Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 591: arctic battlefield

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Infinite Earth Guardians!

Jane Foster, who was a little confused, was sent away like this. She even forgot about the aether and didn't remember that she had entered Asgard.

"You used magic to make her forget something?" Sol looked at Fan Mang, he was still a magician?

"You said yes, but it's better for her, isn't it? Everyone check their equipment, this time there is a big game."

"Hey Pi, you stay with Potts to prevent someone from stealing things here after we leave." Fan Mang thought for a while, the combat effectiveness of the two of them was average, and it must be difficult to adapt to Mars when they went to Mars. protect them.

"Raptor, bring the satellite, and launch it as soon as it arrives at the periphery of Mars to provide electronic signal support for Stark and others."

"There are only two satellites, not enough, maybe not in the best condition." The Raptor can be used as a signal relay station, but then it can't participate in the battle.

The power of the cursed warrior is stronger than that of Thor, so the Raptor and Hulk will become the main force.

"It doesn't matter, I can control myself to fight." Stark's main task this time is to control other armored robots and suppress the dark elves' troops.

"Well, I want to say, maybe your plans have to change." Happy said weakly, "It was detected that a spaceship appeared near London, there should be a space channel there, and the dark elves have come. already."

"Everyone, the plan has changed. We are going to fight on Earth. Let's go. Raptor, guess the best place to fight." Fan Mang and others boarded the Raptor's cabin, including Xiao Chili and Hipi.

"I think I can deal with some minions." Pepper looked at Stark.

"Arctic, this is a place big enough and sparsely populated. I have informed the scientific expedition team in the Arctic to evacuate as soon as possible, in the name of the Guardian Alliance."

At this time, in some scientific research stations in the North Pole, some people saw strange pictures appearing on their computers. Who hacked their computers?

Is that a spaceship on the screen? Like it's over London?

"Everyone, here in the Guardian Alliance, there are aliens invading the earth, we will transfer the battlefield to the Arctic region, please evacuate the personnel in this area as soon as possible. Repeat, there are aliens invading the earth..."

In the Raptor's cabin, everyone was discussing how to bring the dark elves over. There can't be a fight in London, right?

"Isn't that simple, just let him feel the ether particles." Fan Mang took out the tube storing the ether particles, and even gave the raptor two electric shocks, so that he could always be sensed by Malekith, right?


"Earth people, you need to surrender to the great Malekith!"

The dark elf's spaceship came to Earth through the twisted passage of space. As soon as they arrived here, it was announced that the earthlings would surrender to the dark elves.

The crowd below was rioting, and many dark elf warriors jeered. Conquering such a weak race, they don't even feel a sense of accomplishment.

However, they did not attack rashly, suspecting that the Asgardians made arrangements here, and their more important task was to find the ether particles.

Malekith had already sensed it, and with just a gesture, the spacecraft turned around.

At the same time, the dark elves have united some powerful races and are joining forces to invade Asgard, and battles have taken place on the borders of Asgard.

They want to hold back the Asgardians so they can't go to the atrium to support them or attack their world. Convergence of celestial bodies is a rare opportunity, and they must seize it.

A war broke out in Asgard this time, and Heimdall and others all participated in the war, including many female warriors. This time they must completely deal with the dark elves and avenge Frigga!

Odin sat on the throne of Asgard, holding his spear of eternity in one hand. He knows that his side is not the main battlefield, but the other side of the earth.

If Malekith gets the ether particle, he can only try to perish together, but then Ragnarok will come early, and Thor has no chance of winning at this time.

Thor didn't know his father's thoughts. Odin didn't tell him many things. He only knew that now he needed to solve the dark elves and protect the ether particles from being taken away.

The battleship was seen in the distance, and the dark elves had come!

"Fan, they're here, I'm going to deal with that cursed warrior, I have experience." Thor shook Thor's hammer.

Fan Mang patted Sol on the shoulder: "No, Sol, you said that you are at a disadvantage in terms of strength, then you should join hands with us to deal with Malekith. They have Cursed Warriors, and we have Hulk."

Banner stood at the door of the cabin. The cold wind outside ruffled his hair. He looked at Fan Mang helplessly, opened his arms, and jumped directly from the sky.


A large crater was smashed out of the ice, and a green giant crawled out of the crater, roaring at the dark elf ship.

In the dark elf's spaceship, Malekith looked at the hundred warriors in front of him: "The ether particles are on that spaceship, or on someone's body. They hid, but they never left this space."

"To take back our sacred relics, the entire Nine Realms will return to darkness, and the glory of our dark elves must be guarded by ourselves. To destroy those people, first occupy the atrium, and then go to destroy Asgard!"

The cabin opened, and the warriors of the dark elves flew out from inside, flying towards the spaceship transformed by the raptor.

The Cursed Warrior jumped out of the spaceship and was about to jump up to catch the raptor when a green figure fell over.

Hulk aimed at the cursed warrior, and after throwing down the opponent, his fist rained down on the opponent's face. But soon the other party counterattacked, punching Hulk in the face and kicking Hulk out.

This time, Hulk became even more angry, he hammered two punches in the chest, and rushed towards the cursed warrior.

The cursed warrior was also angry. After he was infected by the power of the cursed stone and turned into a cursed warrior, he never lost in power, even the leader Malekith couldn't compare to him.

But just now, he was beaten under his body, unforgivable!

Seeing that Hulk can wrestle with the Cursed Warrior, Sol has a clearer understanding of Hulk's strength. It was better that he could concentrate on dealing with Malekith, the murderer of his mother!

However, there are still about a hundred people on the other side, and they are at an absolute disadvantage in numbers. Can they win?

Stark buckled the mask of his armor and opened his arms: "The show is on!"

More than 30 Iron Man armored robots flew out of the Raptor's cabin, each of which looked different, led by Tony Stark.

"All robots, targeting dark elves, attack freely."

Rhodes and Pepper also rushed out in armor and rushed towards the warriors of the dark elves.

Fan Mang glanced at it. Basically, they were all above LV40, but none of them exceeded LV45. A very strong warrior, but not too strong.

Especially those dark elves are armed with cold weapons. Although they may be special weapons of the dark elves, they lack long-range attacks, and they were suppressed by Stark in an instant.

"Raptor, go to help Sol, Clint, you also go to support, I will quickly solve these guys."

Fan Mang didn't want Clint to steal people's heads here. Clint's bow and arrow were too accurate. They were more penetrating and point-killing than Iron Man's armor and weapons.

"Don't you need to help Hulk?" Natasha looked at Hulk, who was attacking with the cursed warrior, and was a little worried. Hulk has no weapons, he just attacks with his fists, which is a bit of a disadvantage.

"No, you and Hipi are here to help, and I'll give Hulk the armor."

Fan Mang rushed to Hulk and threw the half-body armor that Sol had sent over to Hulk who had just been kicked by the cursed warrior: "Put on the armor and protect yourself."

With a sweep of Hulk's arm, he swept away the half-body armor that Fan Mang had thrown over. He was not interested in wearing any armor, so he was going to hammer the dark guy to death.

Fan Mang put away the armor again. Well, the Cursed Warriors fought with their fists anyway, and Hulk's defense was not bad, so the two of them continued to work hard.

Hulk, who was in anger, was not easy to persuade.

Then don't care, go and help kill those soldiers first, and then harvest a wave of experience points.

Fan Mang was about to start when he saw a figure flying over quickly, he reached out to catch it, and Sol looked embarrassed.

He thought that Malekith was not good at strength, and that he could take advantage of the Thor's Hammer, but after the fight, he realized that although Malekith was not as powerful as the Cursed Warrior, he was faster, and he always carried some The uncomfortable aura seemed to make his physical strength drain faster.

If the bird of prey had not come to help just now, he would not have been shot, but stabbed.

"Sol, you are the **** of thunder and lightning, don't you just have such a little ability?"

Thor shook Thor's hammer: "I will defeat him and avenge my mother!"

Seeing Sol rushing over again, Fan Mang suddenly dodged from the spot. A dark elf appeared where he was standing just now, and the spear in his hand pierced deeply into the ice.

Fan Mang suddenly rushed back, and the big sword swept across, directly severing the dark elf along with the weapon.


A missile exploded beside Fan Mang gestured towards the sky with his **** after jumping away. Stark raised his eyebrows, it seems that the attack accuracy of the armored robot needs to be adjusted.

However, the dark elves can avoid the lock of the missile, so a faster weapon is needed to kill.

The number of dark elf warriors more than doubled, and Stark had to be distracted to take care of Chili Pepper, but with more skillful armor manipulation skills, he hit a dark elf warrior and watched the other party lying on the ground.

But he suddenly found that Fan Mang suddenly appeared, and pierced the chest of the dark elf he was about to fill with a shot.

What do you mean, worried that my weapon won't kill you?

Fan Mang, no matter what Stark thought, he kept on rushing to kill, cutting off the dark elves one by one, either the waist or the head, no one could block his sword.

Malekith also saw that his subordinates were dying in large numbers. He was furious and threw a small round object at Fan Mang. Fan Mang suddenly felt the corners of his eyes jumped wildly, dangerous!