Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 663: give the address to Thanos

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Infinite Earth Guardians!

Hulk became Banner again, shirtless. Natasha took a piece of clothing from somewhere and put it on Banner.

"Let's go first, we have to restore the glaciers here, otherwise it will affect the ecological environment."

Raptor, Stark, and Natasha stayed, and the others left with Fan Mang.

An hour later, everyone appeared on the spaceship brought by General Dead Blade and brought a lot of ingredients.

Everyone is busy together, having a barbecue and chatting.

"Can I touch it?" The little spider looked at Rocket Raccoon, and it must feel very good, right?

Rocket glared at the little spider: "Boy, I'm old enough to be your grandfather, be polite! Also, don't touch Groot."

The little spider retracted his hand embarrassingly. This rocket raccoon looked too much like a stuffed toy.

"Rocket, don't scare our little friend. He's our new member, shouldn't you give a hug and say hello? This is basic courtesy." Stark leaned over and stood up for the little spider.

The little spider immediately understood and opened his arms: "I'm Peter Parker, nicknamed Spider-Man, nice to meet you."

Wow~~It feels really good in the hand.

It's a pity that after hugging for two seconds, he was pushed away without touching his head.

When hugging Groot, the little spider regretted it, and this body was too hard, like a tree stump.

"Hahaha, isn't it hard?" Drax laughed. Many people who saw Groot and the Rockets for the first time wanted to touch them.

"Here, try this meat skewer I grilled. It's a six-legged beast from Kalila. It's very muscular."

The little spider turned to look at Stark, and Stark nodded: "Don't worry, the raptors have checked the things they brought out, and they are harmless to us earthlings."

The little spider just tasted it, and then his eyes lit up, and he ate both bites: "It tastes like sausage, but it tastes better."

"Hahaha, eat as much as you like. There are others over there. They use different seasonings, and they all taste good."

The most satisfying thing to eat here is Hi Pi. He is very interested in those alien ingredients, and he eats his mouth full of oil. Fan Mang also specially asked Drax to ask for some ingredients, which he planned to bring back for his family to taste.

There was old jazz music on the spaceship, and Star-Lord danced awkwardly there. Except for Gamora's smile, everyone else was helpless.

"Star-Lord, there is so much new music on Earth, don't you want to listen?" Stark couldn't help asking. Xing-Lord's ability to appreciate this is something I really can't agree with.

"I guess this music represents his happy time in the past, the time when his mother was there." Fan Mang came over and patted Stark on the shoulder.

Stark was silent, he could understand the feeling. After Xingjue got over his addiction to dancing, Fan Mang waved at him.

"What's the matter, Fan, do you want to dance too?"

"Star-Lord, Gamora, I have something to talk to you about, about Thanos."

The smile on Gamora's face disappeared instantly: "What do you want to say?"

"I think you know Thanos very well, you helped Thanos find the Infinity Stone, and you even know where the Soul Stone is hidden."

"Based on what you know about Thanos, do you think Thanos will come to you and ask you to help get the Soul Gem back?"

"I will protect her, no one can hurt her in front of me!" Star-Lord put down the beer glass.

"Star-Lord, I believe that you protect Gamora's heart, but can you really deal with Thanos? The General Dead Blade and others we dealt with today are just one of Thanos' subordinates. They dare not resist Thanos, You know how terrifying Thanos is, his strength is definitely not weaker than Egg, and he doesn't have Egg's weaknesses."

Star-Lord's face changed, they killed Egg, and it was also a trick, otherwise even if a fleet arrived on Egg's planet, it would be destroyed.

The body of a creature is a planet, which no one could have imagined before, but Thanos' strength is not weaker than Egg?

Gamora grabbed Star-Lord's hand: "In my opinion, Thanos is much more terrifying than Egg. Not only is he stronger in combat, but he also has many subordinates and a lot of technological equipment."

"Fan, what do you mean by these, want me to tell you where the soul gem is, will you take it first?"

She knew that Fan Mang was also collecting Infinity Gems, but she didn't know what Fan Mang was going to do to collect gems.

"No, I won't go get the Soul Gem." Fan Mang stared at Gamora's eyes, "because I know that to get the Infinity Gem, I have to sacrifice the soul of the person I love the most."

Gamora was taken aback, she didn't tell anyone about this, how did Fan Mang know? Could it be that Fan Mang had also been to Vormir Star and had seen the guy with the red skull?

"You don't have to think about how I knew it. If you can find it, someone else can find it. And I also asked Rocket to warn you to be careful, just to worry that Thanos will catch you and exchange it for the soul gem."

Star Lord looked at Fan Mang: "What do you mean, Thanos' favorite person is Gamora? Impossible, he is not so good to Gamora."

"Star-Lord, have you forgotten about Yondu? Can you deny Yondu's love for you? To be fair, none of us are absolutely good people. We have all killed many people."

"How was your reputation with Gamora before joining the Guardians of the Galaxy? Thanos raised Gamora for so many years, are you sure he has no fatherly love for Gamora?"

"Do you dare to take this risk?"

Star-Lord was silent, of course he didn't dare. Once you lose, what you pay is your lover's life.

"So there is a high probability that Thanos will come to you and catch Gamora. Maybe Nebula is already looking for Gamora. She is one of the people who knows Gamora best."

"If you want to live, then I have a way. You don't have to face Thanos now, you can always be at ease."

"What way?" Star-Lord blurted out.

"Tell Thanos the news that the Soul Gem is on Vormir, and let him go get the Soul Gem."

"Don't worry, except for Gamora, Thanos doesn't have a loved one, but he does. If Thanos wants to get the Soul Gem, he can do it."

Fan Mang has always wondered, if Thanos really loves Gamora, why he must sacrifice Gamora, maybe this is what Thanos calls fair.

Anyway, to destroy half of the intelligent creatures in the universe, and let his daughter die first, can also show his determination.

But if Gamora can't be found, or it's inconvenient to find it in a short time, Thanos will definitely let his subordinates get back the Soul Gem. As for whose life is sacrificed, Thanos doesn't care.

Anyway, in the end Thanos will come to Earth with two Infinity Stones, which is simply a door-to-door delivery.

Gamora once thought of this method, but did not dare to use it. She worries that Thanos will get more Infinity Stones and become stronger and invincible.

But looking at Fan Mang's appearance, he seemed very confident. But from her point of view, Fan Mang and the others might not be the opponents of Thanos.

"Fan, I understand your good intentions. You are here to save me, and you treat us as friends. But I want to remind you, don't think that killing General Dead Blade, Ebony Maw and the others will underestimate Thanos."

"I don't know if you have faced Odin in his heyday. The strength of Thanos is definitely not weaker than Odin in his heyday. No one can beat him."

"Once he gets the Soul Gem, he will definitely come to Earth to take other Infinity Gems in person. With his strength and the assistance of two Infinity Gems, you can't stop him."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Fan Mang nodded, "But if we don't do this, will Thanos let the Earth go? I gave him the Infinity Stones, don't you know what he's going to do? Would you like to? Are you surrendering your life to destiny?"

"What's more, we have already killed the four generals of Thanos, and also killed the Qi Ruita army. Thanos and us are already mortal enemies."

"And what if Thanos has two Infinity Stones, we have four. As long as he doesn't collect all six Infinity Stones, he's not invincible."

"Don't you want us to kill Thanos and avenge the people of your hometown and your biological parents?"

Star-Lord also looked at Gamora nervously, and he was worried that Gamora would say no. He could feel that Gamora had a deep fear of Thanos, but also a strong hatred.

"But are you sure? Your weapons may not even be able to break through Thanos' skin. Thanos hasn't shot for a long time, but his body is at its peak, and his combat effectiveness is unmatched. With the power gem and soul gem, he has no weaknesses."

"When you bring Thanos here, you can only bring disaster. Why don't you let him come when he only has a gem, so that there is more chance of winning."

"Because I'm also collecting Infinity Stones." Fan Mang admitted frankly.

"But you can rest assured that I am not trying to dominate the universe, nor have I ever thought of destroying half of the population of the universe. My body cannot withstand such a powerful backlash."

"I just want to protect the earth, protect my hometown. With six Infinity Stones, no one will dare to attack the earth again."

Of course Fan Mang wanted to get it in order to upgrade the system and complete the task of the system. He always felt that when this task was completed, he could get a great reward.

"Gamora, this news, only if you send it back, will it be easier for Thanos to believe it. You can also negotiate conditions with Thanos, such as leaving him forever."

"You can even use this news to help your sister Nebula, she is actually a poor person just like you."

"As for the way to deal with Thanos, I will think of it. When necessary, we will use the Infinity Stones."

After the evolution of the Raptor, it can resist a more powerful backlash. At that time, with four Infinity Gems, it can definitely stop Thanos.

If you can steal the other two Infinity Gems quietly, it will take a snap of your fingers to destroy Thanos.

"Star-Lord, persuade Gamora, if you don't want her to be hurt."

Five minutes later, Gamora and Star-Lord came over: "We are going to fight and help you kill Thanos together!"