Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 58: flicker away

On a rooftop, Fan Mang just got his feet on the ground. He was startled when Hancock rushed towards him just now and flew up in his arms.

He didn't know if he would be thrown to death or not, but fortunately Hancock didn't have this idea, he just found a place where he could have a good chat.

"Hancock, my code name is F, I'm a senior agent of MIB. Our MIB is an organization specializing in dealing with aliens on earth. On this earth, you are not only an alien, do you remember that talking dog? ?"

"You said that dog is an alien?!"

"That's right, he's an alien. Have you seen any other talking dogs? His name is Frank, my friend, and he likes cigars and chocolates. What happened last time was a misunderstanding."

"Are you hungry, do you want something to eat?" Behind Fan Mang's hand, he took out a cold hot dog and a bottle of Coke.

Hancock turned to look behind Fan Mang: "Where did you put all these things before?"

"I know a little magic, it's not interesting to reveal the secrets of magic."

Hancock didn't care whether the hot dog was cold or not, and took a big bite: "Can you make alcohol? My head hurts a lot and I need a drink to relieve it."

Fan Mang shook his head: "Drinking can only make you paralyzed, but it can't really cure you. Our MIB's medical methods are much stronger than you think, and it will definitely cure you."

"You're one of the most powerful aliens I've ever seen, and you look so much like a terrestrial. To be honest, you look a lot like my partner. When I first met, I thought you were J, You're kidding me."

"You are also very strong and strong. No one has ever knocked me down head-on. Are you also an alien? We come from the same place?" Hancock gestured.

"I'm from the earth. For some special reasons, my strength and speed are much stronger than ordinary people, but I still can't compare with you. Have you tried how strong you are?" Fan Mang was very curious and wanted to know whether he and Han How big is the gap between aliens of Cork's level.

Just now, he was able to hold a stalemate for a short time with his skills, but his physical strength was very high, but Hancock didn't seem to be tired. If he continued to fight, he might soon be crushed by Hancock on the ground.

"I haven't tried it, but I have lifted a stack of containers with one hand. There should be more than a hundred tons."

Fan Mang clicked his tongue: "Then you didn't use too much force when you fought with me just now?"

"I just wanted to hit you, but I didn't want to kill you. I wanted to control my power, but I couldn't. How did you control your power?" Hancock was also troubled. Once he jumped from the roof of a building. Come down and step two deep pits directly on the ground.

"Training. When my strength first started to increase, I wasn't used to it, but I didn't increase as much as you did. Why are you able to fly? Are you born with it?" This is what Fan Mang wanted to know the most. Problem, he also wanted to fly.

"I don't know, maybe it's born, I can fly when I want, don't all aliens do?" Hancock put the remaining hot dogs into his mouth and unscrewed the coke.

"I've seen people who can fly and those who can't. There are many powerful aliens, and many are weak. Do you know where you came from?"

Hancock shook his head: "I don't know. I woke up one day and was on a park bench. When I think about it, my head hurts. Later, I found out that drinking alcohol doesn't hurt anymore."

"I never even knew I was an alien, I thought I was just special. What about you, have you ever seen an alien like me and know where I came from?"

"Go back to the headquarters with me, and you can find out where you came from." I don't know if there is a similar genetic map inside the organization.

One night, Fan Mang stayed on the rooftop, chatting with Hancock, and kept talking non-stop. If you can fool Hancock to do it with him, you will not walk sideways on the earth in the future!

Recruiting such a powerful thug for the organization, will he be able to get a promotion? The only downside is that Hancock and J can't be distinguished by their looks in the future.

At dawn, Fan Mang made a phone call and went downstairs with Hancock. When I got downstairs, I saw a familiar taxi.

"F, who is this?"

"He's Hancock, and I'll take him back to headquarters. Hancock, this is Sarinka, also an alien, working for MIB. Sarinka, I've packed your car this morning, show us around Los Angeles, I'll invite you to dinner at noon, and we'll return to headquarters in the afternoon."

On a business trip to Los Angeles, Fan Mang also wanted to go shopping. I don't know when I will have a chance next time.

Sarinka is like a tour guide. While driving, he skillfully introduces them to the surrounding attractions, as well as the changes in the past 30 years. He has been driving taxis in Los Angeles for more than 30 years.

They also went to the clothing store. Fan Mang bought Hancock a new suit. After the haircut and shave were done, Fan Mang was in a trance, too much like J.

When it was time for lunch, Sarinka parked near a restaurant.

"This is a famous restaurant in Los Angeles. I'm friends with their chef, and I got a table."

Hancock glanced at Sarinka, a taxi driver, can he be friends with the chef of such a top restaurant?

Before entering the restaurant, Fan Mang habitually turned on the alien radar, but found not only two red dots beside him, but also a red dot not far in front. He probably understood how Salinka reserved the seat. .

As soon as he sat down, he started serving the appetizers. After the main dish came, the chef came over to say hello.

"F, are you satisfied with my craftsmanship?" The chef looked at Fan Mang nervously. He didn't want to offend the big man in MIB, he just wanted to live comfortably on earth. Except for missing my hometown occasionally, everything else is fine.

"Nothing special, right?" Fan Mang wiped the corner of his mouth.

"No, it's all ingredients from the earth. I just work here, which is different from Wu Ke in New York."

"That's good, the taste is very good, thank you." Wu from New York, is that Wu Yuan?

"Thank Then take it easy, I'll have this meal today."

Hancock asked in a low voice, "Why is he afraid of you?"

"Maybe he thought I was here to arrest him. In fact, we will not take any measures against aliens who obey the laws of the earth."

Hancock was satisfied with the answer: "I'm looking forward to your organization more and more."

He was eating dessert, looking around casually, and suddenly found that a man and a woman had just come to the table next to him. He inadvertently looked into the woman's eyes, but found that the other party's eyes were a little flustered, and instantly avoided it.

What's going on, why does he feel a familiar feeling?

The woman took the man's arm: "Lei, let's go, I want to change to a restaurant."

But Lei helped his wife Mary open the chair: "Why? You said last time that you really wanted to come to this restaurant, and I managed to get a seat. Sit down, let's order."

"Hey, excuse me, do we know each other? I think you look familiar." Hancock looked at Mary.

Ray looked at his wife: "Mary, is this your friend?"

"No, Ray, I don't know him. This gentleman, I'm having dinner with my husband, please don't disturb us?"

"You must know me, I can see it in your eyes. Tell me, where did I come from and why can't I remember the past?" Hancock said loudly.

Lei stood in front of his wife: "Sir, please be more respectful to my wife. Waiter, someone disturbed our meal here."

Fan Mang was a little surprised when he saw that Hancock's mood suddenly went out of control, but he suddenly thought of something. After turning on the alien radar, he thought he knew what was going on.

Thank you Feng for giving Wuhen the reward, thank you. Are there any referral tickets?