I'm not, that stuff is boring, I don't like bullying others very much."

"We don't have many people. Let me take a look. It's suitable to get a big spaceship back. For the time being, we don't need too strong, so we don't need weapons. It's enough to fly out of the solar system. I know where to get it."

"You give me two newly developed bracelets, and I'll change the cosmic flying ring."

Stark's mouth widened. The bracelet he developed can be exchanged for spaceships? How did he not know that this thing had such a high value?

Wait, it's technology. It seems that Fan does not want to give the technology directly, but trades the finished product and lets the other party develop it by himself. The value is not equal, can the returned spaceship be used? Don't be scrapped, right?

"Wait, I can come back in a week at most, bring a spaceship, and then we will re-build the control system and add some weapons and equipment."

"Anything else missing? Shall I get some more jewelry, gold or something back?"

Stark looked at Fan Mang: "Where do you get so much jewelry and gold, even if we don't develop spaceships, we still have a gap of at least tens of billions of dollars."

"Salvage from the bottom of the sea. Have so many sunken ships in history been scooped up? So many treasures have been left on the bottom of the sea, we just let them reproduce the light, and earn some money by the way, isn't it too much? Your Iron Man armor is not Is there a scanning function, go with Rhodes, mark the location, and when I get back, take the raptor to salvage it."

"Sales or something, can you find someone to do it?"

"I know how to do it." Stark patted his head. His way of making money is still not flexible enough. Looking at Fan Mang, it is too easy to make money.

An hour later, Fan Mang and Raptor left the Marvel Universe and came to the world of Men in Black.

J was sitting in a car with a chicken taco in his hand, and his mouth was full of oil, and Frank was drooling from the seat next to him, but he could only watch.

"J, give me a taste."

"No, the doctor said, you need to lose weight, otherwise you will get sick, you are already old." J Ah Woo took another big mouthful, it tasted really good.

"But I'm old. It's relative to the lifespan of our planetary race. I'm not a dog on Earth. My lifespan is still dozens of years old. We don't necessarily have to die first." Frank said angrily.

"If F isn't here, you know that you bullied me. I helped you a lot back then. When F comes back, I will definitely sue you."

The car door was suddenly opened, and a familiar figure sat in: "What do you want to sue?"

"F, you're back!" Frank immediately jumped from the front seat to the back seat, "Did you bring anything delicious?"

"There is a kind of meat from the Kirita troop transport beast. I don't know if you can eat it. This is for you, and the other is for laboratory research."

Frank's nose sniffed, it was definitely edible, and it smelled good.

"J, a movie for you. There is also a new set of clothes that I can only wear by myself." Fan Mang also took out a gift for J.

J tugged at the fabric of his clothes and raised his eyebrows. This was much stronger than the fabric he was wearing, with better elasticity and stronger defense, and his survivability could also be greatly improved.

"You still understand me. Why did it take so long to see us this time." J put away the gift, stuffed the rest of the chicken roll into his mouth, and squinted at Frank.

Frank held his box and looked at J defiantly, I also have gifts, or the meat of alien creatures, you can't eat them.

"I got something good, and I plan to change the spaceship with MIB." Fan Mang said calmly.

"F, there's no need to exchange it with MIB. I'll introduce you what you want. Just get me something delicious." Frank said quickly.

"Hmm!" J grabbed Frank's head, "Did you forget MIB's rules? You are MIB agent now, don't do anything illegal. F, it's simple, I don't think Agent C will refuse. Yes. If you wait a few more months, I can decide."

Fan Mang's heart moved: "J, congratulations."

"Hahaha, it hasn't been finalized yet." J has an irresistible smugness on his face. C has already talked to him, and he has agreed. In a few months, C will no longer be the boss of MIB. But also continue to serve as the ace agent adviser, and he will become the new boss of MIB.

J's car drove fast and returned to the headquarters in no time.

"Do you want a spaceship? Just fly out of the solar system? No weapons and equipment?" Detective C looked at Fan Mang, "What do you want to use? For your friends to escape?"

"Then you don't have to worry about it. In short, it won't violate MIB's rules. I'm still wearing a black suit." Fan Mang deliberately sorted out the uniform of the man in black that he transformed into with a super suit.

"By the way, this thing is for you, let me study it, you can equip each agent with one. Although the power is not particularly large, it is better to carry it with you, and it can not only emit high-voltage arc pulses, but also change It is very practical to form a glove, protect the arm, and enhance the strength of the hand at the same time.”

After Fan Mang demonstrated it, Agent C fell in love with this equipment.

"Is there no blueprint? I'm afraid it will take a long time for those people to crack it. You must have the blueprint, give us the blueprint, and I will give you a spaceship with weapons, and the one that flies farther is fine."

They just captured a medium-sized warship a few days ago, which MIB does not use. After forming an alliance with several top forces, no one will come to Earth to make trouble.

Either it is not strong enough, or it feels that it is not worth attacking the earth and angering those big forces. Moreover, a medium-sized warship cannot fundamentally improve the space combat effectiveness of MIB.

It is better to change the technology and improve the strength of the entire MIB, which is more cost-effective.

"I'm sorry, I don't have the technology, and I don't need those particularly powerful weapons."

Weapons or something, can't you develop and install it yourself? Why buy it?

"F, since you have already sent this, we will be able to develop it sooner or later. How will it affect you if you don't give the blueprints? And on that medium-sized warship, there is a star-rated main cannon, death light cannon, although it can't Killing a planet with one shot, even a satellite, has excellent penetrating power and is very powerful in battleship battles."

"Let me show you the video data. This is a simulation of the power of that main gun. You see, if this gun is fired, several big cities will disappear in an instant, and its power is greater than that of a neutron bomb."

"And you can adjust the power. For different targets, the maximum power can kill Australia in one shot. It's definitely very powerful, you deserve it."

Fan Mang squinted at Agent C, how could he feel like a salesman? So good, why would MIB change it to him, there must be shortcomings!

"Let's talk about the shortcomings."

"The disadvantage is that this cannon is fired at full power, and the recoil is relatively large. I'm afraid the spacecraft will also disintegrate." Detective C sneered.

"That is to say, you sold me a one-time weapon, and it may also destroy the spaceship I really want to buy? I haven't done anything to be sorry for MIB, right? You want to trick me like this?"

"How can this trick you? You can remove the main gun. Installing it on a space station can definitely deter intruding enemies, but the cost is a bit high." Agent C's voice became smaller and smaller.

He has calculated the cost, at least tens of billions of dollars, which is too expensive. The construction of the global underground train has cost MIB a huge amount of money. They really have no money, at least they won't be wasted on such one-time consumables.

"Let me go to the arsenal and choose two more powerful weapons." Fan Mang made a condition.

"No problem, then it's settled, it must be all technology, you can't hide it."

Entering the arsenal of the headquarters, Fan Mang began to look for weapons. According to MIB's usual routine, generally large and powerful.

"I want these and this one was given to me by you." Fan Mang picked out two gun-like weapons, and finally picked up an Atomic 12 pistol, which he could give to me. Natasha used.

Agent C nodded: "Okay, I gave it to you. Let's go and see your spaceship."

When he turned around, Detective C breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, F didn't find the most powerful weapon, it really couldn't be traded.

Fan Mang looked at the spaceship in front of him, the size of which was equivalent to a football field. If it wasn't for the expansion of his space, he wouldn't be able to take it with him.

It seemed bigger than he wanted, but it could hold more. The energy consumption is relatively high, no problem. The big deal is to let Stark build a giant reactor on it, which is absolutely enough.

"Yes, I'm very satisfied." Fan Mang nodded and agreed.

"That's good, I won't bother you. I'll give you a pass so that you can leave. But can you tell me which loophole you come in from every time you come?"

Fan Mang looked at Detective C with a smile: "Goodbye."